
The girl bought a vase for $ 1 in a second hand. Then she found out that she had bought $ 100,000 worth of antiques.

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The girl bought a vase for $ 1 in a second hand. Then she found out that she had bought $ 100,000 worth of antiques.
The girl bought a vase for $ 1 in a second hand. Then she found out that she had bought $ 100,000 worth of antiques.

Video: Appraisal: Overbeck Vase, ca. 1920 | Indianapolis Hour 1 2024, July

Video: Appraisal: Overbeck Vase, ca. 1920 | Indianapolis Hour 1 2024, July

Sometimes even the most ordinary vase can bring its owner a fortune. At the same time, you can buy such a thing even in a simple thrift store for mere pennies. The owner of just such a vase was lucky enough to become one girl from eastern England, who already in the near future plans to sell it for about 100 thousand dollars.


Good bought

At least one vase in one form or another is available in almost every home. At the same time, looking at one or another seemingly completely useless trinket, you can find a truly valuable thing. A woman from Hertfordshire (eastern England) had never thought about anything when she bought a miniature vase at a thrift store for just $ 1.

In the future, she decided to sell it on eBay and earn a little. As a result, collectors immediately recognized in a small 19-cm vase real antiques worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The story of one vase

As it turned out, the vase from the thrift store was nothing more than antiques of the 18th century. It was created for the Chinese emperor, who ruled between 1735 and 1796. Thanks to a wonderful combination of circumstances, this antique thing has not only survived to our days, but has also been perfectly preserved.

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The vase has a pear shape and a fairly bright yellow color, especially when you consider that it is more than 2 hundred years old. In addition, a poem is applied to this work of art, as well as the personal seal of Emperor Qianlong.


How exactly such an expensive antique thing ended up in a regular thrift store remains a mystery. However, a happy girl from eastern England does not care.