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Literary places of Russia. Great Russian writers and poets

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Literary places of Russia. Great Russian writers and poets
Literary places of Russia. Great Russian writers and poets

Video: Where to Start with Russian Literature 2024, June

Video: Where to Start with Russian Literature 2024, June

The literary places of Russia are an object of pilgrimage for many admirers of the talent of famous poets and writers. Where, if not here, is imbued with the spirit of their works, you begin to understand the beloved figure of literature? Particularly reverent are excursions to the literary places of Russia, where writers and poets spent their childhood and youth. After all, this is the cradle of the formation of their talent, worldview and attitude, which are reflected in subsequent work. Such, for example, are the family estates of L. N. Tolstoy, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov.

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

Tsarist village can be called a real forge of talents of the XIX century. It was from under the wing of this educational institution that A.S. Pushkin, V.K. Kyukhelbeker, I.I. Pushchin, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and many other politicians and artists came out.

Founded in 1811 by order of Alexander I, the lyceum was supposed to prepare the elite of the future Russian society. For six years of study, young people received an excellent education equal to university.


Of course, the most famous student whom the Tsarskoye Selo knew was A.S. Pushkin. It is here that he begins to write poems, still imitating Zhukovsky, Batyushkov and French romantic poets. And at the same time, the originality of the future genius is already being revealed here.

The period of study is associated with another significant event in the life of the poet. It was at this time that his first small work, “To a Poet's Friend”, was published. Graduates always remembered the years of study with warmth, sincerely worried about the fate of their beloved institution.

At the moment, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum is an operating institution where you can see with your own eyes the poet’s room (he called it the cell), as well as the place of study and the final exam, where Pushkin impressed with the talent of eminent teachers.

A. S. Pushkin: Mikhailovskoye

I would like to tell you about two more places associated with the genius of Pushkin. The first is Mikhailovsky. This is the family estate of the poet’s mother, erected by his grandfather Hannibal in the Pskov land.

Connoisseurs of Pushkin’s work, and just readers, having been here, note that the nature paintings of many works are as if copied by the artist’s skillful hand from these places. For the first time, the poet becomes acquainted with a measured rural life immediately after the end of the lyceum, in 1817. Pushkin is immediately fascinated by the beauty of the world and the dimension that prevails here.

Later, in 1824, he will be sent here in exile, during which many masterpieces will come out from under the pen of a genius. “Boris Godunov”, “Arap of Peter the Great”, almost the entire novel “Eugene Onegin” was written precisely in these years.

Even after the hateful exile, Pushkin returns here again and again for inspiration, because it is in Mikhailovsky that he especially feels his poetic gift. The last visit to the estate is connected with a tragic event - the funeral of the mother, and a few months after this, the poet himself dies in a duel.


His grave is also here in Mikhailovsky.


Boldin’s autumn … This period of Pushkin’s life was marked by an unprecedented creative upsurge, which he felt while being in Boldino - a family estate. His forced trip on the eve of his wedding with Natalia Goncharova was delayed due to the cholera epidemic that raged in St. Petersburg. Inspired by future family life, the poet is at the highest peak of inspiration. Here he finishes Eugene Onegin, writes most of the Little Tragedies, The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda, as well as Belkin's Tale.


These literary places in Russia must be visited by everyone who admires the genius of the great Pushkin.

M. Yu. Lermontov: Pyatigorsk

There are places in Russia that are inextricably linked with the life and work of another outstanding poet of the XIX century - M. Yu. Lermontov.

First of all, it is the Caucasian resort city of Pyatigorsk. This place played a major role in the life of the poet. The first acquaintance with Pyatigorsk happened at Lermontov in childhood - it was here that his grandmother brought him to improve health, because the future poet grew up a very painful child. The nature of the Caucasus impressed Lermontov very much. From childhood, he was gifted in the field of drawing. From under his brush came a lot of picturesque watercolors depicting mountain landscapes.

To this day, hot baths operate in Pyatigorsk where the poet was treated. His observations of the so-called “water society” are reflected in the story “Princess Mary”.

The further service of the young officer is connected with the Caucasus. Here Lermontov found his death. By accident, the tragedy occurred in Pyatigorsk. Having decided to end his service, he goes to the Caucasus for the last time, renting a small house with his uncle.


Here they linger for treatment in the waters. On July 27, 1841, Lermontov's deadly duel with an old acquaintance Martynov took place. Here, near Mount Mashuk, the poet was buried, but after 8 months his ashes were transferred to the family crypt - M. Yu. Lermontov is still resting there. Russia has lost another brilliant poet.

It should be said that in Pyatigorsk the memory of the poet is sacred. The place of his last stay, the house where the quarrel with Martynov happened, the place of the duel and the initial burial of Lermontov are places that city guests visit without fail.


The Tarkhany Museum-Reserve is another place that is inextricably linked with M. Yu. Lermontov. In this estate his childhood passed. Here, the life of a noble family of the 19th century is recreated with documentary accuracy.


In addition to the manor house, the housekeeper’s house and the Ludskaya hut are open to visitors. Visitors can also commemorate the poet in the family crypt, where he is buried, and in the chapel.

The Museum-Reserve leads a very active cultural life: contests and festivals dedicated to the poet are constantly held. Lermontov’s holiday, which takes place here on the first weekend of July, has become traditional.

Museum of N. A. Nekrasov in Chudovo

Many poets and writers of Russia become more understandable if you discover their daily lives, and even better - the conditions in which childhood passed. No exception in this regard, and N. A. Nekrasov. From the school course of literature, we know that it was children's observations of the hard life of serfs that largely determined the direction of the poet's work.

The house-museum of N. A. Nekrasov is the place where the poet rested his soul from city life, hunted and received inspiration for new works.


It is located in Chudovo and is part of a large complex of the reserve of the same name. It is here that the famous “Miracle Cycle” was written, 11 ingenious poems. As a rule, Nekrasov hunted in these places. Here, the already seriously ill poet ends his great work - the poem "Who Should Live Well in Russia".

At the moment, the house-museum is a hunting house, in which, in addition to the rooms of the poet and his wife, there is a dining room, an office, and guest rooms. The latter, by the way, were many here - many literary figures came here to hunt with Nekrasov: Saltykov-Shchedrin and Plescheev, Mikhailovsky and Uspensky. The visitors are also presented with the building of an agricultural school.

The house museum often holds exhibits and programs for visitors of various ages.

Museum of F. I. Tyutchev in Ovstug

Tyutchev’s family house-museum belonged to the poet’s family long before his birth: in the middle of the 18th century, the poet’s grandfather began building the estate on the lands that he received as a dowry after the wedding.

The father of the poet, having received inheritance rights, begins to expand the house. Soon, a chic estate in the spirit of classicism with a manor house decorated with columns and an outbuilding grows here. Located on the banks of the river, it has its own islet with a gazebo. This place becomes for Tyutchev a source of not only vitality, but also inspiration. The poet, who praises nature in all its diversity, draws pictures from precisely these places - they were so remembered by his soul.


Unfortunately, the estate was not given due attention, and it became desolate, however, a gradual reconstruction is underway. If initially excursions to these literary places in Russia were limited only to a rural school, now they cover the guest wing, as well as the church. Visitors can also see recreated mill, gazebo on the island and chic linden alleys.