the culture

Exposition of stones in the gem museum in Alushta

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Exposition of stones in the gem museum in Alushta
Exposition of stones in the gem museum in Alushta

Gem Museum in Alushta - an institution where you can find rare gems. In addition, there are specimens of an unusual form, stored both as exhibits and as objects of the collection.



The museum appeared in the early 90s, but until that moment its actual analogue existed. The museum of stone and gems of Alushta was under the care of a noble family and was in passing a place where artisans of the region studied.

Already the craftsmen decided which stones to process and which are better left as an example of their primeval beauty. Jewelry was sold on the market or otherwise passed into the hands of buyers. Goods were sometimes exchanged for others. But more often - for a certain kind of service. After some time, the museum was closed. He appeared again only when one private investor wanted to revive the institution with his personal money.


Collection replenishment

Exhibits in a museum can appear only in two ways. Either they are bought with the museum’s money, and then they are placed as its permanent collection, or they are exhibited for a specified period, and after the agreed date they are returned to the owners again.

The collection includes both processed stones and simple jewelry. In addition, in the Museum of Stone and Gems, you can find tools that process the rock. But since the museum is small and exists at private expense, there are not many of them. If we consider the total number of exhibits, there will be no more than three hundred. This number appeared not just and completely shows the possible capacity, attendance of the museum.

Each exhibit has a certain certificate of authenticity. The document allows not only to exhibit stones and jewelry in other museums, but also to form a private collection. You can sell both exhibits and related rights of use. This gives the museum additional means of subsistence, replenishing its funds.

Number of Collection Instances

As already mentioned, the Alushta gem museum has three hundred copies. It must be understood that this amount includes not only stones. Most include uncut stones, although there are processed specimens. The Gem Museum holds several valuable exhibits purchased at auction.

The museum is under state protection. And although the initiative is a private initiative, it still relies on the patronage of the country's government. After the transition of Crimea to the Russian Federation, the gem museum was not closed. He was left unchanged, even adding sources of funding. The institution works, only now under other laws.


Visiting Rules

Everyone can come to the museum, most importantly, buy a ticket. So that socially vulnerable groups of citizens can also get acquainted with the collected collections, the museum has a flexible loyalty system. Pensioners can come for free, students and schoolchildren purchase a ticket at a discount. There are also days when the entrance to the institution is absolutely worthless, but, as a rule, such dates are announced in advance.

The museum consists of several connected rooms, where collections are exhibited. You can visit them in a couple of minutes, if you quickly go through all the halls. If we examine each subject, simultaneously asking the guide where and how it came to light, the tour will take either an hour or two hours in time. There are several excursions, so if you want to look at many exhibits at once, you need to allocate at least a couple of days.

At the same time in the gem museum can be no more than seven people. One tour lasts an hour, so the patency of the museum is at least one hundred people a day.
