
Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova: biography, personal life, citizenship

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Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova: biography, personal life, citizenship
Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova: biography, personal life, citizenship

The life of the heirs of Russian political figures is always closed from prying eyes by a dense screen. The politicians themselves, for obvious reasons, do not talk about their relatives, do not give any comments about their lives and activities. Their children are also not inclined to frank conversations with reporters. But Ekaterina Lavrova, the daughter of Minister Sergey Lavrov, is not hiding from prying eyes and was able to familiarize in detail all who are interested in her person with the details of her activities and personal life. It is about this beautiful and intelligent woman that will be discussed in today's article.

Ekaterina Lavrova: biography

Ekaterina Sergeyevna does not hide that her father influenced her life. Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is a popular, influential politician, his figure is recognizable not only in Russia, but throughout the world. According to some, Catherine was born in the United States, according to others, her family moved to America when the girl was four years old and her father was appointed ambassador of the USSR to the UN, respectively, they were forced to go to New York for permanent residence.

Lavrov's daughter Ekaterina was born in 1982, and spent all her childhood and youth in the United States. Her mother, a philologist by profession, a teacher of Russian language and literature, tried to instill in her daughter a love of art. The girl was engaged in dancing and received an aesthetic education, visiting various exhibitions, ballet, opera, concerts and museums, including the collection of modern art by Solomon Guggenheim. Therefore, parents managed to raise a child who appreciates the beautiful and the eternal.



Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova studied at the Manhattan School, after which she entered Columbia University. Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, as Catherine recalls, was responsible for the education of her daughter. He said that although she was an only child, she had to achieve everything herself, show initiative, put a lot of effort, get a decent education, so as not to depend on her parents. And Catherine remembered this, because she studied excellently, studied political science. The girl did not boast of her origin and understood that this was not her merit, but her parents, she wanted to be as successful as to be proud of her successes.



After successful graduation, Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova decided to become a master and went to practice in London. This decision turned out to be fatal for the girl, because it was in London that she met her future husband - Alexander Vinokurov, who is the son of a man included in the list of the largest magnates in the pharmaceutical field. Now Alexander Vinokurov is a very influential person: he is a co-owner of the investment company Marathon Group, and his assets are managed through Marathon Farm. Thus, the young businessman owns 30% of the shares of Bentus Laboratory pharmaceutical enterprise, 75% of Biocom, has a controlling stake in SIA International (pharmaceutical company) and, together with his father, manages the pharmaceutical company Genfa.



Young people decided to go to Russia and celebrate their marriage there, inviting not only relatives and friends, but also influential people to the celebration. The celebration took place in 2008 on the Sparrow Hills in the Reception House of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. The hall, in which only a formal setting reigns for many years, was unrecognizably changed by designer Balzer Grigory and turned into a real winter fairy tale.

During the festive meal, the newlyweds were presented with a romantic film, the plot of which was the story of the couple's acquaintance. A surprise in the form of this video was prepared by such famous personalities as Boris Kofman (a real estate entrepreneur in London), Maria Baybakova (art critic) and Anna Anisimova, the daughter of the famous billionaire Anisimov Vasily.

Also at the celebration was Valery Leontiev, who is not only a singer, but also a good friend of the Vinokurov family as a guest. Of course, he could not sit still, and by the numerous requests of those present, he performed his most vivid hits. With Aleksandr Vinokurov, Catherine’s fiancé, Valery Leontyev performed the song “Don’t Forget Me” in a duet, which caused an ovation from the audience.


Activity Lavrova

Now Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova is a citizen of Russia and lives permanently in Moscow. Despite the opportunity presented to work and develop abroad, she gave preference to her homeland and decided to work here. Despite her famous name, both in girlhood and after marriage, Ekaterina Sergeevna did not use it, did not resort to the help of her father, father-in-law or husband. She understood that she would have to work for more than one year to achieve certain successes on her own, but she did it consciously.

For ten years, Ekaterina Lavrova worked in a large, world-famous auction company Christies. There she was able to achieve the post of director, but nevertheless left when she had the opportunity to start her own business.

The company of Ekaterina Sergeevna Lavrova Smart Art is engaged in the promotion and development of objects of art and is an intermediary between collectors and artists. The woman hopes that soon the masterpieces of Russian masters will take their pride of place in world museums and houses of large, respected collectors.


Business is not an obstacle to motherhood

Ekaterina Lavrova (Vinokurova) has always dreamed that she will have a large and friendly family. In 2010, the firstborn was born in the family - Leonid. The father was the first to see the baby, and the famous grandfathers congratulated the young parents on the phone.

Now the couple has got a second child, and this is a daughter. Catherine says that she has time for everything: to take full care of children and develop her business.
