
Angelina Jolie and Jared Leto - chemistry lessons

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Angelina Jolie and Jared Leto - chemistry lessons
Angelina Jolie and Jared Leto - chemistry lessons

Video: Wonderful Alexander Scene ~ Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie 2024, July

Video: Wonderful Alexander Scene ~ Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie 2024, July

Rattle, so on a grand scale! And the more unpredictable, the more "fried" facts the journalists pick up, the less likely they will be forgotten, which is unforgivable.

So all the stars who do not plan to leave the clear sky argue. After the scandalous breakup with Brad Pitt, a free woman, Angelina Jolie, had already "nearly married" an Arab millionaire who wanted to remain incognito. And now another story, whirlwind picked up by the ubiquitous media, is a novel by Angelina Jolie and Jared Leto.


From winter to summer

Perhaps Angelina got bored … Marriage is a systematic series of monotony, a kind of freezing of relations, and Angie probably does not fit this. Unstable, hot, in an eternal struggle with herself. Well, which of her is a housewife … Brad resigned himself, let her go. They were heated, they even seemed to want to reunite, but life in Hollywood does not let you get bored. So much work, projects. Friends you forgot …

They say that Angie, having divorced Brad, almost that very evening already cried into her waistcoat … the lead singer of the band Thirty Seconds to Mars. A long-time friend, Mrs. Jolie likes it so much. “It’s not my friend’s call, there is a reason, I’ll type Jared …”, apparently, the inconsolable Angelina reasoned.


After the divorce, Pitt was not surprised by the close communication of his ex-wife and musician, all these years he raged with jealousy when he heard the name Leto from the charming lips of his wife.

Back in 1999, they met on the set of "Interrupted Life", and in 2004, Jared Leto and Angelina Jolie worked on the set of the film "Alexander", where Angie played the mother of the great commander, and Jared - his friend.

They found much in common in each other. But then the flashed romance brought nothing to either one or the other. But the friendship did not end, the conversation did not fade, Jared was always ready to listen to her.

Mr. perfection

They are both crazy. And if everything is serious with them, then Jared Leto and Angelina Jolie will look good together - an icon of style and one and the other. Jared is an avid fashionista, and knows how to wear clothes, a paradox: no matter what he puts on, everything suits him. Impeccable black classic suit + milk-colored heels (non-fat version). Emerald coat + pink jeans = very elegant! He even in women's clothing is strikingly attractive and beautiful. A talent breaking out like a cloud envelops Jared, and if he is in burlap, he will look just as perfect.

Jared is cunning that he wears what is convenient for him. But hard to believe. The details are thought out.



You need to be prepared for the fact that their romance will not work out. Not a single marriage was at Jared Leto. Angelina Jolie has already survived three marriages.

He is already 45, and he has never been alone for long: Cameron Diaz, Scarlett Johansson, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears … The list is very long.