
Ekaterina Iftodi - biography, nationality, personal life and interesting facts

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Ekaterina Iftodi - biography, nationality, personal life and interesting facts
Ekaterina Iftodi - biography, nationality, personal life and interesting facts

The murder of opposition politician Boris Nemtsov occurred 2 years ago. Nevertheless, to this day, the scandals associated with his name do not subside. One of them was provoked by Ekaterina Iftodi. The biography, nationality and role of this woman in Nemtsov's life until 2015 were known only to her close circle. This article is devoted to them and to the trial regarding the recognition of her child as the son of a politician.


Who is Ekaterina Iftodi?

Almost nothing is known about the biography of this young and pretty woman in her youth. There were reports in the press that she was born in 1982 in the Vologda Oblast and graduated from the Economics Department of the Institute of Innovative Technologies.

Then Ekaterina Iftodi (about biography and nationality see below) worked as a model and starred for glossy magazines. In addition, she danced well. She was repeatedly invited to participate in video clips of such domestic performers as Tatyana Ovsienko, Irina Saltykova, Victoria Lopyreva, etc.


Abrupt career change

No matter how stingy the information about the biography of Ekaterina Iftodi, yet it was not that she was a completely unknown person. At least, posters with the face of this girl to this day adorn many branches of Gazprombank.

Ekaterina Iftodi herself, whose biography, career and personal life became the subject of discussion by the press only after her demands for the recognition of her son as a child of Nemtsov, claims that she worked as a cashier in this institution. According to the young woman, it was noticed by photographers who shot ads for the bank, and decided to make it the face of the bank, capturing it against the background of the label. In addition, Iftodi indicated in her Facebook profile that she studied at Enotria Wine School.

Fateful acquaintance

Ekaterina Iftody met Boris Nemtsov when she was thirty. The girl celebrated Easter 2013 in a restaurant, where she was noticed by an opposition playboy. Boris Efimovich, who had a weakness for beauties, asked for a phone from a young girl he liked. Catherine knew who was in front of her, and had no reason to refuse the offer to continue acquaintance.


Women and children of Boris Nemtsov

Nemtsov had a lot of friends. At the time of the death of the politician, he was officially married to Raisa Akhmetovna Nemtsova. This marriage, concluded in the early 80s, has never been dissolved, although the opposition has not lived with his wife since the 90s. In 1984, their daughter Jeanne was born.

During the years of governorship in Nizhny Novgorod, Nemtsov met with the journalist Ekaterina Odintsova. They had a rather long relationship, as a result of which the woman gave birth to a son in 1995, and in 2002 a daughter.

After breaking up with Ekaterina, Nemtsov made friends with his assistant Irina Koroleva. The girl, who previously worked in the Presidential Administration, gave him in 2004 a daughter, Sophia.

There were also reports in the media about the politician’s romance with Zamira Duguzheva, and on the day of the politician’s death, Anna Duritskaya was with him, with whom the politician (according to her) had been dating for 3 years.

Nemtsov recognized all his illegitimate children and even invited them along with their mothers to their 50th birthday. Moreover, he never told anyone about the child from Ekaterina Iftodi, whose biography and nationality the press became interested in only after she went to court.



Catherine knew that Boris Nemtsov was officially married and was unlikely to make her an offer. Nevertheless, she was very glad when, a month after meeting, she realized that she was pregnant.

According to Ekaterina Iftodi (the biography and nationality of the girl were repeatedly discussed during the talk show) Nemtsov called her Christ, in memory of the day when they met, but hid their relationship not only from outsiders, but also from relatives. She herself did not ask him for anything and did everything so that Boris would feel comfortable during their visits.


The baby was born on April 7, 2014. Catherine named him Boris in honor of her father. According to her, the politician did not see the child, but was interested in the little son in telephone conversations. However, Nemtsov did not officially recognize the baby, and his mother’s surname is written in his birth certificate. According to Iftody, Boris promised to do this when little Bora turns one year old. Nemtsov told her that he was free and was not going to hide paternity. Shortly before his death, according to the woman, the politician presented the engagement ring with a diamond and made an offer, however, their plans were interrupted by the shots that sounded on the Moskvoretsky bridge of the capital.


Relatives, including the wife of Nemtsov, as well as the mother of his children, first saw Catherine at the funeral of Boris Efimovich. For some unknown reason, the woman posted on Instagram her photos against the background of the coffin.

A month later, Catherine Iftody gave the first interview in the press, talking about relations with a politician. Then she went to court to prove Nemtsov’s fatherhood in relation to little Bora Iftody. By the way, the woman and her son bear a typical Romanian surname, so most likely the ancestors of Catherine were from Moldova.


The trial

Dina Yakovlevna Nemtsova, the mother of a politician, immediately took a tough stance and refused to recognize Boris’s children, about whom he had not told her anything.

Other relatives agreed with her: brother, sister and children of the opposition. Catherine Iftodi did everything to prove her innocence. She became a regular participant in a talk show on all channels, gave an interview to the yellow press, asked Nemtsov’s blood relatives to allow them to take genetic material from them for examination, etc. But all the letters from the young mother asking to show mercy to the child of Boris Efimovich did not give any results. Relatives of the politician did not want to discuss the topic of Nemtsov’s “secret son”.

Further developments

On the air of the television show "Mirror for the Hero", which is broadcast on NTV, Ekaterina Iftody plunged everyone into shock, accusing Nemtsov's relatives of involvement in his death, and demanded the exhumation of the body.

Despite all her efforts, the girl did not achieve any results in the courts of first and second instance. However, she was not one to give up easily. Catherine reached the Supreme Court, although it cost her incredible efforts.

The defendants in the civil case were three adult children of Boris Nemtsov, as well as his actual wives E. Odintsova and I. Korolev. DNA testing was required to establish paternity. A sample of Nemtsov’s blood was taken from the evidence in the murder of the politician. The meeting was closed, since it was about protecting the interests of a minor. A genetic test showed that Boris Efimovich Nemtsov is Bois's father. Ekaterina Iftodi with her son can now claim to be part of the politician’s inheritance.

The scandalous finale

According to Ekaterina Iftodi, justice has finally triumphed and can no longer be called a swindler. According to media reports, not only Irina Koroleva and the four children recognized by Nemtsov are now claiming the inheritance of the politician. They were also joined by Ekaterina Iftodi and another “secret wife” of Boris, Anna Lesnikova, who, according to her, has another illegitimate child from him.
