
Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory: reviews of people who moved to permanent residence

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Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory: reviews of people who moved to permanent residence
Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory: reviews of people who moved to permanent residence

What is the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory)? Feedback from people from other cities who moved here is mostly positive. We will try to highlight the main features of this region that attract people here for permanent residence.


History of the city

It was founded in 1862. The population is about 104 thousand people. There is a railway station. 124 km from Krasnodar is located the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory). Feedback from people who moved to permanent residence from other regions is positive. People note the convenient location of the city, the presence of the nearest airport in Maykop.



What so attracts people to the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory)? The reviews of Muscovites who moved here are associated with its unique location. It is located between the rivers Belaya and Laba, in the fertile valley of the North Caucasus mountain range.

In the 19th century, a fortress was built here by the Kuban Cossacks, the villages of Guria, Belorechenskaya, Pshekhskaya were laid. What is currently attracting Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory) for living? Feedback from citizens who have moved here agree that there are a lot of resources in this area that allow you to run your own agriculture.

It was rich natural resources that contributed to the rapid development of the region. In just a few years, a fortress was built here to protect the settlement from the invasion of enemies. And now the villages are constantly growing, and the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory) has significantly increased over the years. Reviews of people from other regions who moved to a permanent place of residence agree that living here is much more comfortable and cheaper than in the capital.



The hardworking Cossacks erected an Orthodox church here. Trade in forest, game, and agricultural products contributed to the establishment of trade relations between the inhabitants of this region and other regions of the country.

In the Belorechensk region there were difficult times associated with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks. During the period of "red terror" the Cossacks were destroyed, established trade relations were destroyed.

The situation has changed for the better after the victory over the Nazis. What is the modern city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory)? Responses moved about the city only positive. Its new residents note a diverse economy, the presence of a furniture factory, a dairy plant, an oil extraction and forestry complex, and brick factories.

The city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory) has an excellent location. The reviews of people who moved here confirm that the choice was made taking into account a convenient railway access. The district has its own hydroelectric power station, thanks to which the tariffs in the city for electric energy are quite low.

What else is so attractive for the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory)? The reviews (who moved here from the northern regions of Russia, do not regret it) are associated with a comfortable climate. The museum of local lore located in the city has unique exhibits on the nature of the region. In the forests there are a huge number of oaks, the wood of which is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of quality furniture.


Climatic features

What else attracts new residents of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory)? Reviews of people who moved to permanent residence about the climate are the most positive. People celebrate comfortable weather. Winters are warm, as the climate is continental, temperate. In the summer, the region is warm and humid, which is ideal for those who are allergic to low temperatures.

Historical values

What historical sights does the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory) have? Reviews moved about life in the city are associated with numerous mounds of 14-15 centuries. The local museum houses a unique collection of weapons and jewelry found in ancient burials.

Residents of the city are proud that some of the exhibits found in the Belorechensk mounds are presented at exhibitions of the Hermitage. The remains of mammoths discovered during the excavation testify to the enormous history of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory). Reviews of people who have moved here relate to the Cossack hut recreated in the museum, which helps to touch the historical roots of this region.


Interesting places

There are numerous monuments in this city that are dedicated to the heroic feat of the inhabitants in wars.

The obelisk erected on the central square in 1967 contains a capsule; a message is hidden in it to modern residents. They should read it in 2017, the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory) is looking forward to this event. Reviews of people who moved here to live here from other regions also relate to unique medical sources that made it possible to create a Velikovechnoe spa resort on the banks of the Belaya River. Many came here to improve their health, and then remained to live in the area.


For many people, it was this healing water that became so attractive the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory). Reviews of people who have moved to this region, who dream of improving their health, agree that healing water helped them cope with various ailments.

A hydropathic clinic operates on the basis of a source of thermal mineral water, rich in sodium and potassium bicarbonates, which was discovered in these places. Here, its field was found, a well was built, which became the basis for the creation of the resort. Biologically active components were found in local water: fluorine, iron, iodine, silicon, bromine, which allow treating many ailments.


Water uniqueness

It is its healing water that attracts many people to the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory). Reviews moved, photos confirm getting rid of skin diseases. Dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria, allergic conditions disappeared after drinking healing water from the source.

In addition, water has a positive effect on the nervous system. Many seek to get to the city of Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory). Responses of those who moved, photos posted before and after undergoing treatment with water, confirm its unique healing properties.

After the full course, people who were injured in a traffic accident experienced relief. The chemical composition of local water improves cerebral circulation, copes with vegetovascular dystonia. With its help, it is possible to eliminate the consequences of polio, to fight against neurosis and neurosis-like conditions, cerebral palsy.

People from all corners of our vast country come here with problems of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular system. Cases of treatment in an inactive form of rheumatoid arthritis, restoration of metabolic processes have been confirmed. After a course of drinking mineral water, scoliosis decreased in children and the effects of bone fractures in adults.

People suffering from cardiosclerosis, chronic coronary heart disease, hypertension, dreaming of undergoing a rehabilitation course at Velikovechnoe resort come to live in the city.

It relieves local mineral water from various diseases of the genitourinary system. Men come to these unique places in order to get rid of prostatitis, women hope to recover from infertility with mineral water, to survive menopause.

After a course of 10-12 baths, people feel a significant improvement in skin condition, restoration of fat metabolism.

Many patients who have problems with the activity of the thyroid gland, after several full courses, got rid of the problem. There are those patients who managed to cure diabetes in the mild stage.

In addition to water intake, in this hospital patients are offered applications from therapeutic mud, mineral baths, underwater massage, massage bed.

There are certain contraindications for treatment with Belorechensk mineral water. The ban applies to the acute stages of all diseases, purulent processes, exhaustion, malignant neoplasms (oncology), systematic bleeding.
