the culture

What is organizational culture?

What is organizational culture?
What is organizational culture?

Video: What is Organizational Culture? 2024, July

Video: What is Organizational Culture? 2024, July

Organizational culture is manifested in the form of values, generally accepted beliefs and existing norms of behavior that underlie relationships both within the organization and beyond.

It is known that management services have somewhat changed the basic elements of this characteristic of human behavior and began to use it more likely as a factor in increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of management and production. The bearers of organizational culture are members of society, i.e. people.

There is a concept of corporate culture. It should also analyze its specifics. Corporate culture is a set of rules that are acceptable to all employees of the company. Note that such a culture, like any other, is formed and changed in the process of human activity. But in those corporations where all systems for building relationships have already been established, this culture separates from its carriers and becomes part of the organization that affects employees. Very often, it can cause the failure of those innovations that have successfully started in another company. The presence of corporate culture is recorded in all organizations. Moreover, this does not depend at all on whether someone is engaged in questions of its formation or not.

The origin of the term “organizational culture” refers to the 70s of the 20th century, and its conceptual basis was developed in the 1980s in the United States. This process was influenced by researchers of individual behavior, management systems and organization theory.

The formation of this culture depends on internal and external factors that affect the development of the organization, which can be spontaneous or directed. Its development is also influenced by the social and business environment, as well as state, national and ethnic factors.

Organizational culture is formed under the influence of certain reasons:

Among the primary ones are called:

  • Management interest

  • management response in the event of a critical situation;

  • attitude to production and behavior style of superiors;

  • criteria by which employees are rewarded.


  • organization structure;

  • information transfer system;

  • interior design, external and internal interior design;

  • stories about those people who played a role in the formation of the enterprise.

There are such elements of organizational culture as:

  1. The philosophy of the enterprise, which determines the attitude towards employees and customers.

  2. Dominant value system.

  3. Norms of relations in the organization.

  4. The system of rules of work and behavior in the enterprise.

  5. Socio-psychological working conditions

  6. Rituals, symbols, and behavioral ceremonies.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Due to the fact that the organization overcomes difficulties with external adaptation and internal integration, it gains a certain experience, which becomes the basis of its culture.

  2. Organizational culture is formed in a situation of joint overcoming difficulties.

  3. The basis of such a culture is formed by the founders of the enterprise in this particular case, and its core is created on the basis of their life experience and worldview.

  4. The essence of organizational culture is that it is the habitual habitat of those employees who work in this industry. However, the principles of the influence of this concept becomes noticeable to new employees or outside observers.

  5. The principles of this culture can be fully understood only after studying the history of the creation and development of the organization, in particular, in relation to those critical moments that it encountered during its development.

If all the characteristics of the organizational culture are understood correctly, this will help management to put their decisions into practice, as well as develop realistic plans for the future.