
Igor Kharlamov: biography, personal life. Top movies

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Igor Kharlamov: biography, personal life. Top movies
Igor Kharlamov: biography, personal life. Top movies

Video: Louis de Funès | Change from childhood to 2018 2024, June

Video: Louis de Funès | Change from childhood to 2018 2024, June

Igor Kharlamov is a famous showman, TV presenter and actor, who became famous thanks to the Comedy Club television project. Only one mother calls Igor one of the brightest participants in the popular show, everyone else prefers to call him Garik or Bulldog. What is known about this talented young man, the owner of a great sense of humor?

Igor Kharlamov: childhood

The future artist Comedy Club was born in Moscow, there was a joyful event in February 1980. Few people know that initially Igor Kharlamov was named Andrei, bore this name the first three months after birth. The child was renamed after his grandfather died, the parents decided to name his son in his honor. Interestingly, the deceased grandfather during his lifetime was famous for his amazing sense of humor. It is not surprising that almost from the cradle the grandson began to make people laugh, having succeeded pretty much in this matter.


While still a preschooler, Igor Kharlamov entertained members of his family with humorous performances, the scripts of which he invented on his own. He did not give up this habit and became a schoolboy. Garik repeatedly had serious conflicts with teachers, since not all of them found his jokes harmless. Bulldog's favorite lessons were literature and history, the hated ones were all the rest. Once it came to the point that the future famous showman was expelled from school, to which the boy’s mother reacted philosophically, promising to find another.

Life in the USA

The father of the star Comedy Club divorced his mother when the child was only a few years old, then moved to the States. It was there that the teenager Igor Kharlamov went when he was still expelled from school for bad behavior. The first months of life in Chicago became a real test for the young man, since he had not studied English before. However, the Bulldog quickly mastered a foreign language, learning to joke on it.


At age 16, Garik became a student of the famous school-theater "Harendt", being the only Russian. As a student, he constantly played in amateur productions, most of which were musicals. A busy study schedule did not prevent Kharlamov from earning money at McDonald's, and he also happened to be a seller of mobile phones. After graduating from Harendt, Igor returned to Russia, because he did not see any prospects for himself in the States.

Comedy club

Returning from the USA, Igor Kharlamov dreamed of entering the theater institute. Bulldog's biography says that his mother dissuaded him from this intention, convincing his son to become a student at the University of Management. Garik was not carried away by training, but quickly became a member of the local team. During the 7 years that Kharlamov devoted KVN, he managed to change several teams: “Jokes aside, ” “Moscow team, ” “Not the golden youth.”

Gradually, Igor wanted to achieve something more, so without any hesitation he joined the number of participants in the new Comedy Club show, the idea of ​​which belonged to Gasparyan and Sargsyan. Suddenly, the project gained a lot of fans, everyone who spoke in it became stars, including Kharlamov - one of the most prominent residents.

Filming in movies and TV shows

Of course, Igor Kharlamov could not resist trying his hand in other areas. Garik was not embarrassed by the lack of specialized education when he was first offered to star in a movie. A small role Bulldog received in the film "The Executioner". Fans also have the opportunity to see a star in episodes of such famous TV shows as “My Fair Nanny”, “Sasha + Masha”, “Touched”. In addition, Igor was offered to play Nikita Voronin in the popular show “Who is the boss in the house”, but his employment in other projects forced him to refuse.


Perhaps the most famous film project of Kharlamov as an actor is “The Best Film”. The parody received very mixed reviews from critics, but the box office showed the success of the picture with the audience. It is not surprising that there was a sequel, in which Garik also starred.

In addition, fans have the opportunity to admire their idol in such films as “Moms-3”, “Happy New Year, Moms”.