women's issues

Babka-Yozhki House: An Alternative to Nursing Homes for Feminists in Paris

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Babka-Yozhki House: An Alternative to Nursing Homes for Feminists in Paris
Babka-Yozhki House: An Alternative to Nursing Homes for Feminists in Paris

It is unlikely that anyone will be inspired by the prospect of being in a declining age in a social institution for the elderly. It does not matter what this state institution will be called - a boarding house for the elderly, a shelter for the elderly or a nursing home. One thing scares everyone: to be outside the familiar circle of the family, children, acquaintances. However, this same idea can be developed in such a way that from frightening suspense it becomes an excellent alternative to forced loneliness.


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The idea of ​​this project belongs to Theresa Claire, who today is 85 years old. Back in 1999, she conceived a project - social housing, and not just a haven for single people, but a community of active and independent women who are hated by passive living somewhere in the margins of life. In theory, this should have made it possible to live independently and at the same time actively those elderly women who do not want to quietly grow old and fade away, and even more so complain about their fate. And now the idea has been implemented in the city of Montrey, in the eastern part of Paris. And these brave ladies took the self-name from the Slavic folklore - Babki-Yozhki. The image of a lady flying in a mortar and cutting through the air with her broom is very popular with the inhabitants of this dwelling.

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Longevity longevity strife

“Living long is good, but aging good is even better, ” says 85-year-old Theresa Claire. - Old age is not a disease. We want to change attitudes towards old age. And for this we must learn to live differently. " Teresa means only one thing: we need an active old age, and not a dull existence.


The house has 25 separate apartments. 21 of them are adapted for the elderly, and four are reserved for students. Residents pay an average of 420 euros per year for accommodation and care for 35 m 2. The five-story building is located in the center of Montreux, just a few steps from the metro, shops and cinema. Location in the central part of the city was a fundamental requirement so that an active life did not pass by these women. Everything should be accessible. In this they are fully supported by a responsible official from the housing authority of the city of Jean-Paul Bleury.

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They like this nickname - because they invented it for themselves. In the same way, they themselves chose a lifestyle.

Janine Popo moved to a 29m 2 studio a few weeks ago and still has not unpacked her boxes - there’s no time! She grew up in a large family, was one of ten children and says she wants to live with other people, but not in an ordinary house, while having the right to living space.

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“I wanted to avoid getting into a nursing home for full support. When you don't have your money, the nursing home becomes a prison, ” she explains.

Aging does not mean the extinction of vitality - it is also the age of wisdom and the accumulation of knowledge. So this house is not just a place to live. On the ground floor there are rooms for creativity and a university for the elderly.

I must say that getting into the ranks of the inhabitants of the House of Babka-Yozhka was not quite easy. Applicants were selected based on their interests, views and opportunities to contribute to the community.


The project cost almost 4 million euros and is funded from at least eight different open sources, including the Montrei City Council, which is always committed to investing in innovative projects. Huge support was given by the 62-year-old Minister of Housing Domenic Dore. France is reluctant to provide space for private projects, but this was the exception.

“It was a difficult, long way, ” says Claire. “If only because the project was truly innovative.”