
George Carlin: biography, creative activity and personal life

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George Carlin: biography, creative activity and personal life
George Carlin: biography, creative activity and personal life

George Carlin was born on May 12, 1937 (USA, Manhattan), and died on June 22, 2008. George was 71 years old, height - 174 cm. His activities: actor, writer, comedian and producer. Marital status and children of George Carlin - was twice married, has a daughter, Kelly, from her first marriage.

Biography of a famous artist

George Carlin is not only a world-famous American comedian, but also a talented actor, writer and producer. He starred in more than 16 films, recorded about 20 music albums and released 5 of his own books. George Carlin's performances as a comedian are discussed by millions of viewers. A popular artist loved to joke on topics of children, love and politics. He can also be called the founder of the stand-up genre, which is developing very rapidly today.

Childhood and youth

George Carlin's parents did not have any creative talents. Mom worked as a secretary in the company, and her father as an advertising manager. When the little artist was 2 years old, his parents divorced. The reason for the breakup is constantly drunk dad. The famous comedian dropped out at 17 and got a job on the BBC channel. At first he worked as a simple mechanic, then he was offered to become a host on a local radio.

Comedy activity

Later, George Carlin decided to become a comedian and performed for two years in restaurants, clubs and cafes. Over the years, he was recognized as a popular presenter in the stand-up. However, in the 70s, the famous artist became interested in hippie culture: he grew his hair, bright and colorful clothes appeared in his wardrobe, he also pierced his ear. Because of this, many companies decided to suspend work with a popular artist.


In 1978, George Carlin was invited to speak with Seven Dirty Words. During his speech, he expressed many offensive words. This number caused a negative reaction among the public, they even sued the comedian. At the trial, he was found not guilty with a margin of one vote.

A popular artist in his jokes always ridiculed politics. He never voted in the elections and called for the rest. The comedian considered this a waste of time. Regarding the topic of religion, here George was a notorious atheist. He did not believe in God and denied the idea of ​​the church. His opinion was that if God really existed, he would not have allowed wars, diseases, and death on earth. He was pathetic about all the activities of the church and expressed this in public. Therefore, George always had a bad relationship with the Catholic Church.


The talented artist also had awards for his contribution to the creative work of the theater of America. So, for example, in the beginning of 2000, he received a star on the Walk of Fame. Also in 2004, the artist was given second place in the top 100 of the best stand-upers according to Comedy Central.

Records of comedic comedies began to be made only in 1977. He touched on topics such as American politics, children's education, money and work. The total number of recorded comedy programs of George Carlin is 14.

Films and books

George did not leave without attention the cinematic activity. Until 1991, the actor starred only in episodes and supporting roles. But then he was given the main role in the movie "The Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted." Other famous actors also played on the set with the popular comedian: Alex Winter, Keanu Reeves and Terry Camilleri.


In 1984, the man decided not only to comedy with comedy stories, but also to present them on paper. So the first book by George Carlin came out, "Sometimes a small brain can be damaged." The second book was released only 13 years later, it was called “Brain Loss”.

The artist’s latest book is “Thrice Carlin: George’s Orgy”, in which he collected stories about 30 years of his creative activity. It turned out to be very rich and interesting. After the death of George Carlin in 2009, a posthumous book entitled The Last Words was dedicated to him. It described the artist’s life shortly before his death, gives the most popular jokes on religion, politics and sex.


When the Internet appeared in the world, the comedian became much more popular. His books and speeches began to be translated into different languages ​​of the world. George Carlin's quotes from comedic performances have become very favorite among young people. The most popular of them:

Keep learning. Learn more about computers, crafts, gardening, anything. Never leave your brain lazy. "An idle brain is the devil's workshop." And the name of the devil is Alzheimer.

In the future they will build a time machine, but no one will have time to use it.

Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from some form of mental illness. Think of your two best friends. If they are fine, then it must be you.

The personal life of the artist

For the whole long life, the famous comedian had two marriages. The first union was concluded in 1961 when he married Brend Hosbrooke. Their fateful meeting took place in 1960. At that time, George Carlin toured cities with his performances. After two years of married life, they had a wonderful girl - Kelly. A long and happy life was interrupted by the death of the artist’s beloved wife. She died of liver cancer in 1997.


A year later, the popular American comedian went down the aisle for the second time. His chosen one was Sally Wade. With her, George Carlin lived the rest of his life. Due to their young age, the couple did not start having children. The artist’s daughter was glad about her father’s second marriage.