
Pools in Zhukovsky: Meteor, Aquamarine, Aero-Fit

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Pools in Zhukovsky: Meteor, Aquamarine, Aero-Fit
Pools in Zhukovsky: Meteor, Aquamarine, Aero-Fit

Sport has long and firmly entered modern life. Among the variety of sports facilities, the pool is gaining more and more popularity. Water helps relieve stress accumulated during the day, and a uniform load allows you to strengthen all muscle groups, improve breathing and the cardiovascular system.


Pools in Zhukovsky

In this city, pools are located in three sports clubs operating in a convenient mode.

To choose the best pool, it will not be superfluous to read reviews on the Internet. Visitors to forums will advise which pool is best and what you need to bring with you.

However, for a better score, you can visit the club yourself. In all pools of Zhukovsky you can buy a subscription for a one-time visit. It is important not to forget that before visiting the pool you need to get a certificate from a doctor.

FOK "Meteor"


For a long time, the residents have known the Meteor fitness center in Zhukovsky. The opening of the pool in the sports complex took place in August 2015. It immediately gained popularity among the local population, thanks to reasonable prices, the possibility of a one-time visit and the large capacity of the bowl. It is also important for visitors that the services have classes with a trainer in both children's and adult groups.

Thanks to the opening of the Meteor pool in Zhukovsky, residents have the opportunity to professionally engage in swimming, both independently and under the guidance of a specialist. The pool does not have additional functions, such as hydromassage, backflow and much more, so it is ideal for lovers of active swimming throughout the session.

The bowl is divided into 6 tracks and has a size of 25 by 16 meters, which allows you to simultaneously engage in a large number of people. You can swim daily from 07:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

The Meteor pool in Zhukovsky is located in the sports complex of the same name at 3 Pushkina Street.



Another popular swimming pool in Zhukovsky is located in the Aquamarine fitness club at 4 Lyuberetskaya Street.

The pool is equipped with a convenient entrance with a depth difference of 0.2 to 2 meters. In the bowl there are hydromassage zones, a counterflow, underwater geysers, a waterfall and a jacuzzi.

The latter is a unique combination of vertical and horizontal water supply, which allows you to activate the metabolic processes of the body and relieve chronic fatigue.

The size of the pool allows not only to swim independently, but also to conduct classes in water aerobics.

Aquamarine is the warmest of all pools in Zhukovsky. The water temperature is 28-29 C. This allows you to comfortably engage in swimming even in the coldest time of the year.

The pool is open daily from 08:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.



Residents of the city can swim around the clock in the pool of the Aero-Fit fitness club, located at 4 Stroitelnaya Street, Building 4.

The temperature of the water in the bowl is always maintained in a comfortable, for the human body, thermal regime. A complex multi-level system is used for cleaning, which guarantees compliance with sanitary hygiene standards.

The bowl is equipped with a countercurrent, a geyser and a waterfall, this allows you to relax after a long day of work and recharge your batteries, which is ideal for those who need to relax and get rid of chronic fatigue.

For lovers of outdoor activities in the pool, individual and group classes in swimming and water aerobics are conducted. Trainers of the center will teach beginners different swimming styles, and aerobics instructors will help to lose weight. It is important that the classes are held not only for adults, but also for children.

For classes in groups, an appointment is required.