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What to do with yourself? Useful ideas

What to do with yourself? Useful ideas
What to do with yourself? Useful ideas

Video: Top 5 Raspberry Pi DIY Projects of All Time 2024, July

Video: Top 5 Raspberry Pi DIY Projects of All Time 2024, July

Free time sometimes turns into a curse. Especially if for some reason ideas about what to do with yourself do not come to mind. However, billions of people would be happy to have your problem. They are tormented by deadlines and write lists of what they would do if time had come up. Although when free time comes, they are tormented, unable to find a job. For so many people, spending time should be not only enjoyable, but also useful. Therefore, here are some ideas on what to do when bored.

Find your favorite sneakers


If you are unsatisfied with your figure, you can fix this due to free time. If there is no thunderstorm outside the window, you can calculate kilometers on Yandex.Maps, find your favorite sneakers, dress according to the weather and mentally multiply your weight by the number of kilometers that would be good to run. This will be your calories. Each hundred calories burned (if you do not replenish it) is equal to a loss of 4.6 kg per year. The minimum training time is 40 minutes. A minimum of 15 kg per year of weight loss during training every day is provided to you.

Go to the dreams!

What to do at home when you don’t want to go outside? Go to Coursera or MIT for knowledge. You will need English to gain knowledge, but almost all modern people know it. Learn the language at the same time, and most of the lectures are still presented in text format. A Google translator will help you. You can even learn new professions - for example, a software tester. Or, finally, deal with higher mathematics. Nothing enhances self-esteem like passing a "excellent" test on the topic of function limits, believe me.


For the lyrics

And if you do not want to plunge into the exact sciences, pay attention to the library of Flibust. It contains a huge number of art books, including contemporary authors. Why not get acquainted with the latest novels by a popular author, especially since Flibusta is a free library? Nothing helps to relax like a good book. You will forget about boredom, and the problem of "what to do with yourself" will not bother you.

See the root!


If boredom reflects a crisis of understanding one’s own life, then one should not switch to the external, but work with the internal. Inmybook is very useful for keeping records. On the site you can create a branched tree of small documents, sorting them according to your needs. This is not only a diary, but also a repository for your thoughts, ordered as you think is right. For each interesting idea, you can create your own separate implementation plan. And all this will be stored under a password. In addition, the site has many other functions, for example, a tool for maintaining a budget and a diary with reminders. Almost all features are free.

Of course, you can go a simple way, for example, watch the new season of your favorite series, but after all, a person’s life ultimately comes from time. And when you decide what to do with yourself, you determine your future. If you read an article on professional topics, it will increase your qualifications; if you play Counter Strike, you just have fun.