
What does a loving woman mean?

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What does a loving woman mean?
What does a loving woman mean?

Video: What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit 2024, July

Video: What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit 2024, July

For millennia, the best minds in the world cannot find answers to two questions. The first of them is associated with heart feelings, and the second - with the psychology of the beautiful half of humanity. The mixture of these elements gave rise to the greatest mystery of life. So what does a loving woman mean?

Millennium issue

From the beginning of the foundation of the world, all exploits were performed in the name of beautiful young ladies. Greek philosophers tried to unravel the mystery of their soul. Medieval knights took part in difficult fights for the attention of the lady of the heart. Renaissance artists were inspired by real muses. Numerous poems were dedicated to women, they were portrayed in paintings, they became the impetus for bold and crazy actions. For the sake of the love of beautiful virgins, they started wars, did evil and stopped injustice. Many stories have been written about the feelings of men and thousands of legends have been created. But what does female affection look like and what does a loving woman mean?


Of course, the experiences of the beautiful half of humanity are much more emotional and more intense. Women constantly complicate situations, demand the impossible from others, and force them to change for the better. The question then arises: "A lady who is not satisfied with her companion, friend or son, can be considered loving?" The answer is partially given by psychology.

What treatises offer

Our society is full of a variety of stereotypes. Most of them are introducing the science of the human soul, which focuses on statistics and is based on general information. What does a loving woman mean in psychology theory?

Its first and main characteristic is the development of the art of the golden mean. She knows how to find consensus between two main forms of relationships: either a gentleman holds her in a fist, or a lady pushes him under the heel. It also applies the so-called theory of carrot and stick.

It is worth noting here that the points listed below do not depend on the marital status, age and social status of the strong half of humanity. It doesn’t matter if this is a husband, brother, son or father - he always remains a man.


Art of the middle

Those who think that a woman in love is ready for anything to fulfill the whims of the object of worship are mistaken. Such relationships are doomed from the very beginning, because limitless anarchy, like total control, will soon get bored, and one of the partners will begin to look for adventures on the side.

A person who can relate the useful to the pleasant is what a loving person means. A woman with pure and sincere feelings will never allow her loved ones to do stupid things, which they will regret later. She will make sure that the decisions are correct, the actions are fair, and the time is not wasted. She is not indifferent to whom her chosen one communicates with, how to eat, what to wear. If a young lady in love sticks her nose into other people's affairs, therefore, the situation requires intervention.

Two sides of the same coin

A smart lady leaves the choice for her companion when she is sure that he can overcome this obstacle on his own. Such a woman clearly delineates the line of care and importunity. She knows how to combine tenderness with perseverance. The fragile female nature gradually acquires knowledge by which it is possible to precisely separate offense from fair judgment.

What does a loving person mean in a romantic relationship? You can compare them with a medal, where on the one hand is your personality, and on the other - a sense of friend. Sometimes, in order to get around troubles and agree, you need to stand on a thin line of the rib and carefully balance.


Transformation theory

Millions of men around the world claim with one voice that each new darling is trying to change them to their liking. Indeed, there are dozens of couples familiar to everyone, where one or both partners seek to convey to the satellite their plans, passions and even basic habits. Such efforts will not yield results. A companion who will accept you for who you really are is what a loving person means.

If feelings are mutual, then the object of attachment itself will want changes to satisfy your desires. That is why the boys stop bullying and console these moms, the brother restrains his emotions so as not to harm his sister’s word, the boys become more attentive to the feelings of the girls they meet, the men show emotions for their daughters.


In this case, the transformation should be on the initiative of the object that wants change.

Alien role in your play

Many complex emotions build relationships. One of the bricks of the family is jealousy. What does a loving wife mean and does she have such a feeling as property? Of course, every woman has not only duties to her companion, but also certain rights to him. And the lady can find out the relationship when it comes to her chosen one and another young lady. But in other cases, you do not need to throw tantrums.


The lady who actually loves, subconsciously, besides the role of wife and lover, still plays the part of mother and girlfriend. She is not jealous, like the aforementioned persons, of other areas of life, but instead strongly supports them. For example, which of the parents will dissuade his son from playing sports, or which of his friends will be against his trip to fishing?

A wife should become not only the first adviser to a man, but also a friend.

Male attitude - mirror effect

Another unpleasant side of any relationship is a quarrel. Oddly enough, but you need to be able to scandal. Disagreements are especially severe and tragic in the sympathy phase.

What does it mean a loving girl who does not practice emotional discharge and declares that she will never have reasons for battles? In most cases, this is a sign that the chosen one is not ready to solve complex problems and will let them go with the flow.

If a woman is sincerely in love, then this does not mean that the relationship will never suffer a crisis. But a person who is actually experiencing something knows how to behave during a fuse. Firstly, she does not reproach for past misconduct. Secondly, he does not look at his partner as if in a mirror, and does not look in his image for the cause of his problems. And most importantly, a conversation will take place only when the emotions have cooled.


Personal space

Many men claim that the happiest time of their life is childhood. Then they knew what a loving mother means, her disinterestedness and the desire to do everything for the success of her son. It is on this model that all future relationships are built.

But this does not mean that the chosen one should be a young copy of the mother. It’s just worth being selfless and not demanding the same in return. Why is that? Because a person who does not thank for feelings or responds with a cold is not your fate.

In a relationship, everything should be smooth and reciprocal. If the difference is noticeable, one of the partners will constantly feel inferiority.

It is also worth sticking to the boundaries of personal space. What does a loving woman mean? This is one that will not try to enter all areas of a partner’s life. If a young lady will continuously be present next to her friend’s heart at work, with family, friends and while resting, the person will simply suffocate.