
Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich: biography and interesting facts from life

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Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich: biography and interesting facts from life
Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich: biography and interesting facts from life

Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich was born in 1963. Place of birth - Gorky. The family lived modestly. Father at that time worked at an engineering plant, where he was a steelworker. The mother of the future politician worked at a children's factory. Being the son of representatives of the working class, at the end of school, the young man goes to study at GPTU No. 5. After graduating from it, he gets a job at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, where he gets a job as a repairman in an assembly and welding workshop.

Looking for yourself

In 1982, Bulavinov was drafted into the army. Once in the tank troops, he rose to the rank of company foreman for two years. After returning from military service, Vadim Evgenievich again works at the factory. But a year later, he decided to leave the job of a locksmith and try himself in another field. Bulavinov becomes an employee of the private security department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gorky Region and at the same time receives higher education at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Law (faculty of law, evening department).

According to the data of the autobiography, Vadim Bulavinov at that time was also opening his own business. At that time, he already got a family that needed to be provided. No matter how strange it may sound, the young man was engaged not in anything but in sewing, and on a professional level, first alone, and then recruiting workers.

In fairness, it should be noted that the combination of services in private security with sewing at least seems strange. But both facts take place in the official version of the politician’s biography.


In 1990, he received a law degree and, according to him, among the five other students named the best on the course, he was invited to a very prestigious place of work. This is the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Bar Association. He worked there for three years, gaining invaluable professional experience during this time.

The beginning of a political career

Ascent to the political Olympus began on December 12, 1993, when Bulavinov received the seat of a deputy of the State Duma. His victory in the elections was very unexpected, so the competitors hastened to put forward many versions, according to which the election results are the result of some illegal activity. However, most likely, Vadim Evgenievich Bulavinov, whose biography is full of conflicting facts, made his way to the Duma, of course, not without the help of his team members and sponsors.

The main areas of activity of Bulavinov in the State Duma of the first convocation include participation in the work of the budget committee and the committee on international affairs, and membership in the Stability group.


Crash in the 1995 election

The election campaign in the State Duma, which began in 1995, did not bode well for Vadim Evgenievich. He began to act according to the already proven scheme, which he successfully used in the first elections. He began to often come to Nizhny Novgorod, demonstrating proximity to the people. Of his merits, he most often mentioned participation in activities aimed at financing the development and construction of ekranoplanes. He also promised to do everything possible to allocate funds from the federal budget for the construction of the circus.

In those elections, he lost almost 21, 000 votes to young and promising Olga Beklemishcheva.

Run for Governor

Return lost positions did not work right away. Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich declared himself only a year later. He won the elections to the City Duma, became the chairman of the commission on local self-government.

Then further career advancement in political activity went faster. Having become the owner of the Seti-NN television company, Vadim Evgenievich was able to adapt the broadcasting of a very popular television company to his own political goals. It was at this time that preparations were underway for the early elections of the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in which Bulavinov decided to participate. Of course, he did not win the victory, being in third place, but thanks to the powerful election campaign broadcast on the same Network-NN, the whole population of the region began to know about him and his political program.


In the 1999 State Duma elections, Bulavinov and Beklemisheva switched places. Now the leadership position has been taken by Vadim Evgenievich, who as a result outstripped the competitor by 29 thousand votes. While in the deputy chair at that time, he actively participated in the creation and functioning of the People’s Deputy group, where he was the first deputy chairman. He was also a member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. And most important: it was during that period that Bulavinov became the confidant of Vladimir Putin in preparation for the 2000 presidential election.

Mayor of Nizhny Novgorod

September 29, 2002 Bulavinov becomes mayor of Nizhny Novgorod. In 2004, he joined the United Russia party. And on October 16, 2005, he was re-elected for a second term.


He spent 8 years as mayor, and in October 2010, when his powers were just drawing to a close, Bulavinov became a defendant in a criminal case on abuse of power. It was about violations of the financing scheme during the construction of the Fantastica shopping center. It is for this reason that in the mayoral election, which at that time was to be elected among the deputies of the City Duma, he lost the support of the then Governor Valery Shantsev. Bulavinov Vadim Evgenievich, the reception of which was now occupied by the new mayor Oleg Sorokin, loses his deputy mandate

To date…

December 2010 for Bulavinov was marked by the fact that, by coincidence, he again received the mandate of the State Duma deputy, now the fifth convocation. The fact is that for personal reasons, one of the members of the United Russia party Valery Kornilov prematurely vacated the deputy seat, which Bulavinov took.

In 2011, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma (sixth convocation), which he is to this day.


Not so long ago, namely in the summer of 2014, the entire political elite discussed the not too polite behavior of the deputy Bulavinov. The fact is that on June 17 he flew by plane from Alicante to Moscow. When the aircraft landed at Domodedovo Airport, a senior passenger could not leave it because he was drunk and simply fell asleep. The crew members tried to wake the deputy, but to no avail. Therefore, the police were called in to help, who escorted the awakened Bulavinov to the medical center. There, he finally came to his senses, after a while he left the airport on his own and drove home.