


Video: God Given 2024, July

Video: God Given 2024, July

After ten years of unsuccessful attempts to have a baby, we could only hope for a miracle. And a miracle happened …

Last resort

I was already 33 years old, of which ten years of a happy marriage, marred by only one - the absence of children. Actually, by this age I planned to be a mother more than once, but nothing worked out for us.

What she just didn’t go through with her husband over the years: regular examinations, tests. They even survived a failed IVF attempt three years ago when none of the two embryos planted in my body took root. But none of the experts was able to name the cause of our problem: my husband and I were absolutely healthy according to the results of all the examinations. After a failed IVF, a well-known doctor in our Novosibirsk who specializes in the treatment of infertility simply spread his hands and advised the last resort - to pray.

Neither me nor my husband have ever been particularly religious people. But then these, born of powerlessness before nature, the words of a respected doctor in the city became for us a guide to action. Every weekend, we began to go to the temple and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary for at least one thing - to successfully complete the next IVF procedure, for which for more than a year now we have been waiting in line for a free quote.

Somehow, on our next visit to the Church of the Sign, a parishioner approached me. It turned out that she had not seen us here for the first time and somehow, in an unknown way, found out what we were asking of the Mother of God. The woman told the story of her daughter, who begged for a long-awaited pregnancy at St. Matrona in the Pokrovsky monastery of the capital. After a trip there and worshiping the relics, her daughter became a mother three times already.

From one look at each other, my husband and I realized: we must go! Immediately! On the same day, bought train tickets to Moscow, and a week later went to Matronushka.

The Saints

Our spontaneous pilgrimage began with great trouble. Almost immediately after leaving the train, it turned out that a bank card had been stolen from us. There was not enough cash in my wallet even for a day at the hotel. “No, there are no miracles! Why are we all up to this ?! ” I sobbed sobbing on my husband’s shoulder. Trying to reassure me, he himself was completely at a loss. There was no one to borrow money from. The husband remembered that he was making out a quick loan somehow. But then he had a card, the opportunity to get a loan without a card did not seem real to us. In general, the situation - you will not envy.

Tickets for the return trip we bought in advance, but somewhere had to spend 5 days and nights and not die from starvation. It was a frosty December morning, and we had no choice but to go to Pokrovsky Monastery, for which we spent almost three days on the road, and in the evening to return to the station again for overnight. But it was in the monastery that the incredible happened to us.

Almost 4 hours had to stand in an icy wind in a line of people eager to touch the relics of St. Matrona. Hundreds of people also stood patiently in the cold, each with a prayer for his miracle. And from all this many-sided, but surprisingly calm crowd, it was she who was nearby - St. Natalya, as I call our savior. The woman standing in front of us immediately drew attention to my screaming eyes. Upon learning of the incident, she - a completely alien person from the Moscow outskirts - suggested … staying with her.

Quick loan for long happiness

And now, having attached himself to the relics, praying, asking for help and leaving a note with the icon of St. Matronushka, we went to Natalya, in her hospitable Khrushchev, where the woman lived with her student son. At dinner, again offered to us completely disinterestedly, the guy talked about the opportunity to get a cash loan without a card. We doubted, realizing that we were not in our city. But the landlady’s son explained that absolutely anyone can take microloans without checks in Moscow. He helped to find a suitable offer on the Internet. The online service "Robot Seimer" gave a chance right on the site to request a quick loan and get it at any of the points in the Contact system, which are plentiful in Moscow. A microloan was issued immediately and the mountain seemed to have fallen off its shoulders. After 3 hours, we were holding our money in our hands - a very real loan without a card and without checks in Moscow - a foreign city for us.

The next day, we bought food and gifts for our saviors. True, Natalya didn’t let us go to any hotel anymore, although the micro loan could allow us to rent an inexpensive room. But she is Holy! We went to Pokrovsky Monastery all the following days of our stay in Moscow, again and again defending a long line.

… Thanks to the good people we met on the road, faith in miracles, the inexplicable power of St. Matrona and the ability to receive microloans without checks in Moscow in difficult times, after 10 years of hope and despair, we became happy parents. I became pregnant almost immediately after the trip, right under New, 2015. A couple of meters away from me, in a crib, a three-month-old Bogdan sniffles - our God given child.

Arina Svetlova