the culture

DK railway workers in Gomel: a brief description of the history of creation

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DK railway workers in Gomel: a brief description of the history of creation
DK railway workers in Gomel: a brief description of the history of creation

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Gomel is the second largest city in Belarus. The main attraction of this place is the Rumyantsev and Paskevich park, in addition to which you can see other interesting places. One of these is the palace of railway workers in Gomel.


The appearance of the palace is associated with the history of the development of railways, which were built at the beginning of the 20th century. The need to create a large community center arose when the small group of workers that existed at that time could no longer cope. The city authorities decided to build a building intended for railway workers.


How was the Palace of Railway Workers built in Gomel?

Gomel engineer M.G. Kirillov in 1924 developed the first project of the building. The construction planned for construction was similar to similar buildings in Russian cities. The construction process was supposed to be led by Stanislav Shabunevsky, but this project was never destined to be implemented.

By the time the construction of the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers began in Gomel, a new economic course took place, which dictated other requirements for the construction of buildings. For this reason, the planned project of MG Kirillov was criticized. The main problem was that he did not meet the standards that would allow workers to realize their potential.

The necessary changes were made to the development. Not the least bit in creating a new project was made by Shabunevsky. Thus, by 1928, a new plan for the construction of a recreation center for railway workers in Gomel was ready. The construction of the palace lasted for two years.



The railway center in Gomel included two halls for 200 and 903 people, in addition to which there was a cinema hall and a library. The club included a choir led by K. Kornilov and G. Puxt, as well as a song and dance ensemble led by A. Rybalchenko. “Popular universities” functioned here and various circles took place (39 in total). Thus, the DK railway workers in Gomel at that time was the largest public center of the city.