
Ani Lorak ruthlessly ravaged ex-husband-cheater

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Ani Lorak ruthlessly ravaged ex-husband-cheater
Ani Lorak ruthlessly ravaged ex-husband-cheater

At the beginning of 2019, it became known that the singer Ani Lorak divorced her husband. As it turned out, the main reason for the collapse of the family was misunderstanding and betrayal of her husband - Murat Nalchajioglu. However, as it turned out later, the man’s fun cost him too much, because the ex-wife ruined his business with a flick of the wrist.


About business

During the entire time that Ani Lorak was officially married to Murat, Nalchagioglu opened his own business - the Kiev Famous night club, as well as a karaoke bar, which was visited more than once by concerts by world-famous stars. It is worth noting that these places have sharply become popular among the youth of the capital - they were mass visited and money was always spinning here.


By the way, as it turned out later, just before the divorce, it was in these places that Murat was actively having fun with his girlfriends, cheating on his star wife. This fact was recorded by journalists.

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Why the business broke up

Despite the fact that the Famous club and the karaoke bar owned by Murat were very popular places, apparently, they brought relatively little money. As practice has shown, some of the costs associated with their functioning had to be covered by Carolina herself, who invested the money earned by her as a result of concerts.

It so happened that, being the spouse of Murat, Ani Lorak nourished these establishments in every possible way, but, after their family life went downhill, she stopped doing this. As a result, the business turned out to be unprofitable - incomes could not cover all the necessary waste.


Both the karaoke bar and the Famous club were closed in turn, and Murat lost the main part of his income, which replenished his bank account for five whole years.

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However, after some time another version of everything that happened was also appeared. According to her, the businessman’s wife, having filed for a divorce, demanded that he sell both establishments, and divide the proceeds in half. Currently, Ani Lorak herself does not comment on this situation.
