
Burataeva Alexandra: biography and interesting facts

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Burataeva Alexandra: biography and interesting facts
Burataeva Alexandra: biography and interesting facts

Burataeva Alexandra has traveled a rather winding path from one television to another. She was the face of the news program for many years, and then went into politics. Later she changed her path again, stepping from the Duma to the Russian Railways. There she happened to work as a press secretary of the president of the company, and later - even his adviser. But once, her TV presenter of the Vremya and Novosti news programs on ORT was known and loved by many viewers.

Remembering the childhood …

Alexandra Burataeva was the fifth child in the family. And, as usually happens, little Sasha was always treated to the most delicious sweets, and as a gift she got the most beautiful and interesting toys. Then she took it for granted, not realizing that in this way parents and older children showed a special reverent attitude towards the youngest member of their large and friendly family.

Her childhood dreams …

Opposite the school where she studied in Elista, there was a store in which every winter a huge shop window was displayed with unusual New Year decorations and Christmas toys. And all this beauty was sold by a sullen and unsmiling saleswoman. Sasha then dreamed that it would be her happiness to sell such beautiful things. She imagined how, selling Christmas tree decorations, she would congratulate all customers on the upcoming New Year holidays, as if helping them to choose decorations.


Looking at how this rude saleswoman serves customers, little Burataeva Alexandra involuntarily compared her style of work with how her (Sasha) mother works. A woman once worked as a seller on a collective farm market. Despite the fact that it was sold all over its territory, in general, one and the same thing, there was always a queue for it. And all because Sasha’s mother was always very friendly and attentive with her customers, she was sympathetic to them. She was sure that it was necessary to have a certain talent in order to win over new customers.

Her youth

Burataeva Alexandra Mandzhievna never thought that someday television would appear in her life. Yes, not just appear, but declare her the face of news programs. And then, in her youth, having received a school certificate, she entered Kalmyk State University. Burataeva Alexandra chose the Romano-Germanic department at the faculty of foreign languages. Her specialty was called "teacher of English and literature."


Later, in 1987, she graduated from television presenters in the capital. For many years Burataeva worked in Republican television in Kalmykia. And she switched to the central Russian channel (ORT) only in 1995. It was then that she became the host of the News and Time programs for four whole years.

The experience of deputy

Alexandra Burataeva, whose photo quite often appears on the pages of glossy publications, during the work of the host program “Vremya”, received all the information necessary for work exclusively from news agencies. When she became a deputy (this happened in December 1999), then on duty she had to travel around the whole country. Only then did she realize how different the real, real life is. That everything that the presenters present to the audience smoothly “sleek” is actually not so smooth.


Alexandra Mandzhievna realized that real politics should be very quiet when she became a deputy. After all, indeed, it is absolutely not necessary to drench your opponent with water or enter into a fight with him. You just have to deal with your direct duties, excluding any possibility of PR. And as a journalist, she is sure that before discussing anything from the screen, you must have your own personal life experience.

Skeet Home

Not so long ago, a new talk show “Desperate Housewives” appeared on the Rossiya channel. One of the four presenters present in the frame is Burataeva Alexander. This, according to many viewers, is an interesting moment in the life of the Kalmyk beauty, because before that she was perceived as a rather strict and serious leader. She tries to combine work at Russian Railways and be the host of the program. But, as expected, the load on television was large.


Working in the Russian Railways, she plunged headlong into transport problems, she liked it. On the Vesti channel, the Transport program was launched, so Burataeva often came to the Yamsky Field Street and periodically met former colleagues. Once she received an offer to undergo tests in one of the women's programs. Many well-known leaders came to this casting, they were tried by fours. Later, she was surprised that it was the quartet that performed second.

Division of headings

It was the authors of the program that quite logically distributed the responsibilities of the leaders. Buratayeva got the kitchen. Later, she recalled that, watching the ups and downs of other culinary programs, she assumed that in any studio the cooking process is quite simple. After all, chopping vegetables or frying mushrooms, baking a bird is not a big deal. But how to transfer technology live, when time is strictly limited, but you need to have time to cook several dishes?


When the first issues appeared on the screens, very often journalists asked questions about the quality of the preparation: did the meat remain raw during the preparation of the kebab, did the cheese roll have time to bake, were the mushrooms pickled? It turns out that everything can be done on the air. Of course, open fire was not allowed in the studio (that is, the barbecue remained on the street), but direct broadcasts were constantly on. For Buratayeva, the main thing is that at least one recipe from each program remains in the memory of the audience.

Alexandra Burataeva, whose personal life was always behind the scenes, tried to make each issue of the female program interesting, so that the audience would like to sit still in front of the TV and see something useful for themselves. She wishes every woman that among household chores she could find for herself an hour and a half or two, while this transfer is in progress. While the children are in the classroom at school, and the husband is at work, one must at least occasionally allow himself to spend this precious time on himself - to learn how to dress properly or to learn a new recipe for long-familiar dishes. After all, all this will probably come in handy in life.