
What is success?

What is success?
What is success?

Video: What is Success, Really? | Jamie Anderson | TEDxLiège 2024, July

Video: What is Success, Really? | Jamie Anderson | TEDxLiège 2024, July

At some specific moment, each of us thinks about the meaning of our own lives. Certainly, the goal of human existence is to achieve a state of happiness. But all this is somehow blurry, generalized and often very complicated. Better talk about success.

What is success? This is when everything in life is good. Previously, children were explained as follows: “To grow up as an intelligent person, you need to study, study and study again … Make it good!” And another very important point is to have excellent health. So, at least, it was considered in Soviet times.

But later it turned out that not always smart, educated people succeed. An important moment is also the ability to establish the necessary connections, to be sociable, persistent, punchy. These qualities have little to do with study. Nevertheless, a person can be completely mediocre, but very sociable, and most likely he will be more successful.

What about the young generation? How can they clearly explain what success is? And what is needed to achieve it?

So, to become a successful person:

1. You have to be smart. To do this, study hard. But this is definitely not enough!

2. You must be able to find a common language with people around you, be able to convince, to make sure that they listen to you.

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself and your health.

But how to more specifically substantiate this concept? What is success?

To begin with, we will try to divide this general value into components:

1. This is money. They should be enough. Everything is more or less clear here.

2. The presence of goals in life and the inexhaustible desire for its implementation. Here it will already be more difficult. If a reasonable person is engaged in such activities in which he does not see much sense for himself, then most likely it will sooner or later lead to depression. This is a very important and significant moment.

3. Relations with your own kind. So the world is created. And there is nothing to be done.

4. It is important to constantly improve, develop in the desired direction. Without self-development it is impossible to achieve a state of harmony.

5. Harmonize with the outside world. It is important to realize that you mean something, need someone, bring benefits, etc.

After we have more or less decided what success is, the next moment comes. What needs to be done in order to approach this state, and ideally, to achieve it.

Firstly, it is important to program internally and tune in to achieve success. Faith and desire can do a lot. Readiness for decisive action. Your emotions and mind should be in perfect harmony with each other.

Success is a pattern, the desired scenario. But failure is a kind of deviation from the norm.

What does success mean to you personally? It is important to decide, understand this! And it is not necessary to have material wealth. Everyone, of course, wants to be the owner of a good house, a car, but not everyone wants this. Someone is dreaming about something completely different. All people are different, and their views and desires are different. There is no general success. Each one has his own. Upon reaching it, a state of peace of mind, inner joy, self-satisfaction arises. This feeling is an inexhaustible source of positive energy, giving strength.

To succeed, you need to constantly work on yourself. Work hard, plan your life, set goals, treat yourself well. Do not forget about auto-suggestion, which helps to successfully control your actions. Also, the most important point is the motivation for success, only after the subconscious mind begins to tune in to the desired "wave". Many do not choose, they just “go with the flow”, and therefore their life turns into a continuous “surf noise”.