
Anna Zholobova - a girl who died from anorexia

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Anna Zholobova - a girl who died from anorexia
Anna Zholobova - a girl who died from anorexia

Anna Zholobova, whose photo is presented in the article, passed away at the age of 21. What is she famous for, and why are VKontakte pages of her memory still being created? For many, it has become a symbol of the struggle with extra pounds and a model of willpower. Together with her twin sister Maria, she vowed to remain thin and not to exceed 35 kg in weight with an increase of 170 cm. She managed to lead many people along, becoming a real “anorexia icon”.


About the disease

Anorexia is a syndrome that has been actively talked about for the last 30 years. With a huge amount of food and in the complete absence of restrictions, a person breaks eating behavior. He practically refuses the use of important products for life. The problem lies in the field of psychiatry, because the patient has a distorted idea of ​​his own body, an imaginary perception of him as being excessively thick, unattractive, even if his cheekbones and collarbones protrude. “I feel like a fat creature, ” Anna Zholobova wrote in a blog post. Anorexia became her problem two years before her death, when she was 19.

The most dangerous age for the development of the disease is from 12 to 24 years. The psyche at this time is unstable, and one incorrect word of an outsider is enough to lead to a refusal of food. The causes of the disease lie in three areas:

  • genetic predisposition;

  • psychological and family problems;

  • social environment.

What is known about Anna’s life and the causes of the disease?


Biography Pages

Sisters Maria and Anna Zholobovs were born into an ordinary family in the city of Kirov. This happened on May 14, 1990. They grew up very developed and active girls, dreamed of a singing career. It all started with the fact that a male photographer, being 10 years older than girls, criticized Anina's ribs, on which cellulite appeared. She decided to overcome this problem by taking her own sister as an ally. Both girls, weighing at that time about 55 kg, decided to lose weight at the same time. On VKontakte, they created a group of people who want to lose weight by collecting more than 2 thousand subscribers. On the page was published the diary of Anna Zholobova, where she posted videos and photos, gave advice to those who are losing weight. Sisters taught how to count calories, shared a diet, and demonstrated their own achievements. There was no question of physical education, two methods were used: fasting and cleansing. In the second case, drugs were used that caused the gag reflex after eating.

Anna managed to lose more than 20 kg, her weight reached 32. This is the lowest rate ever. Sister did not lag behind. Slender legs protruding clavicle, a waist of 50 cm - this enthralled Anna. She felt extraordinary lightness and shot a video in which she performs a dance of joy. Today it can be seen on the YouTube channel. But tough restrictions still did not work. One day Anna got on the scales and found that all her achievements had disappeared. The arrow stopped at 44 kg.


Suicide attempt

What did Anna Zholobova do? The girl’s biography could be interrupted even then, in 2011. The whole point of her life was weight. She considered herself a traitor who had forgotten about the oath - not to gain more than 35 kg. And fat ugly, unworthy to stay in this world. A sister from the kitchen that day heard the window frames open and there was a roar. Anna stepped through the opening down from the height of the fourth floor. And miraculously survived, escaping with multiple fractures and concussion. The girl spent seven days in intensive care. Then she recovered for seven months, experiencing infernal pain after a fracture of the pelvis, collarbone and ankle.

This incident became the property of local media, the whole Kirov region found out about the girl. This really made the sisters famous, their number of followers increased.



On September 13, 2011, Live broadcast was dedicated to the problem of anorexia. This syndrome affects many girls in developed countries. Maria Zholobova, who at that time weighed more than 50 kg, was invited as a guest. She seemed to cope with her problem, which was facilitated by the tragedy of her sister. Invited guests and doctors unanimously reiterated how good Maria looked in new proportions. And the beautiful Victoria Lopyreva drew everyone's attention to the fact that "a thin cow is not a gazelle yet." Fighting overweight, girls acquire forms that are far from perfect. But anorexia is a syndrome in which patients do not understand the degree of danger of the disease. And they can’t stop.

5 to 20% of deaths due to mental problems are associated with anorexia. Suicide is the second most common cause of death. Anna Zholobova, who was talked about a lot in the program, appeared in the studio to declare her desire to lose weight again. She does not like weight over 40 kg. She shared her feelings of former lightness and did not want to admit how much her health was already undermined. The problems were reminiscent of hair loss, hormonal disorders that appeared. The girl was distinguished by a strong will and ability to influence people. This leads many to admit that anorexia is one of the ways to assert itself.



After Maria’s transfer, neither Maria nor Anna stopped torturing themselves with diets. Everyone was interested in the position of the parents. The girls did not deny that they were against the experiments of the sisters, but they did not show persistence in the fight against the problem. The tragedy in the family happened after the death of his father. Maria today is forced to admit that her sister began to get addicted to alcohol after this event. Having recently experienced breathing problems, February 17, 2012 Anna Zholobova just did not wake up in the morning, suffocated. It was Maria who was the first to discover her, at first in no way connecting her sister's death with anorexia. But doctors say that the syndrome gradually leads to an unviable state of all organs. Most often, victims of anorexia die due to heart failure, but breathing problems often occur.

After the death of his sister

The Kirovites were shocked when they learned that after the death of her sister, Maria again decided to lose weight by the summer. She saved her web page and continued to communicate with the group. The girl promised to completely refuse food in order to bring the body "back to normal." In the photo you can see Mary herself and the results of her efforts. The last interview with the girl appeared in 2014. Her weight again exceeded the 50 kg mark, and she said that she had problems finding a job. In addition, the apple-kefir diet is a serious test for a girl who loves and knows how to cook. Having abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a singer, the girl announced her desire to learn how to cook.


She admitted that anorexia is a serious problem that her sister, Anna Zholobova, could not handle. The girl herself said that she began to lead an ordinary life, met her beloved man. Her interests are the drama theater, the CSKA team, of which she is a fan. In an interview, Maria warned all losing weight about the possible tragic consequences of their steps.