
The only daughter of a yoga and healthy lifestyle follower George Vitsin: how she lives today, her fate

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The only daughter of a yoga and healthy lifestyle follower George Vitsin: how she lives today, her fate
The only daughter of a yoga and healthy lifestyle follower George Vitsin: how she lives today, her fate

The only daughter of the famous Soviet actor Georgy Vitsin, who would have turned 102 on April 18, Natalya Georgievna, lives in Moscow, on Bolshaya Nikitskaya and does not communicate with journalists.

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Natalya Georgievna did not become an actress like her father, but nevertheless she is a creative person: from her father she was transferred the talent of a graphic artist. As you know, George Vitsin often drew, finding any convenient time. Natalia is also an artist. She is now in her sixties, but she often sits at the easel.


They say that from her father she got a character. Georgy Mikhailovich was not particularly sociable, rather negatively related to his national fame and rarely gave interviews. They say that when he was recognized on the street, he, trying to get out of forced communication, said that he was the brother of Vitsin.

Today Natalya Georgievna lives with her common-law husband Alexei. She rarely goes outside and does not communicate with the press. Probably the reason for this is the old resentment against, to put it mildly, "unscrupulous" journalists. There is a distant relative who would like to establish contact with her, but there is no desire for that. Sometimes Natalya Georgievna talks with her neighbors, but always asks them not to tell anyone how she lives.

Apparently, her occupation does not bring much income, and she and her husband exist on the pension they receive.