
Large family of cod fish

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Large family of cod fish
Large family of cod fish

Video: World's Biggest Fish? 121cm (ALMOST 4 ft) Murray Cod Eats the Wrong Bird - #BigCodDreams Episode 7 2024, July

Video: World's Biggest Fish? 121cm (ALMOST 4 ft) Murray Cod Eats the Wrong Bird - #BigCodDreams Episode 7 2024, July

In our article we will talk about the family of cod fish. All its members have tasty and wholesome meat recommended for diet. Atlantic cod has the best characteristics. But other representatives of this family, for example, haddock, hake, blue whiting, pollock, pollock, are popular and favorite types of fish on our table.

A lot of meat, few bones.

The habitat of fish of this family are the seas of the Northern Hemisphere. They are especially common in the Atlantic Ocean. The family of cod fish includes individuals with a large head, low bony, small scales and large liver. Many of them are mined in industrial volumes.


The chemical composition of these fish includes many useful elements: vitamins, fatty acids, phosphorus, iodine, calcium. Meatiness and low fat content allow them to be used in diet food. There are many ways to cook fish. Good cod in fried, stewed, smoked and dried. There are many recipes that ordinary housewives and cooks use in restaurants.

Most useful

Atlantic cod is a well-known representative of this family. Such a fish can reach a length of up to 1.8 meters, but, as a rule, it is caught before it reaches this size. It is distinguished from other fish by a fleshy tendril on the chin, olive-brown color of scales and a white belly. Cod lives in the Atlantic Ocean, but is also found in the White and Baltic Seas. Not only dense and white meat is considered useful, but also cod liver, from which oil is prepared for medical purposes.


If you take such a substance regularly, then you can improve well-being, mood, get rid of joint diseases, increase intellectual abilities. But it is better to use fish caught in ecologically clean places, since cod can accumulate mercury and arsenic, which means that excessive consumption of it can be dangerous.

Tender fish

Haddock is also part of the codfish family. Her meat is tasty and tender than cod. The dark gray body with violet impregnations of this fish is flattened from the sides. The belly is white or milky silver. There is a dark spot between the pectoral and dorsal fins on both sides. Haddock is caught in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. This fish prefers seawater; therefore, it is almost never found in the Baltic Sea due to its desalination. Haddock most often lives near the bottom at a shallow depth. There she searches for her usual food - mollusks, worms, echinoderms, fry, and eggs of other fish.


It is worth noting that the northern blue whiting, which also belongs to the cod family, is included in the haddock diet. This fish feeds on crustaceans and fry. It lives at a depth of 180-300 meters. Blue whiting is often found on the shelves of our stores. Someone eats it himself, but most often this fish is bought for cats who simply adore it. In addition, the cost of blue whiting is low compared to other representatives of the cod family.

Useful and inexpensive

Another favorite fish of our fellow citizens is the Far Eastern Pollock. It is inexpensive and is always in stores. But do not neglect it. Like all members of the cod family, it is nutritious and healthy. Of course, her meat is a little dry, but a good housewife will find a way to rid her of this shortcoming. Eating pollock helps regulate the metabolism, the amount of sugar in the blood. The meat of this fish has antioxidant properties, rich in iodine and chromium. Eating 100 grams of pollock per day, you get a daily rate of iodine. They get it in the Pacific Ocean, where it is found in huge numbers.

Not only at sea

Burbot also belongs to the cod-like ones. It predominantly lives in fresh water. Although there are sea burbots. These fish have a long body, slightly flattened from the sides, a flat head, antennae on the chin and upper jaw. Burbot lives in the Bay of Biscay, the Barents Sea, near Iceland, the British Isles and even near the shores of North America.


These fish are of two types - white and red. The best taste is possessed by red burbot meat. His liver contains a large amount of iodine, although the meat itself is rather dry. However, this does not make it less valuable. Meat of river burbot, on the contrary, is tasty and soft. His liver is also considered a delicacy. Trace elements contained in this fish have a positive effect on vision, intelligence and the nervous system. The habitat of burbot is quite wide; it is also widespread in our country. It is best to catch burbot in cold water in inclement weather, then it is most active.