
What is being done to protect the air in the city? What is being done to protect air in Moscow?

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What is being done to protect the air in the city? What is being done to protect air in Moscow?
What is being done to protect the air in the city? What is being done to protect air in Moscow?

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Video: Man stabbed '18 times in 25 seconds' on train 2024, July

Every year, more and more people move from the stone jungle out of town. This is due to a variety of reasons, but in most cases this is due to the unwillingness of citizens to breathe with sewage. As soon as someone pronounces the word "city", a picture of the eternal exhaust gases and smoke coming from the pipes of factories is immediately reproduced in the head. Not every resident of the metropolis asks the question: "What is being done to protect the air in our city?" This is not surprising, since people simply do not know the fact that it is possible to combat air pollution, and officials of most large settlements are doing just that. However, first things first.

Causes of air pollution

The process of air pollution began in the XIX century, in connection with the rapid development of industry. All factories of that time used one type of fuel - coal. Despite the fact that even then they knew about the harmfulness of this raw material to the environment, it still remained the most popular. This was due to its low cost and excellent availability. Why worry about air if coal brings huge revenue! And not only to sellers, but also to buyers.


Many may say that coal is a relic of the past, and they will be right. Now this type of fuel is used in very small volumes, but, nevertheless, it continues to be used.

Harmful materials

The next air pollutant can be safely called all the buildings as a whole. Technological progress does not stand still, every year they come up with new materials for building houses and producing household utensils. However, the building itself and its furnishings can emit up to 100 harmful chemical compounds. Household cleaning and cleaning products are also very harmful to the environment. The concentration of toxic particles in them is a thousand times greater than in the open air.

It is worth the special “gratitude” to be expressed to smokers, because it is they who, with every cigarette smoked, release more than three thousand types of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Particular attention should be paid to exhaust fumes. Although the car greatly facilitates the life of a person, it spoils his health. This is especially true in large cities, where cars account for hundreds of thousands.

Unsafe new technologies

Not always new technologies carry only positive qualities, there are also negative ones. For example, television and computer screens significantly degrade the environment.


As you can see, quite a few factors influence the air condition. In connection with these, the question arises: "I wonder what is being done to protect the air?" Indeed, if this goes on, then our descendants will not breathe oxygen, but some harmful impurities, and air, in the literal sense of the word, will begin to sell.

Environmental Conservation Measures in Moscow

Many residents of the capital may ask what is being done to protect the air in Moscow. First of all, the authorities are trying to protect residents from the harmful effects of exhaust gases. For this, appropriate measures are being taken. For example, freight transport is not allowed to travel through the city; for such vehicles, separate highways are created to bypass the metropolis. What is being done to protect air in Moscow, besides this? All kinds of underground passages and special tunnels for cars are being built in Belokamennaya itself. Over the sidewalks rise new motorized platforms.

The question "what is being done to protect the air" is asked not only by Russians, but also by citizens of other countries of the world, therefore all states are paying more and more attention to the environment. From year to year, new types of fuel are developed and created to reduce the amount of harmful emissions produced by the car while driving. All kinds of substances are added to gasoline that reduce the harm of exhaust gases. They began to use mixtures of alcohol, water and gasoline. Alcohol in fuel reduces the content of carbon monoxide in the exhaust, and water contributes to a more complete combustion of fuel. Natural gas vehicles are very widely used. This significantly reduces the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. For example, residents of the capital, answering the question of what is being done to protect air in Moscow, can confidently talk about new gas-powered buses.


Opinion of residents

Not so long ago, a poll was conducted in the capital. To the question: "What is being done to protect air in Moscow?" Most citizens responded as follows:

1) the withdrawal of harmful and dangerous enterprises outside the city;

2) support and development of electric vehicles (metro, trolleybuses, trams);

3) the construction of new automobile rings;

4) control of exhaust gases (using special converters);

5) installation of special filters on diesel buses;

6) a significant improvement in the environmental performance of automotive fuel.

Nizhny Novgorod

What is being done to protect the air in Nizhny Novgorod? The main problem is recycling. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, almost 250 tons of acid soil were accumulated. Very often there is a fire ignition, and the smoke picked up by the wind rushes to unsuspecting citizens. It is not surprising that this city occupies a leading position in the volume and quantity of substances polluting the air.


The administration, however, is not idle. Officials are trying to increase the number of processing companies in the region. To date, there are about 10 such organizations, which, however, are not able to cope with such a huge load. At one of the conferences, the latest installation for the disposal and processing of waste remaining from the activities of oil refineries was presented.

Now the inhabitants of this beautiful city can confidently answer the question of what is being done to protect the air in Nizhny Novgorod.


The main sources of air pollution in Voronezh are thermal power enterprises, the chemical industry, and mechanical engineering. Over 20% of the region’s inhabitants are exposed to increased levels of environmental pollution.

What is being done to protect the air in Voronezh? More recently, gas-powered buses have appeared in the city. This type of public transport significantly reduced the degree of environmental pollution, however, there are only a few dozen such buses.


The administration is taking active measures to create an effective system for the treatment of production and consumption waste, to develop a system for processing secondary resources, to eliminate illegal landfills, and to expand green areas.

All these events are a direct answer to the question of residents about what is being done to protect the air in Voronezh.


And what is being done to protect the air in Barnaul? As in most cities, the main problem here is garbage. Legislation on the handling, transportation, disposal and disposal of waste is very clearly violated. All this leads to a deterioration of the ecological state of the village, pollution of the atmosphere of the region.

People, of course, are interested in what is being done to protect the air in their beautiful city. It should be noted that in 2013 the executive authorities and the environmental control service of the Territory Administration Department revealed about 100 violations of the law. All the perpetrators were punished.


Representatives of the administration promise that the environmental condition of the region will soon be improved. Old public transport powered by old fuels will be replaced with new cars using modern environmental fuels. This will significantly reduce the level of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

Move on. Let's look at the cleanest, according to many people, corner of our vast country - Siberia.


Most likely, many citizens are interested in the question of what is being done to protect the air in Novosibirsk. To begin with, it should be said what is the main cause of air pollution in this region.

There are two main sources - industry and motor transport. About 70% of all industrial facilities in the region are not equipped with treatment facilities. Road transport accounts for slightly less than half of all air polluting substances. Due to the congestion of the city with automobiles and due to the insufficient distance from highways, car exhausts are inhaled by the inhabitants of Novosibirsk around the clock, even during sleep. Some roads are located a few meters from residential buildings, and in accordance with the law, the carriageway should be located no closer than 200 meters from residential buildings.

What is being done to protect the air in Novosibirsk? At all industrial facilities, special treatment facilities are being built in an orderly manner. This will reduce the amount of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Bypass roads are being built that can "unload" the city from a huge stream of cars, which, of course, will affect the improvement of the environment.

The transfer of public transport to safe fuels is also very active. Often city events for landscaping the village.

Worth thinking

What is being done to protect the air? This question is becoming more and more popular with the world community every year. This is not surprising, because the whole planet is watching with horror the environmental degradation around the globe.

Very often people discuss the problems associated with the protection of the ozone layer of the Earth. This is discussed with children at school. To the voice of reason they cry from the TV screens. The question of what is being done to protect the air is incredibly relevant today. Many criticize the local authorities and the government. They are indignant: they say, what is being done to protect the air in our city? However, rarely does anyone think about what he did to protect the world in general and the atmosphere in particular.


Many, without hesitation, burn huge amounts of garbage on their land plots, which consists not only of paper. They burn everything, and it does not matter what material this item is made of. It doesn’t matter that when plastic is burnt, thousands of harmful substances get into the air, which harm primarily the citizen burning the scrap …

So, who is to blame - discussed. There was a second question from time immemorial …