
Ekaterina Usmanova before and after plastics. What did Ekaterina Usmanova look like before plastics?

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Ekaterina Usmanova before and after plastics. What did Ekaterina Usmanova look like before plastics?
Ekaterina Usmanova before and after plastics. What did Ekaterina Usmanova look like before plastics?

Every girl dreams of looking good and having a beautiful figure. It has been given to someone since childhood, while someone makes a huge amount of effort and, thanks to sports, achieves the desired result. One of these girls, who was able to achieve the perfect result, which all female representatives envy, is Ekaterina Usmanova.

Thanks to her love of sport, a woman has become an ideal of beauty for many young girls and women. Her fans and fans are interested in questions about how Ekaterina Usmanova looked before and after plastic surgery, what the athlete changed in herself with the help of plastic surgery and is silicone compatible with sports. The fitness model answers all these questions with ease and does not hide anything from the public.


Ekaterina Usmanova. Biography, photo and career start

Ekaterina Usmanova was born in Krymsk on October 1, 1988. The girl more than once shared with reporters that in childhood she was a fast-moving child, and even an ugly duckling at school. Catherine admits that the boys did not like her and suffered from self-doubt. A woman never had a strong-willed and fighting character, but the sport completely changed her life in the opposite direction.

Usmanova shared that she met sports as early as 13 years old. Then the girl enrolled in the taekwondo section and began to cultivate a fighting and strong-willed character. Catherine admits that at the very beginning of her sports career, the girl’s coach was able to inspire her and made her think about many things. Usmanova really liked that he was purposeful, his life positions were correct, and his strength of spirit could not but inspire enormous efforts to work on herself. It is worth noting that the coach of Catherine in the future became her husband and a man who helped her overcome her complexes and fears.


First coach Usmanova

Alexander Usmanov did not consider little Catherine as a woman. When he joined the army, the girl began to work hard on herself. A man who came from the service really liked her results and strong character. The changes in Usmanova impressed him, he was able to look at her with different eyes. They soon got married.

Such a touching love story impressed millions of fans of the girl, so many became interested in what Ekaterina Usmanova was before and after plastic surgery, how she was in her youth and how plastic surgery changed the girl.


Fitness model Ekaterina Usmanova

Many are interested in the question of how Catherine became a fitness model, what circumstances contributed to this. Usmanova shares that her husband helped her in this. He supported her and convinced that Catherine would succeed, that she would achieve good results and success. Thanks to Alexander, now many fans admire the body and enjoy the success of the fitness model.

Creative path of Ekaterina Usmanova

Catherine immediately after school entered the Financial University, after which a short period of time worked as an advertising manager. The woman did not like the monotonous and uninteresting work of a manager, so she began working as a trainer in a fitness club. After that, Catherine began to actively participate in competitions and go to success.


Catherine is not in vain connected her life with sports, because soon she began to achieve excellent results and success. Usmanova repeatedly took numerous prizes at fitness championships, which took place in the Rostov region and in the Krasnodar Territory. It is also worth noting that Catherine has repeatedly won the bench press championships of the South of Russia. In 2012, Usmanova became the world champion in this sport.

On October 13, 2012 in Sevastopol, the Bodybuilding and Bikini Championship was held, in which Usmanova took the 2nd place. It is worth noting that a huge number of fans of the woman were indignant because the first place was not taken by Usmanova.

Many women and men who admire the body and character of the fitness model share their impressions of how Ekaterina Usmanova looked after plastic surgery. Some condemn a woman for having plastic surgery. However, most fans admit that Ekaterina Usmanova before and after the plastic looks great and her silicone breasts did not spoil her figure at all.


Impressions of Catherine's first appearance on stage

Usmanova is often asked about how she felt when she entered the stage. The girl gladly said that she was very afraid for the first time to show her body. She shares that then her figure was quite normal, but only for an ordinary girl, and not for a fitness model. Then Catherine decided to achieve perfection. After the performance, she went to the girl, whose figure she really liked, asked for recommendations on training. The model looked at Catherine, estimated her physical potential and said that in a year something good could come out of her body. After these words, Usmanova began to train hard.