
Andrey Dovgopol, host of the program "Country answer": biography and interesting facts

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Andrey Dovgopol, host of the program "Country answer": biography and interesting facts
Andrey Dovgopol, host of the program "Country answer": biography and interesting facts

Our hero today is the TV presenter of the popular TV show "Country Answer", which aired on NTV on Sundays, Andrei Dovgopol. The young man has been working on this project for more than five years, but on television he is much longer. Cat he, what he loves and what is fond of? How do colleagues and viewers respond about it? You will learn about this from the article.


Eccentric and charismatic handyman

People tend to perceive everything new with hostility and speak out negatively about those who do not fit into generally accepted patterns and frames. Andrey Dovgopol is a host who is guided by non-standard techniques in his work. He broadcasts brightly, lively and enthusiastically. This is what distinguishes Andrei from his colleagues. In addition, he is a great professional in his field, because he is well versed in modern trends in interior design and garden plots. The young man is well versed in the market of building and finishing materials, which helps him a lot in his work.

The beginning of his career on the national NTV channel was not successful; after the first release of the program with his participation, a flurry of criticism fell on the editors. Many did not like the new TV presenter's manner of speech, the way he gestures and dresses. The leadership did not follow up on the discontented, and Andrei Dovgopol remained on television. Moreover, soon the audience appreciated the guy’s ability to present the material.

Now many are interested in his biography. Andrey Dovgopol is a well-known and recognizable person, but there is not much information about him. Basically, this is data directly related to his professional activities.


"Country answer"

The program, in which Andrei Dovgopol is engaged, has existed since 2008, it was then that the first show of its first release took place. The essence of the program is that a team consisting of a producer, designers, masters and a presenter, in the eyes of the audience, will re-equip one of the premises at the cottage of the participating heroes.

In the course of work, the presenter communicates with the owners of the house, participates in repairs, and then presents the lucky ones their new home. It seems that everything happens very quickly and smoothly, the repair goes without a hitch, and the heroes leave their home for just one weekend, and returning, they can enjoy the updated interior. In fact, the team has to work on one project for weeks, and sometimes even months. In this case, the leader is directly involved in each issue. Filming at different sites takes place at the same time: “Country Answer” is a weekly program, and therefore there is a lot of material to be prepared, which is conducted by host Andrey Dovgopol with pleasure and extraordinary inspiration. The guy’s biography is closely related to the project, because he gives his work almost all his time.


Who is Andrey?

At the dawn of participation in a high-profile and recognizable project, Dovgopol gave an interview to his channel’s correspondents. The journalist then asked him a question that interests many fans and critics of the presenter so far: “How did you get into the project?” Note that this is really curious. Andrei laughed it off, saying that he had "smiled luck on all thirty-two teeth." However, to know reliably who or what became his luck, alas, is impossible.

Rumor has it that he has an influential patron who promoted him to the famous show, he is also associated with the official Alexander Dovgopol, who believes that Andrei Dovgopol is the son of a Moscow politician. But according to official figures, the official has only a daughter.

Andrei himself was already a host before that, however, for some time he left television. Having returned, the guy did not immediately become a star of the screen, but for some time starred in programs as a worker.


Lead Biography

The presenter’s birthday is October 28, 1985. There is information that Andrei is from Ukraine, however, she has not received official confirmation, and indeed raises doubts because the guy received higher education in St. Petersburg. There he graduated from the Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, where he studied journalism. Even before the end of the alma mater, Andrei Dovgopol became a TV presenter. At the age of 18, he hosted a morning show on a local channel.

The air began at seven o’clock in the morning, so it was necessary to get up early, but, having awakened his audience, the guy went to study or work again, and sometimes money came with great difficulty. He had to sell batteries in the St. Petersburg metro, often write articles in newspapers and magazines. These pages of his history were opened to fans by Andrei Dovgopol himself. The biography of the young man is rich in various projects. Having received a diploma, he went to conquer Moscow, where he got a lead on the Manor Stream channel. In this field, Dovgopol tried himself for several years, as a result, he even managed to create a production studio, he shot a movie, but, alas, was not able to fully realize his projects.

From 2009 to 2012 Andrew completely changed the vector of activity. He traveled, helped create an Internet channel for avid fishermen. At this time, changes took place on the personal front - the guy fell in love, he again knew the taste of life and gained strength before the next success, which nevertheless came to him in the form of an offer to participate in the “Country answer”.


Family, parents, wife

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find any reliable information about the personal life of the TV presenter, it is not known whether he has a relationship with anyone, children, or who his parents are. Andrei Dovgopol himself does not spread about this side of his life, answering journalists' questions rather vaguely. As we have already said, there are rumors about his family ties with one of the politicians, but in fact there are no relations between them.

Personal options

In social networks, several Dovgopol fan clubs have been created. These are amateur pages that the host himself does not oversee and does not support, therefore, photos and other publications are made by participants in such communities.

Many criticize Andrei, but he has just as many loyal fans. Pretty blonde guy like girls. Many are simply in love with a talented presenter. Note that Andrei Dovgopol, whose growth is above average, has good physical data: he is thin, handsome, has regular facial features and luxurious hair. In addition, the young man has his own unique style in clothing. The guy dresses in casual style, which especially attracts a young audience of viewers. Although there are critics of such a dress code who believe that the host of the popular Sunday show should look more restrained and respectable.


This awkward moment…

But most of all, Dovgopol gets it not for his informal style of clothing or long hair and not even for the fact that he gestures quite actively when he tells the public about the upcoming or done work at the facility, but for his burr.

Many of the regular viewers demanded that the channel’s administration remove the host, the diction of which leaves much to be desired, however, the NTV leadership apparently has its own point of view on this matter, and Andrei Dovgopol continues to work on the project for more than five years.

In addition, burr is now something like a highlight of some stars of show business, their trend, and the host of the “Summer Project” is one of them. He broadcasts so brightly and vividly that he literally fills all the space, brings brightness and dynamism to the regular repair program, which is proved by the consistently high ratings of his show.
