
Children of Russia's rich parents: lifestyle, culture, fashion and interesting facts

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Children of Russia's rich parents: lifestyle, culture, fashion and interesting facts
Children of Russia's rich parents: lifestyle, culture, fashion and interesting facts

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What is the life of the offspring of businessmen, can you envy them or not? Children of wealthy parents do not deny anything to themselves: they relax in elite clubs and in the best resorts, purchase luxury clothing and vehicles, have huge mansions and apartments. What are the features of such a life support or what it is fraught with - will be considered in this article.



Children of wealthy parents do not just burn their lives, being the most enviable, "golden" grooms and brides. Over time, they bear all the hardships and troubles and responsibility for the business that their ancestors developed. They have to sweat their faces, continuing the work of fathers and mothers, because even with all efforts, you can easily get in trouble, and then all the works of previous generations will be buried.

Usually, children of wealthy parents from a very early age prepare to continue their family business with dignity: they study in good schools and universities that are appropriate for future studies, practice, and get involved in business in advance. The magazine "CEO" identified the richest heirs of millionaires. I had to calculate the capitals and divide them by the number of children in each such family.


In the place of the leader of this rating, children of wealthy parents change quite often. Victoria Mikhelson, the most coveted bride of Russia, and most likely the world (Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson, chairman of the board), then Yusuf Alekperov, the heir to Lukoil, are at the first step.

Those willing to take risks from time to time become richer, and Mikhelson invests in various and numerous spheres - development, petrochemical companies, and Alekperov’s son clearly follows in his father’s footsteps: he graduated from the university of oil and gas, worked in the fields from worker to technologist and engineer. So he knows exactly how oil is produced.


Third and Beyond

Not all children of rich parents of Russia are ready to engage in family business. And closes the top three "golden" heirs Polina Galitskaya - the daughter of Sergei Galitsky, the owner of the Magnit network and the Krasnodar football club. The revenue and the number of stores in this distribution network are far ahead of the main competitors. Polina, according to forecasts, is going to become economists, that is, she can continue to do business if she has such a desire.

Roman Abramovich is also preparing a shift in the person of his eldest son. However, there are many children in the Abramovich family, and their number is growing, so they cannot take high places in the ranking of heirs. Nevertheless, Leia’s daughter is not in vain called the golden child of the planet: her father’s expenses for her birth were not limited to several hundred million dollars.



Personal life and information about the family are most often kept secret by businessmen, it is almost impossible to find out about many and perhaps the richest heirs. But there are also "golden" children of wealthy parents who do not shy from publicity. There is no secret that the owner of Chelsea transferred to his son Arkady even before he reached adulthood, up to forty percent of the shares of Zoltav Resources Inc, and most recently he acquired the shares of CenGeo, an oil company in Western Siberia. And everyone knows that Anastasia and Ivan Potanin, the children of Vladimir Potanin, president of Interros, became known thanks to the sport.

The richest Russian is Alisher Usmanov, but his children - the rightful heirs - do not fall into the ranking of the richest, since journalists divide the parents' capital by the number of children. In this case, Anton Wiener is the stepson of the billionaire, and Babur Usmanov is the nephew, but both of them claim the status of Metalloinvest. The list of the richest heirs, like all ratings, is very conditional, if only because the number of children in the families of millionaires is steadily increasing, therefore, they all receive a smaller share of the inheritance with each replenishment. It is also possible that parents can write a will in favor of one of the children and not even leave anything to anyone.


The heirs

Judging by the information on social networks, including visually confirming the facts on Instagram, the lives of children of wealthy parents are a pleasure. They travel a lot, most often use private jets, fly to relax in fashionable resorts, and buy all kinds of brands in bulk - in short, they do not deny themselves anything.

Moreover, they want the world to know about this lifestyle in full detail. One hundred thousand subscribers of Rich Kids of Instagram are closely following the emergence of new photos that show not their gray everyday life, but the triumph of the golden youth - the heirs of multimillion-dollar and billion-dollar states that live around the world. And how children of rich parents dress! Peers cannot lose interest in savoring the details of the unattainable.

Flaunting Life

While their fathers do not have time to demonstrate the external attributes of their wealth, the young shoots are in full swing, and the dust, of course, is “golden”: these are private helicopters on the roofs, luxury cars, swimming pools in inhabited high-rises, luxury resorts, closed clubs. Handmade shoes and designer clothes - this is how children of wealthy parents dress. Everything regarding the differences in their lifestyle from the average, and not to list.

Alcohol can be made into a separate topic. When champagne pours into the river at a price of many thousands of euros per bottle, these are clearly not ordinary teenagers. In the Instagram network, at each still life, you can notice the characteristic yellow labels on the bottles. The captions for the pictures are appropriate, from time to time even with almost no grammatical errors: "This is not a boyfriend, don’t worry, this is my butler (butler)", "Miss St. Tropez" and "Bentley on a snowy road."


Habit of envy

Negativity, of course, spills on such ostentatious demarches, as from a cornucopia. But the heirs of big capitals are not only accustomed to this state of affairs - it even flatters them. Girls and boys, lighting at private parties, celebrating birthdays with multimillion-dollar investments in pop and rock stars on distant islands with a favorable climate, also have some kinds of views for a different future.

Someone wants to run a reality show, someone - a line of designer clothes. In the meantime, pictures are being taken from gourmet restaurants, and they were made as cheerfully as selfies with friends at McDonald's, and black caviar does not make them any closer to art. The envy of others is the engine of a good mood. Some of the peers of the ostentatious luxury are outraged, others would like to live the same, but they are unlikely to succeed without a daddy with billions. And the “daddy” in Russia is only twenty. And a "beautiful" life is expected only in forty-seven of their offspring.


According to teachers

Most often, the "golden youth", as the children of wealthy parents are called, studies at MGIMO, like their parents. The profession of the most chosen is management. Methodists from the Ministry of Education collected contextual information to assess the cultural capital of first-graders.

One of the main criteria is the number of books in the family library. It turns out that in schools with an increased status, children who use the richest book collections study. Children of Moscow’s wealthy parents, if they don’t prefer the institutions of London and Paris, study in Moscow gymnasiums and lyceums. The rest are in ordinary general education schools.


The second criterion is parental education. In such schools, mothers of students more than seventy percent have higher education. Fathers are much more likely to work in more prestigious places and in leadership positions. In ordinary schools, the situation is completely different. But for some reason, it turns out that about seventy percent of wealthy families lose their fortune almost completely when their children begin to manage the business.

And grandchildren squander the state of their grandfathers, if their parents did not fully do so. And it’s not even about knowledge. The young generation, who grew up on everything ready, is not able to feel responsibility as their parents felt when developing their business. They are brought up most often as party people. Rich children are poor parents, it already sounds almost axiomatic.

Why is that

These children have everything, but because they don’t want anything, they don’t need to strain in achieving certain benefits. They had governesses and nannies, not kindergartens and nurseries. They rode through hot countries and did not hear about pioneer or sports camps. By the time of adolescence, they speak English better than Russian, but they both do poorly, since the vocabulary is small and there is no widespread communication experience.

They are sick of the colossal prospects of Cambridge and Harvard, they are bored. Their parents, adapted to the modern world, are rich, successful, right, ambitious and educated people, by all means try to reveal the inclinations and abilities of their children, not sparing the money invested in education and upbringing, as well as attention, strength and parental love.

Life lessons

Excessive manifestations of care are encountered on their way most often a complete lack of goals, desires, disability. Children are mostly sociable and quite intellectually developed, but passive in all manifestations. They do not have a value system, and therefore it is difficult to find motivation and direct the child to a particular goal.

They know exactly what they don’t want - to make efforts. Such children need difficulties in childhood to overcome them, to foster independence. The best qualities of a person are acquired along with victories over difficult life circumstances, and the "golden" children of wealthy parents in Russia and abroad are deprived of this. The positive lessons of life, unfortunately, are much worse learned than the negative ones. And too much comfort will necessarily slow down development.
