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Gratitude is Words of gratitude to parents

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Gratitude is Words of gratitude to parents
Gratitude is Words of gratitude to parents

Video: Hail The Sun "Words of Gratitude (Parents)" 2024, June

Video: Hail The Sun "Words of Gratitude (Parents)" 2024, June

Today, even children know that thought is material, but there are still many sick and poor people in the world. This happens because we get not according to our thoughts, but according to the emotions that they cause in us.

Gratitude as a feeling

All that surrounds a person, and he himself is clots of energy. The same goes for the emotions that people experience every second. Even when a person is focused on work or some of his actions and should not, it would seem, experience emotions, they still affect him.

Gratitude is a kind of positive energy in response to one's actions, words and actions in relation to an object. It can also be called gratitude to someone for the good. If we recall the experiments that scientists conducted on water, pronouncing various emotional words over it, then the energy of the words “love” and “thank you” had the most positive effect on it.


These changes are visible in the structure of water through a microscope. And indeed, it is these feelings that are the most energetically pure. Words of gratitude and love cure fatal diseases, give people the strength to change their lives, and help them find their destiny and the right environment.

Law of Gratitude

The laws of the Universe always act, regardless of whether people believe in them or not. Gratitude is one of the universal laws that significantly affects the quality and longevity of a person. Its main action is aimed at feeling gratitude to what a person has. This feeling tends to attract into life what people thank for.


An incurable patient, conducting sessions of gratitude that he is alive, for all his healthy organs and parts of the body, for health in general, attracts healing in his life. Usually, the process of obtaining the desired takes up to 3 months, sometimes longer if the desire is large-scale or internal complexes and installations interfere with the work.

The words of Jesus confirm this: "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive, and it will be unto you." Prayer and gratitude are sources of powerful creative energy that contributes to positive results in life.

Thanks to other people

Feeling gratitude to someone means exchanging positive creative energy with each other. A person constantly encounters other people and receives various emotions from them, both negative and positive. The easiest way to get rid of the negative energy of other people or the influence of their actions on the mood or life in general is to say thanks to them for the experience they presented.


In response to the positive actions of other people, it is easier for a person to respond with appreciation, so this happens naturally and naturally. Gratitude to ill-wishers is more difficult to respond, but it makes such powerful changes in life that it is desirable to do so even through force.


Thanks can be exchanged in several ways:

  • Gratitude in a word. It can be done orally or in writing. To express recognition to another person with words, it is enough to tell them to him personally at a meeting. It is better to use the word "thank you", as it carries pure and powerful energy in its very sound and spelling. At the same time, an energetic contact occurs, in which these people feel good about themselves. For example, gratitude to the teacher for his work and knowledge will make both the student and his object of positive feelings happy. You can also send a thank you letter or SMS message, issue a letter to the person. At the same time, there is an exchange of energies, but it is less noticeable than in a personal meeting.

  • Thanks to business. There are various ways, for example, you can express gratitude with the response service. Also, a form of gratitude is a material form, for example, remuneration of human labor by an employer, bonus, award, and other types of appreciation.

Whatever form of gratitude is chosen, it will certainly fulfill its positive effect.

Thanks Opportunities

In addition to the fact that a person who gives gratitude to other people, the Universe or his life becomes a magnet for positive events, he still gets additional opportunities:

  • Gratitude is the opportunity to take advantage or provide assistance if necessary.

  • A person who is grateful is noble, respected and honest in the eyes of others. For example, gratitude to the teacher distinguishes the student in his eyes from other students. The same applies to the manifestation of this feeling in relation to parents, colleagues, boss, detractor. A person who is grateful to other people, we are always loved and desired in any society.

  • The ability to express gratitude even in negative circumstances is to receive positive creative energy and a new life experience.

  • A grateful man is always happy here and now. Giving others his gratitude, he always receives in return even more positive events, emotions and experience.

  • A person who is appreciative easily reveals his talents. For example, he can write thanks in verses, even if he had never written them before. A sense of appreciation helps you find the right words and rhyme.


The possibilities of this feeling are many. Everyone can easily test their impact on their lives by simply starting their day with the gratitude of their lives.

How to give thanks?

For any good deed or words that a person received, he must answer with the word "thank you." It consists of two roots and means “to give good” to other people. The response to the fact that someone shares their good is always only positive.

With this word, even strangers to each other become kinder, closer and happier. A simple “thank you” to the person who serves other people or helps them in something, at the same second provokes a positive response in the soul. At the level of emotions, this is manifested by an improvement in mood, in the physical plane - by warming in the chest, a smile on the lips and eyes.


Speaking the word "thank you", people seem to give their good in return for receiving someone else's. Such an exchange will make any person happy at the same moment. Creating the energy of happiness and positive with the help of just one word allows the donor to feel like a creator. Gratitude for congratulations makes both the giver and the object of congratulations happy.

Thanks for having

Too often, people are focused on what they do not have. The absence of anything in life makes a person miserable for a simple reason: he concentrates on it, produces negative deprivation energy and cannot get what he wants.

To easily achieve and receive what you want, you should first thank you for what you have. Entering the emotional background of happiness and a sense of possession, you can thank for what is not yet. This should be done as if a person had already received the desired, with the same feeling of happiness and possession. The daily conduct of this ritual will allow the desired person to enter into life and manifest itself on a physical level.


A good example is children's gratitude, which knows no doubt and has faith in its purest form. In order to feel like children, you should turn off the consciousness, which is used to not accepting anything on faith and subjecting everything to verification. This is easy to do with meditation to clear your mind.

Attraction of the necessary circumstances

When a person wants the desired events, people or material benefits to manifest in his life, then it is easier to do this in prayer of thanks. This can be an appeal to the Creator, the Universe, the guardian angel, or simply to one's own life.

Even when people express, for example, simple gratitude for congratulations, they are already attracting new events and positive circumstances. This is manifested in the fact that in gratitude for gratitude people will want to always do something good for this person. This is because the pleasant feelings that cause words of gratitude make people happy. To feel this feeling more often, people do good deeds and receive appreciation for them again and again.