women's issues

Virgin - what is it? Signs of virginity, traditions, attitude of society

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Virgin - what is it? Signs of virginity, traditions, attitude of society
Virgin - what is it? Signs of virginity, traditions, attitude of society

Video: 3 Myths About Virginity - Natalie Fiennes 2024, June

Video: 3 Myths About Virginity - Natalie Fiennes 2024, June

Young girls often ask themselves: "Virgin - what is it? And why is it so valued by young people?" In this article you will find answers to all questions related to virginity.


"Virgin" - meaning of the word

The main sign of a virgin is the presence of a hymen. It is important to know that any girl who has not yet had sexual contact with penetration into the vagina can be called a virgin. Although some believe that girls who practice intimate sexual intercourse: petting, oral sex, anal sex and some others, you can not apply the concept of a virgin in the broad sense of the word, despite the presence of hymen.

There is also male virginity, which is commonly called the lack of any sexual experience in a man. Interestingly, this does not manifest itself physically.


All about hymen

The hymen is also called a hymen - it is a small fold of mucous tissue with an opening that covers the entrance to the vagina. It can be of different sizes and thicknesses. Tear rupture occurs by mechanical action, for example, through sexual contact. It happens that tissue destruction occurs under other circumstances, for example, active sports, accidents and so on.

Sometimes it happens that a girl is born already without a hymen. In this case, in the absence of sexual contact, it can also be considered that this is a virgin. There are frequent cases when a hymen does not mean virginity, because it can persist even during sexual intercourse with penetration, for example, with a small penis of a partner.

In some girls, the hymen completely closes the entrance to the vagina. This unpleasant feature of the body is revealed already in adolescence, when the girl begins menstruation, and the pleura prevents the exit of menstrual blood. It is usually not possible to do without surgical intervention in such cases.


Spiritual Virginity

In monasticism, a vow of virginity is a prerequisite, which means a conscious renunciation of carnal pleasures and the development of one’s own spiritual world, the search for peace. The Church believes that sexual contact is “dirt” that prevents spiritual perfection.


Why virginity is valued

In society, virginity is an indicator of the prudence of a girl. After all, the one who lost her virginity before marriage is considered slutty, because sexual relations in a traditional society are possible only with a legal spouse.

Previously, the social perception of first sexual contact was strongly influenced by gender roles. It was believed that for boys the first sexual experience was becoming like a man, and therefore an honor, but for a girl, on the contrary, it was considered shameful to become a woman, especially not in an official marriage. In modern European culture, attitudes toward virginity have become almost neutral, and sometimes even dismissive. It concerns mainly the youth environment.


Cultural practices associated with virginity

Many cultures relate virginity to the honor of the whole family, and a girl who has lost this mark of purity and innocence before marriage can tarnish the reputation of the whole family. Some nations even practice hanging the sheet on which the young’s wedding night took place, for all to see. Such measures are aimed at confirming that the girl kept her "honor" for the groom.

Some African cultures suggest checking a girl for virginity before she can be considered a bride. Such checks are usually carried out by the oldest woman in the tribe.
