
Steve jobs: quotes, sayings, phrases that inspire

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Steve jobs: quotes, sayings, phrases that inspire
Steve jobs: quotes, sayings, phrases that inspire

Video: STEVE JOBS QUOTES: The Apple co-founder's famous quotes 2024, July

Video: STEVE JOBS QUOTES: The Apple co-founder's famous quotes 2024, July

Stephen Paul Jobs is a man who inspires millions of young people around the world to find their way. In a life full of ups and downs, he was able to create a legacy, become one of the greatest innovators the world has seen. Read on for tips and inspirational quotes from Apple founder and Pixar.


Jobs about believing in yourself

Steve Jobs is a recognized motivational speaker. Here are Jobs quotes in English with translation about stamina and ability to overcome difficulties. Expulsion from college, constant job search and living in poverty, but Steve continued to search for himself. He was kicked out of the company, which he himself founded, but this did not give him a reason to surrender and remain ordinary. Steve Jobs quotes in English (in the original) are provided to readers to avoid translation inaccuracies.

I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.

I am convinced that about half of successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful ones are separated by perseverance.

Walking hand in hand with risk, private enterprise brings many challenges and obstacles. And this quote from Jobs cannot be true, because in the world of business it is the one who will not allow failures to break self-confidence, who will perceive them, rather, as a motivation to move on, is most likely to succeed.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

Understanding that one day you will die is the best way to avoid the thought trap that you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow the call of your heart.

Being an entrepreneur means taking risks, quitting your usual job for the sake of something more, investing money. Jobs motivates to do as his heart tells, because that's how he achieved success.

Never give up

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

Do not let the noise of others 'opinions drown out your inner voice (from Jobs' opening speech at Stanford University, 2005).

This is a quote from Jobs about trusting yourself and opposing other people's opinions, which are not always useful, and often pulling into the abyss of doubt and uncertainty. It is worth listening, because sometimes we don’t notice what a bad influence others can have.


Steve Jobs. Quotes about life

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Push yourself. Thirst for knowledge, take risks and do not stop trying to achieve what others cannot and do not expect from you.

I think the things you regret most in life are the things you didn't do.

I think the things that you will regret the most in your life are those that you have not done.

How many of you hate your job, but are too attached to it? How many years must it take for something to change and you finally regretted the time wasted?

We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?

We are here to leave a mark on the universe. Otherwise, why are we here?

What will happen after your death? What do you leave behind? Jobs assures us that we are all here for something great.

You need to work not 12 hours a day, but with your head.

The most precious and free resource is time, as Jobs said. Yes, everyone has 24 hours a day. Are you using them correctly? This Jobs quote about work and time will help you find the right course.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

The only way to do a great job is to love it. If you did not find her, continue to search. Do not give up.

Jobs quotes about work basically come down to one thing: do what you love and do it efficiently, put your heart and soul into it. After all, to be a truly successful person, you need to be happy. And to be happy, you need to spend a huge amount of time at work and crave to spend more. Jobs said: "You are going to spend a decent part of your life at work, and if you don’t like it, one day you will either leave or burn out. Do not waste your time, find your calling and invest all of yourself."

I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what's next.

I think if you have done something very good, you should immediately do something else, beautiful, do not stop there for a long time. Just figure out what to do next.

Continue to evolve continuously, constantly move forward and never stop there.


Leadership concept

It is impossible to do great things alone, Jobs was always sure.

Obviously, to complete a large amount of work, one way or another you will need to recruit your team and, as a true leader, lead it to success. You can’t do it alone with great goals.

As an entrepreneur and leader, you must be true to your words. Your employees and subordinates will lose respect for you if your actions will radically differ from promises. Remember, to create an environment from which you expect excellence, as Steve Jobs said, you yourself must be perfect.

Only innovation distinguishes a leader and a follower. Anyone can be a manager, but to be a good leader, you should never be afraid to share and convince others, to inspire your ideas. If you want to be an outstanding leader, you need to be able to share your creativity and charge others. And you will need to work with your staff to support your ideas until they help solve the problem or improve what you do.


5 Essential Jobs Tips To Help Change Your Life

Summarizing Jobs’s quotes, we have come up with some basic tips for you:

  1. Choose to be a leader, not an investigator. Once and for all, forget the phrase: "This is not my work, this is not my responsibility." You may not be in a managerial position now, but this advice will come in handy. Always look for new ways to solve problems.
  2. Nurture leadership. Yes, educate. This is not just a slogan. You must choose quality and leadership in every project, in every detail, in every telephone conversation. Nothing should seem insignificant and unworthy to be brought to the ideal.
  3. Higher and farther. Steve Jobs never stopped there. He never said: "Well, all the other people give up here, so I think I won't go any further." No, he was always ready to go the extra mile to be further than he was yesterday.
  4. Love what you do. One of Jobs’s simplest and most famous quotes about work is: “You need to love what you do. You spend most of your life at work, so you’d better choose something that will bring you pleasure.”
  5. Do not let anyone and anything stop you.

We think you know that Jobs created the company from which he was fired? It's true. He turned Apple from a small idea into a huge empire and lost everything. There is a funny thing about people whose brain is set up for success - they find it everywhere. When Steve was unfairly fired from Apple, he came to the then small company that you may have heard about - Pixar. And then her success began to grow, as on steroids. This means that only you can allow yourself to be a failure. Circumstances, unfair treatment are all part of life, but we determine our fate. Do you allow these difficulties to change the course of your life? No! You must move forward no matter the circumstances. And remember that successful people show themselves, no matter what.


Trace in human history

By the end of the article, read the quotes about Steve Jobs after his death and make sure that he left a bright mark after himself.

"Steve, thanks for being a great mentor and friend. Thanks for showing that the work of your hands can change the world. I will miss you!" - these are the words of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.

Steve Jobs was a great friend and adviser. His legacy goes much further than his inventions or enterprises. It will be millions of inspired people, the life that he has changed, and the culture that he has defined. Steve was just an original with a creative and creative mind that defined the era. Despite everything he achieved, it seemed like he had just begun. With his departure, the world lost a rare person, Disney lost a family member, and I lost a great friend.

So said Bob Iger, CEO of Disney.

Today we have lost one of the most influential thinkers, creators and entrepreneurs of all time. Steve Jobs was one of the greatest CEOs of his generation. And although I am deeply saddened by his passing, I am delighted to think of the incredible contribution he made to the way he uses media and entertainment. My heart is with his family and all the people who have had the opportunity to work with him to realize his ideas.

These are the words of Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corp.
