
Bialko Alexander Andreevich: biography of a former connoisseur of "What? Where? When?", His personal life and bibliography

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Bialko Alexander Andreevich: biography of a former connoisseur of "What? Where? When?", His personal life and bibliography
Bialko Alexander Andreevich: biography of a former connoisseur of "What? Where? When?", His personal life and bibliography

The name of Alexander Andreevich Bialko is familiar to all lovers of the intellectual television game "What? Where? When?", And not only to them. This scholar is one of the most famous members of the elite club. Moreover, Alexander is known not only for his performances at the round table of the show as an expert. For many years now, Bialko has been conducting very successful journalistic and literary activities. How the nuclear physicist became a writer and gained all-Russian fame is described in this article.

An irresistible craving for knowledge

Alexander Andreevich Bialko was born in 1952, on August 28 (Zodiac - Virgo) in the capital of the Soviet Union. Nothing is known about his childhood and parents. Talented and erudite Alexander does not talk about the details of the beginning of his life.

It is known that he studied at Moscow school No. 612. After its successful completion, Byalko continued the educational process. He studied at the legendary University of MEPhI, where he received a diploma in the most difficult specialization - experimental nuclear physics.


Alexander Andreevich Bialko acquired his second higher education at the Moscow Institute of Journalism, which is located at Moscow State University. After graduating in 1984, the intellectual continued to quench his thirst for knowledge. He entered the illustrious Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow. But Alexander never received a third higher education. Due to the strong employment, he was unable to complete his studies - in the last courses, Bialko was forced to leave the institute.

However, the lack of a linguistic diploma in the document package does not prevent Alexander from fluent in more than 10 different languages, both living and dead.

From physicist to businessman

The first place of work of a scholar and polyglot was MEPhI. Within the walls of his native university, Bialko worked for 14 years. Here he managed to work with a real nuclear reactor. In a fairly short period of time, he overcame the career ladder from a simple assistant to a teacher. During his work at MEPhI Alexander:

  • wrote a dissertation on nuclear physics, where he spoke about the use of information technology in this industry;
  • became a candidate of sciences (physical and mathematical).

The collapse of the Union of Socialist Republics did not knock out the soil from Balko. He chose business as a new field of labor activity and achieved great success in this area.


At various times, Alexander worked at several large enterprises, where he held high positions. In particular, he was:

  • Deputy Director of Brener;
  • Deputy General Director for Science at the Giredmet Experimental Chemical and Metallurgical Plant in Podolsk, Moscow Region.

Alexander did not abandon teaching. In 2008-2009, he was a teacher and dean of the Academy of Social Relations and Labor.

At the moment, Alexander Andreevich Bialko is again in a leading position - he is an adviser to the general director of the organization "ABC - REPETITOR". The direction of the company’s activities is unnecessary to specify - this is stated in its name.


Byalko manages to combine work in this company with the management of several of his own companies, and very successful ones. As the scholar himself has repeatedly joked, his considerable achievements in the commercial sphere have a logical explanation. Well, if he understood one of the most complex sciences of all, he would be able to figure out any other matters and questions. After nuclear physics, he can do anything.

Writing and journalism

In literature, the prose writer Alexander does not limit himself to any one genre. Among his works, in addition to journalistic articles:

  • more than 40 serious works on nuclear physics and information theory;
  • popular science works;
  • fiction novels;
  • cooking recipes.

Since 2005, a publishing house called Octopus has been printing intellectual literary creations. Books are issued in small runs, but are always in demand. Today, the bibliography of Alexander Andreevich Bialko includes 5 works published in print:

  • 2005 - “God's Gift, or Fried Eggs” (the first book of the author, a collection of recipes, accompanied by near-culinary stories);
  • 2006 - The Inside Out (novel);
  • 2007 - “The Origin of Humanity” (about science in a popular form);
  • 2008 - “A novel with physics” (fiction narrative, for which in 2011 the author was awarded the “Golden Pen of Russia”);
  • 2009 - "13 minutes of happiness" (while the last book of the writer).


In addition to literary activity, the journalist proved himself as a radio host. His authorial program “Bialko-show” for several years was aired at the station “Culture”. In 2007, this project was nominated for the Russian Radio Mania Award.

In the elite club

Extraordinary highly intellectual abilities, career achievements and successes, and the Muscovite himself became known to the general public after his appearance on the air of a television program in the chair of an expert. Member of the elite club "What? Where? When?" Alexander Andreevich Bialko became in 1979 while studying at MEPhI. The very next year, after the debut speech at the round table, the erudite student was awarded a commemorative sign - "Owl".

In the intellectual games of the club "What? Where? When?" Alexander took part for 30 years. But his most active period was in the 1980s. During his membership in the club, he was awarded the Crystal Owl. The last performance of Bialko as an expert was held in 2009. In 2010, he voluntarily officially left the elite club due to private circumstances.