
Andean - which countries? Andean countries: climate, resources

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Andean - which countries? Andean countries: climate, resources
Andean - which countries? Andean countries: climate, resources

Video: Climate change and agriculture in Central America and the Andean region 2024, June

Video: Climate change and agriculture in Central America and the Andean region 2024, June

Andean countries are Andean Community states. It was formed in 1969 by six countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Colombia and Chile.


Currently, this group functions as a customs union. A common customs tariff has been introduced, and a general trade policy is being applied to other states.

Geological structure and minerals

The Andes are the greatest mountain system in the world. The length of the mountain belt is 9000 km, in height they are second only to the Himalayas. 20 mountain peaks exceed a height of 6 km, and the highest point - the volcano Aconcagua - reaches 6, 960 m.

The mountain ranges, in parallel rows outlining the coast, are chains of volcanoes. Volcanoes of South America are active, they periodically wake up and pour lava, which fills intermountain troughs and valleys, forming high mountain lava plateaus.


The minerals of this part of the continent are confined to the intermountain troughs and foothill depressions of the Andes. Andean countries are distinguished by the fact that they have large reserves of rare minerals. Minerals such as copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum, tin, etc. are mined here.

Having examined the geological structure, we can say what kind of mineral resources the Andean countries have. The resources of Latin American countries are very diverse. In the mountains there are such natural resources as gypsum, veins of coal, salt, mercury, gold, platinum, silver. All Andean countries can boast a sufficient supply of precious and semiprecious stones, such as amethysts, topazes, agates, etc.

Climate of the Andean countries

The Andes are a huge mountain system, the components of which differ from each other. For convenience, the Andes were divided into four physical and geographical countries, which are united by a number of features.


The Andean countries of Latin America are warm southern states, but their climate is slightly different from each other.

Northern Andes

On the territory of these mountains are: part of Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia. This physical and geographical country includes: the Caribbean Andes, the Andes of Ecuador and the Northwest Andes.

The climate here is equatorial and subequatorial. The amount of precipitation on the Pacific coast reaches 8000 mm per year, in the interior there is less rainfall, but there are no dry periods. Toward the east, humidification decreases, only summer-green light forests grow on the lower parts of the mountain slopes, but wet gileas begin at an altitude above 1000 m.

On the inner slopes, the amount of rainfall is less, so there are only summer-green or hard-leaved forests here.

Central Andes

They are conditionally divided into the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes, because the territories of these countries are located in this part of the mountain system.

The Central Andes differ in a rather dry climate. The driest part is the Bolivian Andes. The amount of precipitation does not exceed 300 mm per year. But starting from an altitude of 3500 m above sea level, the amount of precipitation increases, therefore, potatoes, barley and other cereals are grown here. All major cities are also at this height.

The average temperature during the year is + 20-23 ° C. In the summer, in this part of the Andes it is quite warm, + 18 ° С, in winter the temperature is + 15 ° С. On the Pacific coast, temperatures are lower.

Subtropical Andes

Almost entirely here is the territory of Chile. In the northern part of the mountains, the amount of precipitation is very small - 10 mm per year. Here is the Atacama Desert.

South of the desert, rainfall increases to 1, 500 mm per year.

The average temperature in January is + 22 ° C, in July - from + 12 ° C to + 18 ° C.


In the part where rainfall allows, temperate rain forests grow. As precipitation decreases, hard-leaved forests and shrubbery appear, which passes into the desert.

Patagonian Andes

This part of the mountain system is the lowest and most fragmented. About 5, 000 mm of precipitation falls annually on their western slopes, and the temperature in summer and winter is + 15 ° C.

On the western slopes, the amount of precipitation decreases to 1, 500 mm, and the average annual temperature rises to + 20 ° С - + 24 ° С.