
The daughter of Irina Khakamada is Maria Sirotinskaya. "Solar children"

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The daughter of Irina Khakamada is Maria Sirotinskaya. "Solar children"
The daughter of Irina Khakamada is Maria Sirotinskaya. "Solar children"

Our article will tell you about an unusual girl whose story today inspires many people and gives hope for the best. Her mother is a Russian politician and public figure, deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Irina Khakamada. Maria Sirotinskaya was born with Down syndrome, but the family loves her for who she is. The support of her relatives helped her to gain faith in herself, to find many favorite hobbies, gave hope for happiness in the future.


The fruit of great love

Talking about her unusual child, Irina skillfully controls emotions. She does not give out any excitement, she talks about her daughter with love and tenderness.

The girl’s father is Khakamada’s fourth husband, Vladimir Sirotinsky, who is engaged in business in the field of financial consulting. According to the politician, Mary was a hard-pressed and very welcome child.

Irina Mutsuovna already had a son, Daniel, had an unsuccessful experience in family life when she met her future husband. Next to him, she regained female happiness, felt loved and desired. Irina dreamed of giving her beloved man a child, and Vladimir himself believed that a common child should be born in their small family.

Spouses were afraid of risks, because Irina was over forty when she found out about a long-awaited pregnancy. The fears were confirmed. Immediately after birth (in 1997), the girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

Misfortune never comes alone

As Irina Khakamada told the press, Maria grew up a healthy child. But in 2003, she discovered a terrible disease - leukemia. Fortunately, the disease was diagnosed at an early stage, and therefore the chances of success were great.

Masha was treated in Russia. Talking about this difficult period, Irina Mutsuovna with great gratitude speaks about the doctors who did everything possible for her baby. In difficult times, family and friends helped a lot.


The disease receded. Although Masha has to undergo regular examinations, nothing threatens her health.

Special girl

Maria Sirotinskaya, the daughter of Khakamada, like other people with the same diagnosis, loves creativity and does not know how to be offended. According to her mother, Masha is very kind and never sad for a long time. She does not really like exact sciences, but she loves everything related to dancing, theater and art.

The girl was not only able to get a secondary education. She went to college as a ceramist.

Talking about her daughter, Irina says that she taught a lot to everyone around her. Maria treats people sincerely and loves them only because she has them. Her disinterestedness and frankness disarm, in her big heart there is a good ray for everyone.

Right to be happy

At 18, Masha met Vlad Sitdikov, with whom they not only quickly found a common language, but also fell in love. Today it is known that the daughter of Irina Khakamada, Maria received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple is planning a wedding.


The announcement of the decision to marry was made live on the “Let them talk” program, where the couple was invited to shoot. Vlad and Masha talked about the lives of people with Down syndrome, shared their dreams, and boasted of achievements. When they announced their intention, it came as a surprise to many.

Everyone has the right to happiness. The daughter of Hakamada, Maria decided to marry unexpectedly for her family, but her family supported her desire.

Irina says that people with Down Syndrome do not like to draw a line between the real world and the world of dreams, so it’s sometimes difficult to understand when they are serious and when they are joking. But, apparently, Masha and Vlad are firm in their decision.

Future son-in-law of the famous mother-in-law


Who is he, the chosen one of Mary? Vlad is a couple of years older than her lover, he has the same diagnosis as her. He is the same sociable, active and kind person. The guy loves sports, and he has already managed to achieve considerable success: Vlad Sitdikov is the world champion in bench press lying in his weight category. In addition, the young man is interested in sports journalism.

About myself and about the "children of the Sun"

Since Irina Hakamada began to post photos of Mary on the network, public interest in the girl is only growing. Masha is not afraid of attention, she is calm in front of the cameras, she behaves confidently and sincerely when she gives an interview.

The support of relatives and a lover helps a girl to believe in herself. Like most "sunny children", Mary had to face a lack of understanding, but today she learned to laugh at old stereotypes.

In early 2017, Maria and Vlad took part in the project of the Love Syndrome Foundation. They starred in a video about special people, in which they and their friends were invited to comment on the most common misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. Masha talked about how they learn and engage in creativity, Vlad shared the story of his sporting successes.


But it’s very difficult for such people to do things familiar to many! But not because of health problems, but because of the cautious and unfair attitude of society.

Maria and Vlad believe that participating in such projects, they help the same people find themselves, gain confidence, believe in a dream. The guys who appeared in the video convince us that sport, science, travel, art, love are for everyone, not for the elite.

Masha shares photos with subscribers of social networks. Looking at her smiling face in the sun, it becomes clear that her life is actually full of joy and adventure. So, everyone can live as he dreams.