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What is military duty?

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What is military duty?
What is military duty?

Video: Active Duty Military vs Reserve | What's the Difference? 2024, July

Video: Active Duty Military vs Reserve | What's the Difference? 2024, July

The history of the development of human civilization is impossible without such a thing as military duty. In general, as such, duty is treated in completely different ways, in accordance with the class or social understanding of the responsibilities that a person assumes in a given era, where, accordingly, there are specific problems of society and time.

The literature presents a variety of types of duty: filial and parental, marital and duty of honor, but one of the most fundamental concepts is military duty, which has been formed over many centuries, incorporating all the features, all mentality, all traditions and customs, events and historical facts.


Army yesterday and today

Since its inception in any state, the army is the most important tool and the main tool in international politics. In the Russian Empire since the time of Peter the Great, an important role in society was given to officers. Military duty is a fundamental element, the spiritual component of the educational process, which begins to take shape in early childhood.

According to the instructions of Count Vorontsov (1859), officers should have a duty to know and to feel the importance of rank. A soldier enters the army from a peaceful, often peasant, life, and therefore rarely understands why he is needed here, and does not know his mission in the business that he has to fulfill. And only appropriate education in the army helps him to get a patriotic perception of the world, to awaken historical memory, to remember the glory of his own Fatherland. In the army, military duty is necessary, only in conformity with it, the general idea unites and leads to victory.

If a soldier does not fulfill his duties out of duty, but out of fear or for any other reason, one cannot rely on such an army. Each of these ranks is a servant of their Fatherland, and fidelity to military duty is a sacred duty to the motherland. This applies not only to soldiers, but also to every citizen. Unfortunately, in our time, Russian society is very heterogeneous in the performance of such a duty; the changes in our long-suffering country turned out to be too dramatic. Many are trying to "slope" from the army. And in this situation, a man, in addition to the inevitable criminal one, bears an even heavier responsibility: the future of the Fatherland is on his shoulders. But loyalty to military duty for many today is just words that are worthless.


Main words

The duty of a Russian citizen to his country is always associated with filial, that is, the attitude to the homeland is feelings for his mother. Patriotism and fidelity to military duty, as well as honor, are today alien concepts for the younger generation, their perception is not able to “materialize” these words, sounding like terms to them for some time.

Young people need to comprehend these categories as main values, as attitudes. Otherwise, this whole huge layer of values ​​will not find recognition among citizens, will not serve the country's good, and youth will not receive personal development. Ushinsky, a famous writer, thinker and teacher, argued that there is no man without self-esteem, but likewise he cannot exist without love for the Motherland, and it is this love that nurtures the heart and serves as a support in the fight against evil inclinations.

Patriotism and fidelity to military duty are concepts that have many interpretations and options. But they all define these categories as the most significant and lasting values ​​inherent in absolutely all spheres of life of the state and society, which are the spiritual wealth of the individual that characterizes the level of its development and manifests itself in self-realization - active, active and always for the good of the Fatherland. These phenomena are multifaceted and multidimensional, they represent a very complex set of characteristics and properties, appear at different levels of the social system, and among citizens of all ages and generations. What characterizes a person most of all is his military duty. Military honor directly depends on the quality of its performance. This is the attitude of the individual to his own country, to the people around him.



The most graceful times in order to instill a sense of patriotism, and with it military duty, are considered childhood and adolescence. If you start education on time, proper feelings will certainly appear, and not only the words will be heard by the citizen, but these concepts will become sacred to him. When the roots of historical memory are uprooted, then ties between generations are broken, traditions are denied, the mentality of the people, its history, exploits, glory, and valor are ignored. There is no continuity - there are no conditions for patriotic feelings to increase. Then it will be very difficult to form the military duty of servicemen.

What is hindering patriotic education today? Why have all the ideas of national unity, good, love for the motherland, family and people as a whole been replaced by cults of evil, power, sex, permissiveness? Why are life prerogatives led by false symbols of the prestige of the situation in society?

How to instill in young people such attitudes so that they can fulfill military duty with honor? First of all, parents should do this, and secondly, educational institutions and, of course, the state as a whole. And in the Armed Forces - their command staff. Patriotism must be developed, and it is necessary to start it in childhood, without stopping this process among young people. Attachment to the homeland should not be purely theoretical, since the word "homeland" itself contains the definition of "native". In Russia, these feelings have always been at the level of mentality; they had a special moral, philosophical, sometimes religious or mystical meaning.


Government program

In the nineties of the last century, a difficult period began in the development of our country, when the society did not pay attention to the patriotic education of youth, its role was very insignificant. And this immediately reflected on the spiritual and moral aspects of the development of the younger generation. The fact turned out to be not just negative, it affected all subsequent draft campaigns - there were more frequent cases of evasion of service, and among those who could not "slope", few people willingly and properly performed military duty. However, a special state program dedicated to the patriotic education of citizens was soon adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation. So, educational institutions have a real opportunity to step up activities in this direction.

Of course, even the adoption of such a program will not completely remove the whole problem of patriotic education. First, it should begin much earlier, and not in schools, but in families. The wise philosopher Montesquieu wrote the perfect truth about the best method of instilling in children a love of the Fatherland. If fathers have such love, it will certainly go to the children. An example is the best guide, the most effective method. Such education begins with manifestations that are far from military. The future soldier will feel the fulfillment of military duty with examples of spiritual, material, and parental responsibilities. Relatives, teachers, and subsequently the officers will simply continue what they started in early childhood, and then the service will be painless and with good returns. That is precisely why teachers and educators must be true patriots of their homeland, to the core. Thus the power will be reborn.

National character

Our national character is the most important circumstance that affects the development of military patriotism. This was born not now and not even under the Soviet regime. The main features of a national character, forming the essence of military duty, are not too numerous, but each of them is fundamental. Devotion to the Fatherland must be unlimited, until completely ready to give life for it completely consciously. The military oath always had unquestioned authority and was fulfilled under absolutely any conditions. The concepts of military duty and military honor have always been equally high among soldiers and officers. In battle, the norm of behavior was stamina and perseverance, readiness for achievement. There was no soldier or sailor insufficiently devoted to his regiment or ship, banner, traditions.

Military rituals have always been observed, and the awards and honor of the uniform evoked respect. Captured Russian soldiers have always been distinguished by heroic behavior. Always helped the fraternal peoples. Russian officers did not cease to be the best examples for their soldiers. And it was craftsmanship that was most appreciated and appreciated among fellow soldiers, and therefore there is always a growing desire to master their military profession as best as possible. This applies to both ordinary and generals, each in his place performed a military duty.

For example, Suvorov more than sixty times gave battle to the enemy and never lost. Such a complete set of remarkable qualities does not have any army in the world. Patriotism is not material, but its influence is extremely great. It is impossible to calculate, measure, weigh. But always at the most critical moments, it was thanks to patriotism that the Russian army won.



Panfilov’s heroes are only twenty-eight people, including one officer, armed with fuel bottles, grenades, and several anti-tank rifles. There is no one on the flanks. It was possible to run away. Or give up. Or hold your ears in your hands, close your eyes and fall to the bottom of the trench - and die. But no, nothing of the kind happened; the soldiers simply beat off tank attacks - one after another. The first attack is twenty tanks, the second is thirty. Panfilov’s managed to burn half.

You can make any calculations as you like - well, they couldn’t win, they couldn’t, because there were two tanks per fighter. But they won. And why - understand. With their whole soul they felt what an oath was. They were engaged in simple work, that is, the performance of military duty. And they loved their land, their capital, their homeland. If these three components are present in military people - they cannot be defeated. And those who see in the Great Patriotic War only mistakes, blood and torment, not noting talent, will, ability to fight, contempt for their own death - they are already defeated.


Maybe this is all a distant past, and now people are not the same, and the worldview of the people has changed? Another example. The beginning of the two thousandth year, Chechnya, high-rise 776 near Ulus-Kert. The sixth company of the Pskov airborne regiment blocked the bandits. They fled from Chechnya from heavy bombing - almost the entire army. A few more kilometers, and all the bandits would have dissolved in neighboring Dagestan - not to be caught. But the whole day our paratroopers fought an unequal, difficult and incessant battle with the enormous strength of the enemy, not only numerically superior many times over, but also with weapons.

When it was almost impossible to resist - everyone died or were injured - the paratroopers fired artillery fire on themselves and did not spare their lives. Of the ninety people, only six survived, and eighty-four - those who died in the performance of military duty, the young, went into immortality. They will always be remembered along with the Panfilov’s, because they accomplished exactly the same feat. On the first of March, Russia annually lowers the banner in honor of the Pskov paratroopers who died in Chechnya.

Real men

Six bandits attacked a group of campers in the forest. At this picnic, not far from his native village, there was a young man in the family circle - junior lieutenant Magomed Nurbagandov. At night, the bandits pulled everyone out of the tent and, learning that one of the tourists was a policeman, pushed him into the trunk of a car, drove away and shot him. The IS militants shot all this action on video, which, having edited it, they posted it on their Internet channels. But then the bandits were caught and destroyed. And one of them found a phone where the video was without remarks. Then all the people in Russia learned that real men have not been extinct today, that they are not empty words for them: military duty. It turns out that the bandits ordered Nurbagandov to transfer his colleagues to the camera so that they would quit their job and leave for the IG. Magomed said at gunpoint: “Work, brothers! And I won’t say anything else.” And this is a feat.

And a very recent case. The military unit in Chechnya was attacked by terrorists; apparently, the bandits needed weapons. They made a sortie deep in the night and tried to penetrate the territory of the artillery regiment. Using the dense fog that fell to the ground, they quietly moved towards their goal, but their military outfit still spotted them. And then he entered into an unequal battle with the bandits. The soldiers did not allow the militants to penetrate the military facility. Six were killed, but each of them died in the performance of military duty, without retreating a single step. They saved not only the lives of their comrades, but also protected the civilian population, among whom there are always numerous victims during such treacherous attacks.



Probably, there is no person in our country who would not watch Bondarchuk’s film “9 companies”. This is not so distant 1988, Afghanistan, an altitude of 3234 m, guarding access to the road to Khost. Mujahideen really want to break through. The ninth company, which had strengthened at a height (a third of its composition at that moment was taking the battle), is first fired from all types of artillery weapons, including rockets, grenade launchers, and mortars. Using the mountainous terrain, the enemy crept almost close to the positions of our paratroopers and with the onset of darkness launched an offensive from two sides. However, the landing attack repelled. During the first battle, Vyacheslav Aleksandrov, a junior sergeant, a machine gunner whose weapon was disabled, heroically died. The attack followed the attack, each time hiding behind a massive shelling.

Mujahideen did not take into account the losses, and many perished every minute. From twenty hours to three nights, the Soviet landing party withstood twelve such attacks. The ammunition was almost over, but the reconnaissance platoon of the neighboring third airborne battalion delivered cartridges, and this small group stood next to the surviving paratroopers of the ninth company in the last and decisive counterattack. The Mujahideen retreated. Six paratroopers died. Two became heroes of the Soviet Union - posthumously: this is Private Alexander Melnikov and Junior Sergeant Vyacheslav Alexandrov. This was the beginning of the war of our country with international terrorism.
