
Denis Kazansky: success story of a famous sports commentator

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Denis Kazansky: success story of a famous sports commentator
Denis Kazansky: success story of a famous sports commentator

Denis Kazansky is a commentator, distinguished by unsurpassed charisma and excellent diction. Millions of Russian viewers watch his sports reviews, not to mention those who listen to him from radio speakers and radio tape recorders. But how did Denis achieve such a success? What is his life path? And what is he doing today?

Denis Kazan: a brief biography

The future commentator was born in Lipetsk on April 23, 1979. Almost all the boy’s childhood passed in this city. From an early age he was very interested in sports. In particular, he adored hockey and football. Probably, it was this youthful passion that determined the fate of the Russian commentator.


Upon graduation, Denis Kazansky entered the Faculty of Philology. He chose journalism as the main direction. As a student, he began to conduct sports programs on the local TVK channel. Soon, the talent that Denis Kazansky possessed made itself felt, and he was promoted to the leading main news block. He also received the Taffy Region Award for his services.

Today he works on the NTV channel: he reviews important sporting events, and also comments on football and hockey matches. Married, has two children. It's funny, but, despite his own passion for journalism, Denis Kazansky tries not to let other reporters into his personal life. He believes that there should be a clear line dividing career and family, otherwise you can forget about peace of mind forever.

Work at NTV-Plus

In 2005, the NTV-Plus TV channel held a competition called “Chance”. Within its framework, promising commentators were selected who could conquer the whole country with their own voice. For a long time Denis Kazansky did not dare to go to him, but in the end, the curiosity and thirst for victory took their toll.

What was his surprise when the jury awarded him the best result. Moreover, at the end of the contest, the NTV-Plus management offered Denis the place of sports commentator on their TV channel. This is how Denis Kazan became an integral part of the team of this channel.


Today, in the arsenal of the famous commentator is not one hundred sports stories shot specifically for NTV-Plus. He is also the host of the Free Kick and Football Club programs.