
Brother Vera Glagoleva Boris: biography, photo

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Brother Vera Glagoleva Boris: biography, photo
Brother Vera Glagoleva Boris: biography, photo

Not all fans of the wonderful actress, screenwriter and director Vera Glagoleva know that she had an older brother - Boris. Vera Glagoleva, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, died on August 16, 2017, she passed away due to a terrible cancer. It was the untimely death of the actress (recently the director) that caused fans to become interested in the persona of her sibling. The brother of Vera Glagoleva Boris (biography and photos will be presented in the article) is a non-public person, fans had to literally collect bit of information about him. All that was found out is in the further contents.

Boris Glagolev - brother of Vera Glagoleva: date of birth, early years


As mentioned earlier - Boris Glagolev was not a public person, and only in a single source is his date of birth indicated. If you believe this information, then the brother of Vera Glagoleva was born on November 14, 1953.

Boris, like all Soviet boys, spent a lot of time on football fields in the yard, and his younger sister was also present with his tail. Vera Glagoleva was a rather harmful child; Boris was often punished through her fault. It is to the brother that the actress owes her character. As Vera Vitalyevna said in an interview, she was a tomboy in a skirt, could give odds to any boy.

In childhood, brother and sister often fought, Boris was found guilty, because Vera is a little girl, and he is her older brother. Despite the fact that his sister herself brought it up, the guy always admitted guilt for himself.

Way to the cinema


None of the children dreamed of a career in the cinema. Vera is small and thin, but very strong and athletic. As a child, she accurately shot from a bow and participated in shooting competitions for the youth team of Moscow. When she received an offer to play a movie, the girl agreed only out of curiosity.

The brother of Vera Glagoleva Boris, whose biography is little known, received at one time a technical education with which he was able to film editing, to which he devoted his life.

Interestingly, Vera Glagoleva never studied acting. But even without special education, she was able to become a famous actress of the USSR and Russia, starring in many films and playing many roles on the stage of theaters. In addition, Vera Vitalievna was a producer, a talented director and screenwriter.


Glagolev family

The family of Boris Glagolev (Vera Glagoleva’s brother) lived in Moscow in a beautiful old house on A. Tolstoy Street. In this house, on which the plate with the number 22/2 appeared, apartments were issued only to employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways. Neither the mother nor the father of Vera and Boris had anything to do with them.

The mother of the future actress and future film editor taught at school, she was a teacher of elementary grades. Galina Glagoleva was more concerned with raising her son, it was already instituted in the family, and the father (Vitaly Glagolev) was engaged in a daughter.

Vitaly Glagolev (like his wife) was a teacher, he taught children the basics of physics and biology.

The apartment in which the couple lived with two children belonged to the grandfather of Boris and Vera - the father of Galina Glagoleva. The living space in the elite house was given to Naum Glagolev for special successes in his work. The grandfather of the famous actress worked as a designer. Thanks to specialists like him, high-speed trains appeared. At that time, the trains were slow and with the help of this transport citizens for a long time reached their destination. Naum Glagolev became one of the creators of faster and more comfortable trains.

In 1962, the Glagolevs received their own housing in the east of Moscow, in Izmailovo. But soon the parents of Vera and Boris received a job offer in Germany. From 1962 to 1966 Vera and Boris and their parents lived in Karl-Marx-Stadt, father and mother taught at a Russian school at number 103.

Are children to blame for the divorce of parents?


Boris Glagolev - the brother of Vera Glagoleva, interesting facts from the life of which every fan is looking for, did not tell anything about himself. All that is known about this man is from the words of his sister. It was the actress who told about the reason for the divorce of her parents.

The Glagolev’s parents lived in marriage for about 10 years, and they would still have lived (most likely), if not for the case. Vitaly Glagolev decided to take his children on a kayaking trip. In addition to them, other people were present, among them was a colleague of his father. Despite the fact that she was with a child, and the fact that her own children were present on the trip, Vitaly Glagolev began to take care of his colleague, giving her maximum attention. This was not hidden from children's eyes, later they told everything that they saw their mother.

Perhaps it might have seemed to the children that the father was paying too much attention to a colleague, but the mother and father had a great fight, after which Vitaly Glagolev packed his bag and went north. The parents did not see each other anymore, the father of Vera and Boris pretty soon had a new family.

Brother and sister relationship

In childhood, children constantly fought for the right to be in charge. They could sort things out even with their fists, the initiator of the fight was always the younger sister. She often finished with her brother, but Vera was getting away with it. The father defended the little daughter (he loved her more than his son), and the mother stood up for her son. But Boris Glagolev himself (the brother of Vera Glagoleva, whose photo is available in this article) did not cherish the soul in his younger sister. All her tricks were temporary, and when the minx was appeased, her brother could easily play with her, cut her and her dolls, sew a beautiful outfit! Despite the differences in childhood, at an older age, brother and sister became the closest people.

Boris Glagolev, Vera Glagoleva’s brother (photo provided in the article), stayed in Germany, and her sister moved to her homeland - to Moscow. The distance affected their communication. Boris was editing films, and Vera could not come to Germany because of the frequent filming in the movies. But technology does not stand still, soon brother and sister were able to communicate firsthand - on Skype.

Vera Glagoleva said that she and her brother call up constantly, talk for a long time, sharing events in life, recalling past times.

Later (due to an illness that no one knew about), Vera often came to the clinic in Germany, so she and her brother began to see and live more often.

Boris Glagolev (brother of Vera Glagoleva): personal life


Journalists had to search for information about this person for a rather long time. Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris Glagolev was a man who did not like public life. Fans of the actress are left to be content with rather meager information about her brother, who edited documentaries.

Nothing is known about Boris Glagolev’s personal life: was he married, if so, how many times, are there any children? All this will remain a mystery. It remains only to know that he lived in Germany in the last years of his life, did not come to Russia.

The death of Vera Glagoleva

In August this year, it became known that Vera Glagoleva, actress, director, producer and screenwriter, passed away in a clinic in Baden-Baden, in Germany, because of a serious illness. This beloved actress, until recently, struggled with a disease that no one knew about.

The brother of Vera Glagoleva Boris, whose biography is still not fully known, most likely knew about her sister's illness, because she had visited the German hospitals several times for examination and treatment. Is this really so, we will never know.

Shocking news


The fact that Vera Glagoleva is struggling with a terrible disease, no one knew, perhaps only the closest people - daughters. The media found out that the actress was sick only in early 2017, but Vera Glagoleva herself did not comment on this news.

Friends and colleagues of a talented director claim that according to Vera it was not noticeable that she was suffering greatly. She remained cheerful, active and cheerful, not a single muscle betrayed the terrible pain that tormented her from the inside. Until recently, Vera Glagoleva worked, worked for the benefit of cinema, did not give herself concessions, which is why the news of her death was a real shock not only to the general public, but also to her friends.

Familiar actresses are sure that her illness began to develop in connection with a not-so-happy personal life: early divorce of parents, two unsuccessful marriages. Large workloads could also contribute to sudden death.

Failed personal life

Glagoleva Vera was married twice. Her first husband was Rodion Nakhapetov - the director. He was one of the first to discern in an unprofessional actress her beauty, talent, and special openness. Initially, Rodion and Vera were just colleagues, but later the working relationship did not develop into love.

When the wedding took place, Vera Glagoleva received more and more roles in Nakhapetov’s films. But she did not explain this by marriage. Rodion himself said that he would never give a role if the actress did not fit her.

In the marriage of Vera and Rodion, two daughters were born - Anna and Maria.

In 1989, Rodion Nakhapetov went to make films in the United States. It was there that he met with producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff, and soon began to live with her. The director decided not to hide this fact from his wife, and the marriage was dissolved.

With Kirill Shubsky - the second husband, Vera Glagoleva met at one of the film festivals in 1990. At that time, she was already a director, asked the businessman to take part in financing her project. Cyril refused help, but offered friendship. Soon the couple got married. In the marriage, another daughter was born - Anastasia.

Fake article


When it became known about the death of Vera Glagoleva, the media uploaded many articles on this topic. One of the news said that Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris (biography described above) was greatly mourned due to the death of her younger sister.

This news appeared after an interview with Marina Yakovleva. The woman claimed that Boris, Vera’s brother, mourned the death of her sister, very saddened by her death. News on Instagram was denied by the eldest daughter Glagoleva Anna Nakhapetova. The girl wrote that it was a fake, since Boris could not find out about Vera's death - he died shortly before her.

In her refutation, Anna rebuked Marina Yakovlev for disseminating implausible information.

The death of Boris Glagolev

The last years of his life, Boris Glagolev lived in Germany, was engaged in editing films in the documentary genre. The fact that he was not in the world, became known only after the death of his younger sister.

According to the relatives of the Glagolevs, Boris passed away seven months before his sister. The cause of his death was not disclosed, but, according to some, the man also died from oncology.

There are no interesting facts about Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris Glagolev, since he was not a public person. His whole life remains a mystery. About childhood and work, about the place of residence is known only from the stories of his younger sister and some third-party sources.