the culture

What is pretense? Where is the border and how not to play too much

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What is pretense? Where is the border and how not to play too much
What is pretense? Where is the border and how not to play too much

Video: The Daily Mirror Double Page Spread Analysis 2024, July

Video: The Daily Mirror Double Page Spread Analysis 2024, July

The concept of “pretense” is often confused with a certain guile, innocuous pretense. Is it really? What is pretense? This concept and personality trait will be discussed in the article.


Definition of a concept

What is pretense? This acting, cunning, therefore, is far from a harmless property of man. The following interpretations give a similar concept:

  • in Ushakov’s dictionary - behavior or deeds, with the firm intention of concealing the truth, with the aim of misleading or deceiving;

  • in the teacher’s encyclopedic dictionary in the section “Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture” - this is the acceptance of an image that does not correspond to the inner world, with the aim of misleading or deceiving someone - cunning, falsehood, insincerity, hypocrisy;

  • in the dictionary of Efremova T. F. - behavior with the purpose of deceiving or misleading;

  • in the dictionary Ozhegova S. I. - the behavior of the one who pretends to be;

  • in the psychological and philological dictionary - misleading a partner in conversation, communication, for example, when they portray feelings that are reprehensible and hypocritical.

In the dictionary of synonyms, these words are equivalent to this concept:

  • acting;

  • comedianism;

  • mask

  • hypocritism;

  • masquerade;

  • abduction of eyes;

  • bluff;

  • duplicity;

  • acting;

  • Jesuitism;

  • slyness;

  • pretense;

  • pretense;

  • cunning;

  • comedy;

  • simulation;

  • irony;

  • hypocrisy;

  • doneness;

  • duplicity;

  • acting;

  • insincerity;

  • simulation

  • cryogenic.

Personality quality

Even Laroshfuko F. wrote that we are so accustomed to pretending to other people that we begin to pretend to be in front of ourselves.


As a quality of a person, pretense is the ability to pretend to be the wrong person or to portray the wrong feelings in order to lead someone into deception, error.

Acting of lies and deceit is a cruel encroachment on the truth and truthfulness. For example, Mikhail Zoshchenko describes a very interesting historical fact of the election of Sixtus the Fifth to the papal throne. He had a huge number of enemies, in addition, many cardinals dreamed of seeing on the throne a very weak and weak candidate, whom Sixtus was not. In general, he had zero chances. And he went on a trick. At the re-election, he appeared to be very ill: coughing, groaning, groaning, hunching, talking in a whisper and with shortness of breath. All the cardinals decided that such a sick and weak father was exactly what they needed and voted for him. Many historians claim that he was dad for about five years and was very harsh.