
Shymkent region: description, list of cities, climate features and population

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Shymkent region: description, list of cities, climate features and population
Shymkent region: description, list of cities, climate features and population

Video: Get to know Kazakhstan 2024, July

Video: Get to know Kazakhstan 2024, July

Shymkent region was formed on March 10, 1932. Initially, it was called South Kazakhstan. In 1962, it was renamed Shymkent. However, in 1992 the region again became South Kazakhstan. This area is quite large. Its area is 117, 249 km 2. The region has existed within its borders since 1973.

Where is the region and its general description?

Kazakhstan is a large country, as you know. And Shymkent region is one of the 14 that make up this state. This region is located in the south of the country and is densely populated. As a percentage, the territory of the region is only 4.3% of the area of ​​Kazakhstan. The population in this region is 15% of the total population of the country. This is actually a lot. The population density is 23 people per 1 km 2.


In total, the Chimkent (South Kazakhstan) region includes 11 districts. In the region there are 8 cities and 7 urban settlements. The administrative center of the region is the city of Chimkent (Shymkent). The head of the region (for 2017) is Zhanseit Tuimebaev.

National composition and population

Of course, most of all in the Shymkent region Kazakhs live. The proportion of the population of this nationality is just over 70%. Also, quite a lot of Uzbeks live in this region - about 17%. In third place in terms of numbers are Russians. About 4.7% of them live in the region. And the last place is occupied by Tajiks - about 1.2%. People of other nationalities also live in the region - Koreans, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, etc., but in a rather small number. The total population of the region in 2015 was 2, 788, 404 people. Since 1970, it has increased more than 2 times. Along with the Kazakh official in the country, in all organizations, the Russian language is considered.

Landscape features

So, where is the Chimkent region, we found out - in the south of Kazakhstan. Most of its territory is occupied by the Turan Lowland. However, part of its area falls on the western spurs of the Tien Shan. Most of the territory of the region, therefore, is a slightly hilly plain. In the southwest and north of the region are deserts. In the extreme south, the Hungry Steppe stretches. In the very center of the region runs the Karatau ridge. In the southeast of the region are the Ugamsky and Karzhantau ranges. Also in this area lies the outskirts of Talas Alatau.

From south to northwest the region is crossed by the large Syr Darya River. Its tributaries are Arys, Kurukkes, Keles. All three of these rivers are mountainous. Their waters are actively used for irrigation of fields. In the north of the region, the Chu River also flows. In summer, it breaks up into reach. There are many fresh and saline lakes in the Chimkent region.


The climate of the region

This area is located in the southern latitudes, far from the seas. Therefore, the climate here is sharply continental and very arid. In the summer in the Shymkent region the weather is usually hot. The average annual temperature in July can reach up to 29 ° С. The amount of precipitation is not more than 100-400 mm per year. Quite a lot of rain and snow falls only in the foothills (up to 800 mm) and high mountains (up to 1000 mm).

Winters in the Shymkent region are quite cold and with little snow. The average annual temperature in January is -11 ° С in the north and -2 ° С in the south.

Flora and fauna of the region

Shymkent region includes huge areas of deserts. Sands occupy a fairly large part of the region. Flora in the region is represented mainly by drought-resistant vegetation. Saxaul, black and white, tamarisk and other similar bushes are found in the desert. In the floodplains of the Syr Darya and Chu rivers, the flora is more diverse. There are also quite a lot of fertile soils in the region. All kinds of herbs grow in the meadows. Of course, there are reed beds near the water. Also along the rivers you can observe sections of tugai forests with turanga and willow.


High-altitude zones in the mountains of the Shymkent region are pronounced. At the foot of the ridges are deserts with sparse vegetation. A little higher are feather grass steppes and alpine meadows.

Representatives of the fauna in the region live mainly desert and steppe. To a large extent, these are all kinds of rodents - ground squirrels, jerboas, gerbils and reptiles. In the mountains of the region live argali, mountain goats, bears. There are also leopards. In wooded areas near rivers there is a territory of wolves, ermines, ferrets, foxes and wild boars. Of the birds in the mountains live vultures, and on the lakes - geese and ducks. The reptile class in the Shymkent region is represented not only by snakes and lizards, but also by turtles.

Aksu-Dzhabaglinsky reserve

The fauna and flora of the region, unfortunately, are not particularly diverse. Human activity makes it even more meager. And of course, the unique nature of this mountainous-flat region needs protection. In this regard, in 1926, the Aksu-Dzhabaglinsky Reserve was organized on the territory of the western and north-western spurs of the Talas Alatau, which later became part of the South Kazakhstan region. The total area of ​​this reserve is more than 70 thousand hectares.


Such rare animals as, for example, porcupine, snow leopard, red deer, Siberian goat, etc. live in the reserve. There are also all kinds of birds in the reserve. The rarest and most interesting are the bustard and pink starling.

Cities of the region

The administrative center of the Chimkent region, as already mentioned, is the city of Shymkent. Most of the cities in the region were founded during Soviet times with the goal of mining or at railway stations. The regional center of the region - the city of Chimkent - is one of the three largest settlements in Kazakhstan. Its name is translated from Turkic as "green city" or "garden city".

Unlike most other large settlements of the region, Chimkent was founded a very long time ago. The first mention of it dates back to 1425 (a description of the military campaigns of Timur). However, many historians believe that the settlement on the site of modern Chimkent existed already in the XII century.

For a long time the city was part of the Kazakh Khanate. In 1864 he was captured by Russian troops. In 1914 the city was renamed Chernyaev. However, later the Soviet government returned it to its former name.

The largest cities of the Shymkent region after Shymkent are Turkestan and Saryagash. The first was founded before Chimkent. A settlement on the site of the city of Turkestan supposedly arose as far back as 500 AD. Initially, it was called Shavgar, and later - Yasy. Turkestan is located about 160 km from Chimkent, not far from the Syr Darya.


The city of Saryagash is located near the Kazakh-Uzbek border. The distance from it to Tashkent is only 15 km. They founded this settlement in Soviet times. Initially, it was a village. He later received city status.

One of the largest industrial cities in the Chimkent region is Lenger. Its population is mainly engaged in the extraction of coal. This city is located in the Tolebi district, within the Ugam range.

In addition to Chimkent, Saryagash, Lenger and Turkestan, the region has cities such as:

  • Kentau.

  • Arys.

  • Chardara.

  • Zhetysay.

Some of the population lives in the villages of Chimkent region. The largest villages and villages are Shayan, Temirlanovka, Kyzirgut, Aksukent, Shaulder, named after Turar Ryskulov, Sholokkorgan. Kentau, Turkestan and Arys are cities of regional subordination.

Districts of Shymkent region

The region is quite large in size. There are 11 districts in its composition. The largest in area is Suzaksky - 41, 049 km 2. The administrative center of this district is located in the village of Sholokkorgan. The most densely populated area of ​​the region is Sairam. About 311 thousand people live here. Moreover, the area of ​​the district is only 1665 km 2.


Regional economy: industry

Residents of the region are mainly engaged in enterprises specializing in mining. Also, many agricultural processing plants have been built in the region. Part of the population is engaged in agriculture on irrigated fields and livestock.

Industries in the Chimkent (South Kazakhstan) region are developed as follows:

  • mining;

  • non-ferrous metallurgy;

  • engineering;

  • pharmaceutical;

  • chemical;

  • food.

Coal, polymetallic and iron ores, gas, limestone, quartz, gypsum, clay are mined in the region. There are deposits of all kinds of ornamental stones on its territory. Cement, brick, expanded clay, etc. plants were also built in the region.

Agriculture and livestock

The fields mainly grow cotton, wheat, barley, rice, corn, oilseeds and melons. Viticulture and horticulture (pear, quince, peach, apple tree) are well developed in the Shymkent region.

Sheep breeding predominates in the livestock sector of the region. Also quite a lot in the field of farms specializing in the cultivation of dairy cattle. Private traders contain pigs, horses, poultry, camels, donkeys.

Region Transport

The total length of the railways of the Chimkent region is approximately 700 km. The Orenburg-Tashkent, Arys-Alma-Ata highways pass through its territory. The length of roads is more than 5 thousand km.

Gas pipeline

The region is able to provide itself with “blue fuel”. In December 2010, the construction of the Beineu-Baza-Shymkent gas pipeline was launched in the region. In addition to Kazakhstan itself, “blue fuel” is exported to China along this line. The total length of the pipeline is 1.5 thousand km. The estimated service life is 30 years.