
Economic news Khabarovsk

Economic news Khabarovsk
Economic news Khabarovsk

Video: Russians take to streets to demand release of local governor - BBC News 2024, July

Video: Russians take to streets to demand release of local governor - BBC News 2024, July

One of the main economic news in Khabarovsk in April was the signing of a protocol of joint activities between the government of the region and the Amur region. This supplemented the previously signed interregional cooperation agreement (valid until 2015). As before, the main emphasis in the protocol and the agreement was placed on trade relations - the regions are constant and key trading partners for each other; Over the past few years, commodity circulation, on average, is about 10 billion rubles of positive dynamics annually. The second point in the protocol, to which attention was paid, was traditionally agriculture (in the last three years it has become the object of close attention of journalists of the region, constantly flickering in the news of Khabarovsk). In addition to the aspects of deliveries of agricultural machinery from the Amur Region, since 2012, joint research has been carried out by research institutes and universities in the regions to develop new varieties and breeds of crops, to study their genetic potential (which has become one of the key news in Khabarovsk in the field of science over the past year).

The good news of Khabarovsk could be the result of the visit of a delegation of representatives of the government and business circles of the region to the Amur Region. In addition to signing the protocol, the latter also visited local agricultural enterprises. Upon completion of a detailed tour of Agrotechnoservis (service center for servicing and repairing agricultural machinery), representatives of the delegation suggested that the service management open a branch in the Khabarovsk Territory. They also visited BMK OJSC and Teplichny SKHPK, their products were highly appreciated by specialists of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is likely that soon the economic news of Russia’s day will announce the signing of large contracts to increase the “flow” of agricultural products from the Amur Region to Khabarovsk. An indirect confirmation of this is the statement of the Minister of Agriculture of the Territory, Alexander Yats, who noted that expanding the range of food chain companies will finally begin to implement the School Milk program (good news for Khabarovsk, all parents of preschool children and schoolchildren).

But the question of the participation of Amur economic agents in the industrial production of smelt and anadromous species of fish was not discussed at a meeting of high parties, and all possible news from Khabarovsk related to this issue so far can only go by the category of rumors. Keeping track of the latest news not only in Khabarovsk, but also in other cities and even in different countries is convenient through the news site