
Biography of Heinrich Padwa: family and personal life, education, advocacy career, job reviews

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Biography of Heinrich Padwa: family and personal life, education, advocacy career, job reviews
Biography of Heinrich Padwa: family and personal life, education, advocacy career, job reviews

Heinrich Padva is the founder and managing partner of Padva & Partners. He became a lawyer when he graduated from university in 1953. His career began in the province, and then he became one of the main symbols of advocacy in the Russian Federation.


Attorney Heinrich Padva often and with great willingness took up the most difficult of the available cases. It was he who made a great contribution to the fact that the death penalty in our country was recognized as contrary to the Constitution. Heinrich Padva defended the chairman of the USSR Armed Forces, Anatoly Lukyanov, and the affairs of the Presidential Administration, Pavel Borodin. He also led the Mikhail Khodorkovsky affair related to Yukos.


Attorney Genrikh Pavlovich Padva has an active life position in professional activities, as well as in leisure. He is interested in sports, football. For many years he has been a fan of Spartak. He has been involved in the Snob project since 2009.

Heinrich Padva became the Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, the winner of the gold medal named after F.N. Plevako.

A family

The lawyer was born on February 20, 1931 in Moscow. His father's name was Pavel Yuryevich. The mother of Padva, Heinrich Pavlovich - Rapopport Eva Iosifovna. His first wife was A. Noskova, she died in 1974. The current spouse's name is Mamontova O.S. The couple has a daughter and granddaughter.


Heinrich Pavlovich Padva was born in a family of representatives of the Moscow intelligentsia. His father was a major engineer and held one of the responsible posts in large-scale projects. So, the father of Padva, Heinrich Pavlovich, Pavel Yurievich Padva, participated in the design of the Northern Sea Route. Its leaders were the legendary Schmidt and Papanin. He received a concussion, participating in the Great Patriotic War. Since 1945 he was the commandant of the German city, was engaged in resolving reparation issues. At the time of victory he was a captain. Padva's mother, Heinrich Pavlovich, was a ballerina who possessed remarkable external data. Having given birth to a son, she leaves the stage, but becomes a dance teacher.

Before the war, their son was a student of the prestigious school number 110, next to him were children of high-ranking statesmen, scientists, and artists. Graduates of the school have achieved many successes in a wide variety of professions. And the level of teaching at the educational institution was very high.


At the beginning of the war, Henry Padva with his family members was evacuated to the city of Kuibyshev (Samara). They began to live with their distant relatives: 10 people in one room slept on the floor and on chests. However, it was during this period of time that many wonderful events and new meetings took place. For example, the playwright Nikolai Erdman lived in this room for several days, who was returning to the capital after serving his term in the camp where Stalin sent him. Heavenly Padva had the most wonderful memories of him: he was an unusually interesting person in communication, who also possessed strong qualities. He showed fascinating charades, which was also deposited in the memory of a little boy.

As soon as the Germans were driven back from the capital, their mother, Eva Iosifovna Rapopport, and Padva Genrikh Pavlovich were able to return home, to repair the room of a communal apartment, which was heated with a home-made brick stove.

After the war

The boy continued to study at the same school and graduated by 1948. He did not enter the Moscow Law Institute for the first time: the future lawyer Heinrich Padva did not score the required number of points. It should be noted that in those years it was taken into account whether the applicant was among the Komsomol members, and the young man did not particularly want to be one, the column “nationality” was also important.

The second attempt, a year later, was more successful - the future lawyer Padva scored points that were drawn to the checkpoints.

Confidently surrendering the Russian language, literature and history, he turned out to be not so strong in matters of geography. The question of the rivers of Great Britain turned out to be overwhelming, and he received "satisfactory." The future lawyer Henry immediately felt a flagrant injustice and, leaving the audience, asked the same question to many. However, most of those to whom he addressed him, even geographers by education, did not recall anything except the Thames.

University years

When the entrance exams were over, the future lawyer Genrikh Pavlovich Padva was invited to the Minsk Law Institute. He began his studies there, moving to Minsk. He studied very well: he passed the first sessions “excellently”.

According to reviews of Padva’s lawyer from his associates of those years, Henry found time for both sports and amateur performances. He appreciated the highly qualified teachers who worked in the educational institution. After 2 semesters, he transferred to the Moscow Law Institute.

First independent steps

Heinrich is graduated from it in 1953. He was assigned to work in Kalinin, which is now called Tver. There he becomes an employee of the local justice department. Padva began his career as a lawyer with a six-month internship in Rzhev. It was a beautiful old town. After completing the internship, Henry went to the district center Pogorelye Gorodishche. It was a small settlement where he becomes the only lawyer.


Being a native Muscovite, Henry was surprised at the exoticness of provincial life: he lived in the corner of a wooden house, there was a farmyard nearby, a lilac blossomed in the front garden, and trills of birds could be heard from the nearby forest edge.

He remembered many pleasant memories associated with this particular period of his life: he managed to hunt wolves, go fishing, collect a full basket of mushrooms and take long walks through the forests. But the most ambitious experience was the acquaintance with the life of a simple people who lived in difficult conditions, in poverty and total lack of rights.

The first cases of Heinrich Padwa were litigations between ordinary war veterans convicted of heated words addressed to the USSR and the state. These were the most common local settlers, young workers who were preparing to go to jail for being late for a couple of minutes to work.

The justice of the day was often too cruel and unfair. In those conditions when for the smallest offenses a person could be put in jail for a long term - for 10, 15 years - with unenviable rarity, things ended successfully for Henry's clients.

Nevertheless, gradually the authority of the lawyer gained momentum both in the courtroom and among local residents. His opinion, his arguments became more and more convincing, they were already listened to by the district prosecutor, who was an honest and decent man, although he did not have a higher education.

After 1.5 years, Henry continued his career in Torzhok. Here he again hones his skills, constantly growing, reading many books. This was largely facilitated by the features of provincial life, in which there was not much entertainment. She gave him a lot of free time. It was during this time period that he met his future wife.

Soon, the lawyer moves to Kalinin, where his other half studied. Soon the couple will marry. Engaged in law practice, Henry enters the history department of the local pedagogical institute. Among the main reasons for this act was that he did not want to be forced to study at a party school. It was a way to avoid it.

Return to Moscow

Gaining more and more professional authority, Henry returned to the capital in 1971. At first, the small homeland met Padva very unfriendly, it was difficult for him to adapt, since after the province a certain inhumanity of the big city was especially striking. Everywhere here bureaucracy flourished, of which there were extremely many.

Overcoming many difficulties helped colleagues Padva. In many respects during this period, I. Sklyarsky, deputy chairman of the presidium of the Moscow City Bar Association, had an impact on the life of Henry. As a lawyer, Padwu began to be appreciated by both professionals and the public. His extraordinary talent became visible to everyone.

Padva gained great fame during the course of the business of the American businessman and the Izvestia newspaper. The businessman sued her for slandering her. He won the case in his homeland, and a decision was made to recover from the publication a large compensation for the moral damage that she inflicted on him. However, the incident was ignored for a long time by official Soviet structures, which knew that Americans were limited in the matter of enforcing their court’s decision in matters relating to the Soviet Union.

But US officials began to act actively, arresting the property of the office of the newspaper Izvestia, located in the United States. Then this case became a real threat to diplomatic relations between the two countries. It took the mobilization of all major legal resources. As a result of the response actions that were taken by a number of domestic lawyers under the guidance of G. Padva, the decision of the American court was canceled. It was a brilliant victory.

The important thing is that after a couple of years Padva met with the injured person who initiated the proceedings. At that time, the entrepreneur had already retired and noted that he was not angry at Padva, who had demonstrated many valuable professional qualities in that process.

First fame

Starting from that period of time, the name of Padva acquired the epithets “famous”, “venerable” wherever it appeared in the press. He became known to everyone: a photo of Heinrich Padva often appeared in the press.


In the course of many years of subsequent practice, he managed to participate in many proceedings, to which the media turned out to be involved, which provoked violent reactions and protests from the public, were made public.


The 1990s turned out to be a unique experience for Padva, during which he won many victories that cemented his success and great authority in the professional field.

During the coup in August 1991, Heinrich Padva was vice president of the Union of Lawyers of the USSR and, while in the United States, made statements to lawyers from different countries, proclaiming the illegality of the events taking place in his native country. So, he emphasized that the actions of the State Emergency Committee were illegal.


He returned to the capital at a time when the putsch had not yet been won, and could be arrested. The probability of this was great. However, soon the events came to an end, and a couple of days after the arrests of the couriers of Padva, the daughter A. Lukyanova phoned, asking to speak in defense of her father.

After reviewing the details of the case, Henry emphasized that he was not going to evaluate the dramatic events unfolding in the country otherwise, but he agreed to the defense of Anatoly Ivanovich. However, he did not support the actions undertaken by the putschists.

First of all, Padva made a statement on TV that accusations against his ward are unacceptable, even if he is the ideologist of the coup. The thing is that everyone has their own political views and has the right to them. You can not prosecute people only for their dissent. The argument was accepted, the flow of charges gradually faded.

The lawyer argued that the charges of treason against Lukyanov were unacceptable, however, as well as the rest of the members of the State Emergency Committee. As for the client personally, his direct participation in the coup was all controversial. It is for this reason that the question arose before Lukyanov and Padva: is it worth accepting the amnesty of the State Duma in the GKChP case? At that time, due to the many experiences that fell to the lot of the client, he was not in the best state of health. Then it was decided to accept the amnesty. Further struggle for justice would cost a lot of losses and risks to the life of the client Padva.

In 1996, the affairs of P. Karpov thundered throughout the country. He was Deputy General Director of the Federal Office for Insolvency. He was charged with allegedly receiving a bribe while in a Saratov enterprise. Karpov was arrested twice - both in Saratov and in the capital. The proceedings in his case were extremely lengthy, but thanks to the efforts and assistance of Padva, he was rehabilitated.

In the mid-1990s, Heinrich Padwa took up the defense of the influential businessman L. Weinberg, who was also accused of giving bribes. A high-profile case was when he handed over jewelry to one of the employees of the customs committee.

An investigation has begun on the General Prosecutor's Office. Numerous violations of the rights of the accused were identified. Padva achieved that he was soon released, and then completely stopped the case against Weinberg.

Soon, the law office of Heinrich Padva began to operate, in which, together with his colleagues, the lawyer achieved success in many cases. So, one of the famous cases was the epic associated with the detention of P. Borodin, whom the Swiss prosecutor accused of money laundering and joining the organized crime group. Together with E. Sergeeva, Padva defended the ex-manager of the presidential administration.

The Heinrich Padwa Bureau worked simultaneously with Russian political government bodies and with American legal bodies. It also interacted with Swiss investigators.

By April 2001, all charges against their client were dropped. He was no longer accused of complicity in the organized crime group; already in March 2002, the Geneva prosecutor also stopped prosecuting the former business manager.

The proceedings involving Elkaponi also became loud. It began in 2003. Then G. Padva together with Hofshtein defended a politician and businessman from Azerbaijan. He was charged with storing and transporting illicit drugs. Elkaponi was the head of the Azerbaijan-XXI People's Patriotic Union, when in June 2001 he was detained with 1 kg of heroin. Some of the prohibited substances were seized from the clothes of the entrepreneur, and some were found in his housing. The detection was made by employees of the Office for the Suppression of Drug Trafficking in the Moscow City Department of Internal Affairs.

Lawyers proved that heroin could not belong to their client and was planted. In March 2003, an Azerbaijani was acquitted by a Moscow court. Elkaponi was released from custody. In prison, he managed to stay far from one month.

One of Henry's clients was the ex-chairman of the Board of Directors at the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter. For many years, A. Bykov was a frequent hero of many articles in the media, as his case was made as widely publicized as possible. Judicial chronicles replete with references to him.


In 1999, the first attempt was made to convict him of having been involved in the commission of murder and money laundering. Bykov was detained in Hungary and brought to the Krasnoyarsk pre-trial detention center. However, already in the fall of 2000, he was released. So the court of the Central District of Krasnoyarsk decided. After a certain period of time, he was again detained, accusing him of organizing an assassination attempt on businessman V. Struganov in Krasnoyarsk.

Padva stood up to defend him, citing a weighty argument that made it clear that Bykov was innocent. Nevertheless, the Meshchansky court of the city of Moscow issued a peculiar decision. Guilt Bykova was recognized, but as punishment he was given a suspended sentence of 6.5 years. The Moscow City Court upheld this decision.

Since the lawyer himself knows for sure that his principal is innocent, and also notes the presence of many violations of his client's rights that appeared during the trial, he is still seeking an appeal against the verdict. He even reached the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights.

In March 2003, Henryk Padva took part in the trial of a new criminal case against A. Bykov. It proved his involvement in the murder of businessman O. Gubin.

However, already in July 2003, Bykov and her accomplices were found not guilty. However, Bykov was found guilty under Article 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (harboring murder, which was committed without aggravating circumstances). The client Padva was sentenced to 1 year in prison, but was quickly amnestied.

G. Padva never advertises only those cases in which excellent results have been achieved. So, in his portfolio there are different results. Padva compares his profession with a medical specialty: not in all cases a doctor can provide assistance, and a lawyer sometimes does not have unlimited power.

A great regret to this day is the failure in his heart that ended the civil case related to the return of a part of the heritage of Boris Pasternak to his beloved Olga Ivinskaya. Immediately after his death, she was arrested. She was accused of smuggling, but then rehabilitated.


Padva, defending her, managed to get to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, but still the legacy of the greatest writer was not returned. Although this should have been done, in accordance with both legal and universal norms. It got to the point of absurd events and the real mockery of Pasternak’s memory: the state demanded documents from Ivinskaya that Pasternak presented her manuscripts to. This despite the fact that the poems were dedicated personally to her.


Many of his clients expressed gratitude to him for the affairs that he conducted. Sometimes they seemed to everyone truly hopeless. However, the fact that those who had the broadest choice gave their fate to his hands says a lot about Padva's professionalism.

The defendants thank the fate that gave them the opportunity to meet with Padva, Heinrich Pavlovich. "Many do not skimp on the most exalted epithets addressed to the lawyer. So, they write that Heinrich Pavlovich Padva, without a doubt, is a legendary man, a very respected professional.