
Day of reserves and national parks. When and how is this holiday celebrated?

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Day of reserves and national parks. When and how is this holiday celebrated?
Day of reserves and national parks. When and how is this holiday celebrated?

Video: 19-day Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania Wildlife Safari (2012) 2024, July

Video: 19-day Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania Wildlife Safari (2012) 2024, July

There are very few places on Earth that have not been touched by a human hand. People understand with reason that their influence on the planet from year to year is becoming more destructive. In order to preserve the Earth in its original form for future descendants, its animal and plant world, numerous parks and nature protection zones are being created.



Nature has been exposed to pollution for more than a hundred years. But seriously thought about it only in 1997. It was then, on January 11, the Day of Reserves and National Parks was established. This number was not chosen by chance at all; on this day in 1916 the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was created in Russia. On its territory is a wonderful place - the Valley of Geysers.

In Russia, there have long been protected natural territories - these are places of worship, protected groves, hunting reserves in which kings, princes, and other nobles hunted.


But the first state preserve was created at that time. Its creation allowed preserving and increasing the population of not only the Barguzin sable - many other animals and plants began to appear in large numbers.

Some statistics

According to statistics, reserves and national parks protect and preserve about 80% of the world's flora and fauna. On the territory of Russia there are more than a hundred reserves and 50 national parks. In terms of the area occupied by such zones, the Russian Federation is in first place compared to other countries. The total area of ​​all protected areas is about 200 million hectares. And this is neither more nor less - 12% of the entire territory of the country. Therefore, World Reserve Day is very important for Russia, because the vast territory of protected areas is constantly growing.

Environmental law

Each of us has the right to live and exist in a favorable environment. However, we all must:

  1. Protect both nature and the environment.

  2. Take great care of natural resources.

The Law on Environmental Protection defines the legal foundations of state policy in the field of nature itself and its relationship to it. Authorities solve socio-economic problems, contribute to the conservation of natural resources, etc. All this must be done to meet the needs of present and future generations.

The reserve - what is it?

It is impossible to put an equal sign between the reserve and the national park - these are not the same thing. Moreover, such a holiday exists and is celebrated - the Day of Reserves and National Parks, so it is necessary to distinguish these two names. The reserve is a piece of land or water under the protection of the state, within whose borders it is forbidden to use the natural complex for economic purposes. This may be called a research institution for which protected areas are assigned. In Russia, there are about 80 reserves and hunting farms. They prohibit all activities that may violate natural integrity.


The concept of "national park"

In the Russian Federation, the formation of specially protected sites is a traditional and effective form of environmental protection. A national park is an area of ​​water or territory in which unique nature objects are protected. The national park differs from the reserve in that visitors are allowed into its territory. Only in strictly designated areas is it allowed to rest and move. Violations of these rules entail enormous fines and criminal liability.

About nature reserves and national parks

These areas play a huge role in safeguarding wildlife heritage. These objects are protected by state law. And not only on the Day of Reserves and National Parks, natural objects are protected and protected. They do this all the time. Protected territories are subjects of scientific research of scientists: ecologists and biologists. They study animal and plant populations, their growth dynamics and mutual existence.
