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Being is more than life

Being is more than life
Being is more than life

Being is traditionally one of the basic and most complex philosophical concepts of Existence as such. It is from him that the great sages of the past begin their thoughts, and the philosophers of our time argue about him. Being is life


a person in the Universe or the whole great Cosmos from which each of us came from and where will we all go in due time? An incredible mystery and an eternal question that haunts people. In an attempt to find answers, to create a complete and true picture of human Existence, an incredible number of interpretations of the concept appeared. The main terms in the current text are not in vain written with a capital letter. They are not an ordinary designation of things, but are intended to emphasize their scale and depth.

Such sciences as metaphysics and ontology, theology, cosmology, and the philosophy of anthropology have been trying to fully consider the main aspects for hundreds of years. Each of them considers the types of Being as part of the universal space and mind. Thus, theology is a section of knowledge dedicated to the divine existence. Metaphysics speaks of the beginnings, hyperfine, hypersensitive principles of this human phenomenon. It was Aristotle who called it “primary philosophy”, and, often, these two concepts are considered as interconnected, and, sometimes, completely identical. Cosmology chose the Essence of the world as the subject of its study. Cosmos, like the whole world, is an area of ​​knowledge. Ontology considers all Being. The dialectic of Genesis, proposed by Hegel, sees him as a continuous chain of events, thoughts, constant movement and development. However, this point of view is often criticized.


Of course, such a number of philosophical currents led to the natural emergence of such concepts as "types of Being." What forms can it take? Despite the differences in interpretation, Genesis is only a material and spiritual part of our world. It was this affiliation to a particular area of ​​Jehovah that received the name of objective and subjective reality.

The material part includes everything that exists, regardless of the will and desire of Man. It is in itself, self-sufficient and independent. Moreover, not only objects of nature, but also phenomena of public life are included in objective reality. Spiritual being is a finer structure. Thoughts and desires, thoughts, thoughts - all this is part of the subjective reality of the Universal Being.

Just as white cannot exist without black, so Being loses its meaning without its opposite. This antipode is called a certain "Nothing."


Non-existence - this is what is often called the counterweight to Existence. The most interesting and inexplicable feature of Nothing is that, in the absolute sense of the Universe, it simply cannot be. Despite the somewhat absurdity of such a statement, it takes place in philosophy.

A man himself, after his death, goes into Nothing, but his creations, descendants and thoughts remain in this world, and become part of the reality in which the next generations continue to live. Such a "flow" allows us to say that Being is infinite, and Nothing is conditional.