
What to do if I meet a wild boar in the forest? How to be saved?

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What to do if I meet a wild boar in the forest? How to be saved?
What to do if I meet a wild boar in the forest? How to be saved?

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Fatigue and constant tension are the eternal companions of those who have been living in a metropolis for a long time. A bustling city with its roads, cars, a big crowd of order annoying. I want to relax, get a boost of energy, good mood. It’s perfect for this … forest!

It is beautiful at any time of the year. In winter, everything is covered with a white fluffy blanket. You walk along the snowy path, and everything is so quiet, but the sun came out and everything shone, sparkled with multi-colored tiny pebbles. So the sun began to play snowflakes soaring in the air.


Spring is a wonderful time when nature awakens from a long winter hibernation. Birds sing about the approaching heat, buds swell on the branches.

In summer, the forest is beautiful in its beauty. The sweet smell of herbs and fragrant needles is in the air. Ripe berries are waiting in line to be in the baskets of those who are not too lazy to come for the juicy gifts of nature. Ants carry something to their home, birds chirp in the foliage of the trees. And autumn pleases with a riot of colors. Trees are dressed in bright red, emerald green, orange, brown.

But, going into the thicket, do not forget about caution. Forest nature is not only a beautiful landscape, berries, herbs, flowers, but also a den of wild animals: a bear, a wolf, a wild boar. The latter, perhaps, are one of the most dangerous animals. Meeting a wild boar in a forest can be a serious danger to a person. But with proper behavior, dangerous consequences can be avoided.

Boar: its description, behavior

Wild boars are the progenitors of modern domestic pigs. Another name for the animal is the boar. Features of these animals:

  1. Long strong legs allow you to wade through dense thickets or shrubs.

  2. Elongated head.

  3. With the help of large sharp fangs, the boars are protected from enemies. In males, fangs are longer, in females - shorter.

  4. Thick skin - a great defense when attacking enemies.

  5. Wild boar is a large animal. Adults can reach a weight of up to 200 kg.

  6. Females gather in groups, males are mostly single.

  7. The boar gets food at dusk or early in the morning.

  8. Boars have excellent hearing and sense of smell.

  9. The main diet is vegetation, insects, fish, tubers, rhizomes, bird eggs.


Wild Habitat

Most often, boars are found in marshy areas, near water bodies and rivers, where the land is rich in vegetation, insects, etc. Still wild boars prefer forests where cedar cones grow in abundance - one of their favorite treats of this animal.

The presence of a wild pig nearby gives out dug ground, traces, shreds of wool. If the hunter went hunting, his task is to move silently, not betraying his presence, but a simple traveler warns in advance about his approach, stomping loudly or rustling clothes.

Anyone who goes to the forest should know what to do if he meets a wild boar in the forest. After all, this meeting can cost a life. So how to escape from a wild boar in the forest?

What should not be done when meeting with a boar

First, what absolutely is not worth doing:

  1. It is not necessary to attract small cubs if they happen to be in the vicinity of a person. In this case, you need to scare them, rattle the dishes.

  2. In the presence of a signal rocket it is not necessary to shoot at an animal. It is enough to make a shot in the air. This will scare away the beast.

  3. Do not use weapons if you do not have good handling skills. With an inaccurate shot or stab, the boar will become furious.

Attack on a person, consequences

Wild boars eat anything, but people are not included in their diet. Therefore, an attack on a person occurs in exceptional cases. The main reason for the attack is self-defense or protection of offspring. Wounded or sick animals are very dangerous. Such individuals behave aggressively and unpredictably.


The wild boar is not a domestic pig, it is a formidable strong animal. Meeting even small representatives can have serious consequences. Sharp incisors can cause deep wounds, and strong claws can cause serious injury and damage. When attacked, the beast can easily trample an adult man. To avoid meeting a boar, a person must detect his presence by singing, talking, tapping - in a word, it is noisy to approach.

Their eyesight is weak, but the scent is well developed, so a sudden meeting is excluded. Usually animals when a person appears themselves go away. If you adhere to this behavior, the question of what to do if you meet a wild boar in the forest will rarely arise. The animal itself will avoid meeting.

Meeting with the beast in the forest

So what if I met a wild boar in the forest? The main thing is not to panic. Panic is a bad adviser in such a situation. Do not pierce the thick skin of an animal with a knife. Only large-caliber weapons will do. The shot must be fast and accurate, otherwise the beast will be even more angry. A scream can also add aggressiveness to it. You won’t be able to escape either. Wild pigs run much faster than humans.

The main way out is to climb onto the nearest tree. Boars do not know how to climb trees and jump up. Shouting and rushing from there is not worth something. The most angry can wait for several hours under the tree.

Often at a meeting completely flies out of my head, what to do if I met a wild boar. Therefore, when hiking in the forest, you need to be prepared to meet these animals. If necessary, stock up on photos, collect additional information.