
Dinara Kulibaeva: biography, personal life and scandals

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Dinara Kulibaeva: biography, personal life and scandals
Dinara Kulibaeva: biography, personal life and scandals

Kulibaeva Dinara Nursultanovna is the daughter of the current president of Kazakhstan, one of the most famous entrepreneurs in the country. Her fortune is measured in billions of dollars, and more than a dozen foreign banks and financial offices control investment. However, what do we know about Dinar Kulibayeva herself? What was her path to the heights of fame? Who is her husband? And how many scandals hang around the name of this woman?


Dinara Kulibaeva: biography

The future Kazakh entrepreneur was born on August 19, 1967 in Temirtau, in the Karaganda region. Dinara Kulibaeva is the middle daughter of Sarah and Nursultan Nazarbayev. Today, her father is the current president of Kazakhstan. Dinara received higher education in the capital of Russia. So, in 1989, she defended her bachelor's degree at the Moscow Institute of Theater Arts. Lunacharsky. Nine years later, she received another higher education, but this time at the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting (KIMEP).

Since 1998, the woman has been the director of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Education Fund. In 2001, became a member of the Board of Directors of KazUMOiMYA. And in 2004, he became the head of the management board of Kazakh-British Technical University JSC. In 2007, Dinara Kulibayeva received a doctorate in pedagogical sciences. Her dissertation was written on the topic of managing the educational system in international schools. And at the beginning of 2009, Dinara Kulibayeva heads the National Education Fund, which acts on behalf of the President of Kazakhstan.


Kulibayev family

Dinara’s personal life has developed quite successfully. Her husband is Timur Kulibayev, a well-known Kazakh businessman who manages oil and energy flows in the country. Together they raise three children: the son of Altai, as well as two daughters - Deniz and Alishia.

It should be noted that Timur Kulibayev and Dinara Kulibayev are among the richest people in Kazakhstan. According to the latest Forbes data for 2015, the condition of each of them slightly exceeds the limit of $ 2 billion. That is, their joint assets are estimated at 4.2 billion US dollars. At the moment, the couple live in Switzerland. However, in connection with official duties, they often fly to their homeland.


Despite all the attempts of Nursultan Nazarbayev to protect his daughter from the press, information about her assets and investments is constantly leaking out. For example, Dinara Kulibayeva is the owner of a large stake in Halyk Bank. It should be noted: this structure ensures the stability of financial flows throughout the country, which brings its owners considerable profit. The president’s daughter also runs a pilot educational project called Miras. This is a prestigious school that gives its students the best knowledge in the country. For example, here you can learn as many as three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.


In addition, the Kulibayev family has a lot of investments that are scattered around the world. Not to mention the fact that her husband Timur has a number of own assets that bring tremendous profits to their family.

Charity and social activities

By the way, Dinara Kulibaeva does not particularly like to appear in public, especially if journalists are present there. She also rarely gives interviews and will never allow interlocutors to cross the line separating her work and personal life. Nevertheless, Dinara devotes a lot of time to charity. Through her actions, she seeks to improve the culture of her country, to do everything possible in order to educate in her a spiritually enlightened society. For this, Kulibayeva promotes moral and ethical values, and also participates in youth development programs in Kazakhstan. As mentioned earlier, the president’s daughter runs the country's educational fund. Therefore, it is she who is responsible for ensuring that talented children get the opportunity to study in the best institutions of Kazakhstan.
