
What is an economic relationship?

What is an economic relationship?
What is an economic relationship?

Video: Aspects of International Relations: International Political Economy 2024, July

Video: Aspects of International Relations: International Political Economy 2024, July

Economic relations are certain relations that people are forced to enter into the process of social reproduction, regardless of consciousness and will. This process can be divided into four components - production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Any system of economic relations cannot be considered in isolation from reproduction, which is characteristic of each state in a narrowed, expanded, or simple form. In the first case, the volume of manufactured products is steadily decreasing, in the second - increasing annually, in the third - remain unchanged.

In the process of activity, citizens of the country and legal entities are forced to enter into production, property and socio-economic relations. Each of these categories has its own characteristics, however, in these systems the society as a whole is involved, and not individual individuals and enterprises.

Production: Economic relations cannot be imagined without production, since it is this component that leads to the formation of surplus value. Employees working at the enterprise during the implementation of economic activities are forced to interact with each other, since their work is collective. Therefore, production is considered the basis of the economy and the existence of society, and this indicator usually includes not only the process of production, but also its subsequent distribution and consumption. After the manufacture of goods, its share is determined, which is due to each of the participants in economic activity.

Moreover, the distribution of resources and the division of labor is carried out according to various varieties of economic activity. Another stage in the movement of goods is their exchange, and instead of products, people involved in its manufacture receive money, which is the equivalent of the value of the goods produced. The final stage of the movement of the created product is its consumption, without which it is impossible to imagine the satisfaction of human needs. As a result, the goods disappear, and they need to be produced again.

Property relations: In any country, economic relations are based on forms of ownership characteristic of a particular state. This indicator reflects the level of production forces, since enterprises differ in the number of people working for them. In Western countries, which are characterized by a mixed economy, there is a variety of forms of ownership. And private property may include a large plant, a farm owned by a certain citizen, as well as a pharmacy, shop, shop or cafe. Therefore, between individual members of society, collectives, groups and classes, social and economic relations take shape. And the decisive role in them is assigned to the owner of the means of production, without which the economic activity of workers is simply impossible.

Organizational issues: Economic relations also cover organizational issues arising from the fact that social production, the subsequent distribution of manufactured products and their exchange without a certain delimitation of the responsibilities of each worker is impossible. A joint activity of workers is based on cooperation, specialization and division of labor, which is characteristic of any developed state. As the production process at large enterprises becomes quite complicated, each of its employees is engaged in the implementation of certain actions, and joint work leads to a common goal - the implementation of the reproduction process.