
Black snake

Black snake
Black snake

Video: Atomic Rooster - Black Snake Live 1972 2024, July

Video: Atomic Rooster - Black Snake Live 1972 2024, July

The fauna of our planet is rich and diverse. A variety of creatures live here. Some of them are very cute in appearance, others are just awful. One of the most fearless, dangerous and fastest creatures on earth is the Black Mamba snake. It belongs to the genus Mamba, whose name in Latin translates as "tree snake". Her color is not quite black. The name she owes her black mouth, very similar in shape to the coffin.


The black snake actually has a dark olive, olive green, grayish brown color. The ventral side is off-white or light brown. Toddler snakes are olive and grayish in color. Hue changes with age.

A black snake can reach a length of up to three meters. Some specimens reach 4.5 meters. However, snakes of this size are very rare, and almost never occur.

This dangerous snake lives on the African continent. It can be found from Ethiopia to South West Africa, from Senegal to Somalia. It does not penetrate into the tropical forests of the Congo Basin. The black snake, unlike its own kind, is not adapted to life on trees. She feels best of all among the rare shrubs, abandoned termite mounds, in the hollows of trees. She lives in a permanent den for a long time and protects him if necessary.


The black mamba is a snake, the owner of the first place in the world among its own kind in terms of speed of movement. She has a speed of up to 20 kilometers per hour at short distances. In addition, it has one of the strongest neurotoxic poisons and is one of the twenty most poisonous snakes on the planet. The poison of black mamba quickly acts on the nervous system of a living creature, causing paralysis. He is able to kill a person in just four hours in the event of a bite on a finger or heel. If a snake bites a person in the face, then paralysis and death will come in twenty minutes.

For one bite, a black snake releases a huge amount of poison. A dose of up to 20 milligrams can be fatal if you do not rush into the antidote. However, at one time this snake releases from 100 to 400 milligrams of poison, in which case assistance must be provided immediately.

If a snake is disturbed or angered, it opens its mouth wide. Thus, she warns and scares strangers. In fact, it really looks impressive - it’s very scary when a black mamba with its mouth open rushes at you and hisses loudly.

In Africa, stories and myths associated with black snakes are very popular. Locals love to tell and retell them. However, not all of them are reliable.

Some of them relate to snakes chasing a person for several miles, just to bite. Some say that anyone who enters the building where the black mamba lives, will certainly be bitten. All these stories are greatly exaggerated.


Black mamba is not so cruel and aggressive.

It can be seen in the zoo terrariums.

Due to the terrible nature and ability to use their physical capabilities to the full, these snakes are not kept in private collections.

Scientists study them with curiosity and observe them both in captivity and in vivo.