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Ancient temples of Egypt. Sights of Egypt: temples, palaces, fortresses

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Ancient temples of Egypt. Sights of Egypt: temples, palaces, fortresses
Ancient temples of Egypt. Sights of Egypt: temples, palaces, fortresses

Video: Ancient Monuments of Egypt in 4K Ultra HD 2024, June

Video: Ancient Monuments of Egypt in 4K Ultra HD 2024, June

Egypt is one of those countries whose visit allows you to see firsthand the beauty of the ancient world, preserved in magnificent works of architecture.

Ancient Egypt - the Beginning of the Birth of Modern Civilization

It refers to the first states that appeared in the world in the distant past (there were several of them - those about which have survived to the present). They arose on the territory of the Ancient East thanks to the good living conditions there (climate, the presence of water bodies) at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. These include Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China.


Ancient Egypt (a brief look at the history of this country) was located in the valley of the Nile River. Only along its shores and in desert oases was life possible. The rest of the territory of the ancient state was occupied by the desert. It posed a great danger to the Egyptians - the advancing sands, which had to be fought all year round and conquered land suitable for sowing, the drying wind that tormented the country in April and May … But at the same time, the desert also brought benefits: it contributed to the formation of a humid and temperate river climate necessary for successful farming, and was a natural barrier from attacks from other countries. Here, on the banks of the Nile, covered with fertile black soil, the great civilization of Egypt arose, with beautiful works of art and magnificent architectural constructions of which modern man can admire even now.

Great rulers - incarnation of the gods on earth

They are the chosen ones of the gods, mediators between heaven and earth, the unshakable center of the country. The history of ancient Egypt has more than four thousand years, and for all these long centuries it has been a single whole - a state in which time seemed to freeze.

The significance of the pharaoh was expressed in the fact that with the advent of the king to power, a new era and a new countdown began for the country. The ruler, the earthly incarnation of the god Horus (Horus), had to zealously monitor his main wealth, entrusted to him by the gods - Egypt. He eradicated violence and evil, established justice, order and harmony.


One of the main duties of the pharaoh was the construction of houses for the great gods. The ancient temples of Egypt, built in large numbers, glorified Osiris, Isis, Ra and other deities. Pharaoh himself was at the same time the supreme priest who conducted religious rites and ceremonies. It was believed that the gods can only hear him. Therefore, ancient temples were of great importance in the life of the Egyptians.


Time has preserved for us only a fraction of the works of art of the ancient Egyptians. A huge number of precious objects were buried along with the pharaohs in the pyramids, but all the tombs of the kings found today were looted thousands of years ago. Only the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun gave the world an idea of ​​the great skill of ancient artists, potters and jewelers.

There is something that even time could not cope with. These are the ancient temples of Egypt and the pyramids. Of course, the past millennia greatly affected their preservation, and some of the architectural structures disappeared without a trace. But the preserved ancient temples can give an idea of ​​the life of the Egyptians and their religion. Due to the fact that the walls of the buildings were covered with frescoes with scenes glorifying the pharaohs and inscriptions telling about their deeds, we now know a lot about that time.


The majestic ancient temples of Egypt and the monumental pyramids are the main example of the architecture of the builders of the past. It is believed that the history of architecture began in this country. Due to the lack of forests, building materials here were limestone, sandstone, granite and raw brick. The stone went to the construction of pyramids and temple complexes, palaces and fortresses were erected from brick.

The peculiarity of Egyptian architecture was that the masonry was done without the use of adhesion solutions. Inside and outside the walls of temples and columns were decorated with frescoes, figures and inscriptions. All of them were symbolic.

You can see the work of ancient architects firsthand or in a photo of Egypt. Temples and pyramids even in the images amaze with their monumentality, severity of lines and magnificent tranquility.

How ancient architectural structures were erected

Pyramids are one of the mysteries of history that modern man still cannot solve. Actually, everything connected with them is one big puzzle. Scientists are still not sure that the pyramids were built as burial complexes of the pharaohs. How exactly they were built, given the lack of any technology for processing and delivery of giant stone blocks, is another mystery of the pyramids.

Much more is known about the construction of temples. There were three types of them: rocky, semi-rocky and terrestrial. The latter were built according to a certain type. These were rectangles surrounded by high walls. The road from the Nile to the temple was usually led by statues of sphinxes on both sides. The constructions did not constitute a finished composition; they were built according to the principle of form-building - the buildings were attached one after another.

Rock temples had an external facade, all other rooms were cut down in the rock. Half-rock complexes were partially built on the surface, and partially in the rocks.

Mandatory element of the temples were columns. There are 134 of them in the hall of the Karnak Temple. Often they depicted bundles of reeds.

Ancient temples of Egypt had no windows. They were illuminated by small openings under the roof itself.

Mandatory was the lining of the walls of the temple complex or plastering with paint.

Great Pharaoh woman and her sanctuary

One of the most beautiful buildings in Egypt - Hatshepsut Temple - was erected for the great ruler who led the country in the era of the New Kingdom.


In the history of this ancient state there were only a few cases when power passed into the hands of women, and this happened in times of crisis. Hatshepsut, the purebred queen, daughter of Thutmose I, was the high priestess of Amun, which in no small measure helped her to gain the reins of Egypt. She became the wife of her brother Thutmose II, and after the death of her husband from an illness, she led the country.


The Queen is known as the Pharaoh-builder. During her reign (over 22 years) many temples, obelisks, and sanctuaries were erected, the monuments destroyed by the Hyksos conquerors were restored.

The memorial temple of Hatshepsut is located to the west of Thebes and belongs to the semi-rock type. In ancient times, it bore the name "Jesser Jesseru" - "The Most Holy of the Sacred", and they began to name it after Queen Hatshepsut much later.

The builder of this magnificent architectural complex was the architect Senmouth, to whom the great woman-pharaoh subsequently entrusted the upbringing of his daughter Nefrura. The temple was built in record time - in 9 years. It is cut down in the rocks and seems to be their natural continuation. It consists of three huge terraces located one above the other. Each has an open courtyard and sanctuary. In ancient times, the road to the first terrace was lined with myrrh trees specially brought to this end in Egypt. According to tradition, the road was decorated with brightly colored sphinxes.

The pristine beauty of Hatshepsut Temple has been lost. He suffered from time and earthquakes. But even now, a magnificent monument of antiquity amazes with its severity of lines and grandeur.

The Ancient Beauty of Luxor

Not only the monumentality and grandeur of the famous pyramids can strike Egypt. Karnak Temple, dedicated to the god Amon-Ra, is the largest architectural complex of the country.


It is located on the right bank of the Nile in the small village of Karnak, three kilometers from another famous temple - Luxor. A long alley decorated with statues of sphinxes connects him with him. In ancient times, it was called Ipet-Isut. A giant temple complex was built over a thousand years.

The sanctuary was erected in honor of the god Amun-Ra, but also includes the temples of other Egyptian deities - Khonsu, Ptah, Montu, Mut. Here are the chapels, numerous obelisks, statues of the pharaohs and the sacred lake.


The center of the Karnak Temple and its pride is the Large Column Hall. It was built during the reign of the pharaohs Seti I and Ramses II. It contains 134 columns located in 16 rows. The largest of them have a height of 8-storey building.

The dimensions of the temple complex are huge. It houses more than 30 temples. Most of the territory is closed to tourists, as archaeological excavations and the restoration of ancient monuments do not stop here. Currently, the sphinx alley is being recreated literally in pieces.

The holy place of the Christian world in the land of the pharaohs

The country of many religions - this is how one can characterize Egypt with full confidence. The Temple of Catherine - one of the revered shrines of the Christian world - is located on its territory. The building has been around for 1, 600 years. The temple was founded in the IV century and fortified by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I in the VI century.


The Temple of St. Catherine in Egypt was built at the foot of Mount Sinai, where, according to biblical tradition, Moses received from the god, who appeared to him in the flame of an indelible bush, the Ten Commandments. He is named after the Christian enlightener Catherine, who lived in the III century, tortured and executed for refusing to renounce her faith in Christ.

The Temple of Catherine is a whole town, including a monastery, a temple and hundreds of other buildings.

Abu simbel

In Egypt, you can see many magnificent temples. One of them is interesting in that it is carved in the rock, and only the facade is on the outside. More precisely, these are two sanctuaries of a married couple: Pharaoh Ramses II and Queen Nefertari. Another purpose is to determine the southern border of the state. The sanctuaries are famous for their giant sculptures depicting the pharaoh and his wife.
