
Anna Serdyukova: actress and lawyer all rolled into one

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Anna Serdyukova: actress and lawyer all rolled into one
Anna Serdyukova: actress and lawyer all rolled into one

Anna Serdyukova is an unprofessional actress. She was born on February 11, 1983 in Moscow, graduated from school in 2000, and entered the Moscow Law Academy at the Faculty of Law. In 2007 she graduated, acquired the specialty "Civil Law". For some time she worked in the Investigative Committee. Currently working in the Moscow College of Lawyers.


Anna Serdyukova starred in two television projects - in one of the main roles in the series "Prosecutorial Verification" (2011 - 2014), where she played Olga Karavaeva and the film "Ment in Law 8" (2013), in the role of Lyudmila Suprunenko. The girl acquired a considerable army of fans, admiring her talent and expressive external data.

Social activity

Anna Serdyukova has several pages on different social networks - Instagram, popular among young people, where she has few followers and about 10 publications, and on VKontakte, where the girl most actively shares her photos and posts with subscribers. The most frequent publications are congratulations on holidays, including professional, legal ones. Anna enjoys communicating with her fans - in a group created by fans, she answers all questions that arise from subscribers. In particular, most girls are interested in the personal life of the actress, the probability of filming in other projects.


Anna practically does not give interviews, one of them is about working on the series "Prosecutorial Verification", which was published in Moskovsky Komsomolets.