
What does a lynx eat in the forest? What does the lynx eat in the taiga?

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What does a lynx eat in the forest? What does the lynx eat in the taiga?
What does a lynx eat in the forest? What does the lynx eat in the taiga?

Video: Epic Hunting Chase of the Canadian Lynx and Snowshoe Hare in HD 2024, July

Video: Epic Hunting Chase of the Canadian Lynx and Snowshoe Hare in HD 2024, July

What kind of animal is a lynx? Where does it live? What does a lynx eat in the forest? If you are interested in learning the answers to these questions, then this article is for you.


Lynx is the same cat, only the size of a large dog. Her legs are long and her body is short. For humans, this animal is not at all dangerous, although there are myths that the lynx rushes at people. It molts in the spring and fall. When several of these animals meet, then they greet each other with their noses, as if kissing. From the outside, such a picture looks very nice. This animal lives not only in the taiga, it is often found in forests that are in the mountains, in the forest-steppe or in the forest-tundra.


People like to catch these mammals not for eating, but for fur, which can be sold very profitably, since it is very rare and expensive. Even a mink cannot compare with this fur. Therefore, hunters very often try to catch them, but this rarely happens, since lynxes are very cautious and smell danger at a mile away.


These animals come in different species, but the most common is the common lynx. Its nutrition is varied, but mostly these are small rodents. She knows how to climb trees well and jump in length, about 3-4 meters. What makes this animal different from a small cat is that it can swim great, even better than many dogs. Lynx live in forests that are closer to the north. Of course, there should not be stronger predators than the lynx, but there are many weak or sick animals.

How can you profit from the forest?

What does a lynx eat in the forest? Hares are her main food. Lynx can cover about 30 kilometers per day. They have tassels on their ears that were not given to them for beauty. Thanks to them, the lynx learns in advance about the danger. This is a very careful beast that can walk in the snow so that even traces remain. They hide in caves or in a hollow. Lynxes are wonderful hunters, but only in the evening, and during the day they rest and gain strength. In autumn, young individuals go hunting with their parents and learn from them all the tricks. Scientists have found that eating lynx is extremely small. That is, one hare is enough for them for a day.


What does a lynx eat? First of all, she eats those animals that she can defeat and defeat. These can be white defenseless hares, as mentioned above, although when it is snowing they are not easy to catch - these helpless animals are good at disguising themselves. They catch hares every day, but eat them every 3 or 4 days, this is enough for them not to starve for several days. Lynxes also hunt weak roe deer, birds such as hazel grouse or black grouse, as well as mice and rats. Sick and helpless animals also attract them.

If you can’t have lunch in the forest …

When there is a lot of snow on the ground, there are few who can catch a lynx from forest animals, so it goes to houses where there are pets. Usually she does this procedure late in the evening so that no one sees her, and steals sheep or goats.

What the predator will definitely not refuse

Scientists have well studied how and what the lynx eats, what animals. She usually uses only those victims that she killed herself, and she does not recognize carrion. Even if she is very hungry, she is unlikely to touch the corpse of the animal.

What else will be a tidbit for a lynx and how is the hunting process going?

In Altai, this beast is larger and uses moose, roe deer, and deer. Lynx does not hunt in packs, like wolves, but alone. She will not live in those places where there is no food, but will wander until she sees that in this place something can be profitable. At the same time, the lynx does not like to lead a stray lifestyle. Only when she knows that in a certain area there are many animals that she can hunt, then she settles there for a long time. In the evening, a lynx goes hunting, climbs a tree, from where the view is clearly visible, and observes whether there is a victim nearby.


Seeing a potential prey from above, the lynx descends to the ground and ambushes, waiting. She never jumps on the victim from above, and hunts only below, usually attacking from behind. Lynx can hide so well that poor animals can never see where it can come from. If she does not see the victim in advance, then she will be ambushed from several hours to several days. Lynx hunts even when it is not at all hungry - it is in her blood. The main thing is to catch the prey. She sets up an ambush a little higher up the slope so that future prey can be clearly seen.

If a well-fed lynx catches a prey, then it will not even hide it on a rainy day. Just leave her where she killed, and leave. This bloodthirsty cat will not regret a single animal. According to statistics, a lynx kills about two hundred hares per year. In the winter snowy season, she kills roe deer every day, but eats only the most delicious meat, she simply leaves all unnecessary and does not stock up.

Lynx in the taiga

Sometimes representatives of this feline species live in coniferous forests. What does the lynx eat in the taiga, in those forests where there are a lot of dense trees?


In such places, the climate is very difficult, which is why animals have a hard time there. Over time, they, of course, adapt. The snow there is very deep, so in winter it is difficult for animals to move around. But in the taiga there is a lot of food, both in summer and in winter. However, in the cold, not all animals can get food for themselves. Lynxes are not found in such large numbers in the taiga, but they still come across.

They settle only in dark and deaf places, where very often you can find a hare and other animals, which is acceptable for a lynx. Many animals living in the taiga have poor eyesight, but in lynxes it is simply excellent. Thanks to this, cats easily hunt different birds that live in the taiga. There are also deer, roe deer, which the lynx enjoys with pleasure. That's what the lynx eats in the taiga.



Lynxes also have the habit of hunting foxes. And not because they eat them, but in order to get rid of competitors who also love hares. If she doesn’t take the fox out of the way, then she will chase the lynx to steal prey from her. Lynx has very few enemies, but they still exist.

There are even those who feed on trot in the forest or in the taiga. In those places where there are many wolves, the lynx does not live, as these are its first enemies. If they see this cat, they will catch up with it in any case, since it can run no more than 80 meters, then it starts to choke. Wolves run longer, so it does not cost them to catch a predator. Although, as was noted, this is a rare occurrence. If you meet Wolverine on the way, then the lynx is definitely not lucky. Wolverine drives her onto a tree, eventually pulls her out and kills her with ease. They are the same in strength, only the lynx is not very adapted to taiga conditions, so it will not immediately find where to run and where to hide.


Who else feeds trot? One case was recorded when a lynx killed an Amur tiger, now scientists are trying to track whether this is a coincidence or a reality. Behind the tigers no one else noticed so that they could attack the big cats.