
Elena Ischeeva: biography, activities, personal life and family, photo

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Elena Ischeeva: biography, activities, personal life and family, photo
Elena Ischeeva: biography, activities, personal life and family, photo

Many viewers remembered Elena Ischeeva for participating in the popular talk show Domino Principle. Journalism is a difficult profession: it is not easy for a long time to remain interesting in a profession without crossing the line of routine. According to colleagues, Elena succeeded.


Biography of Elena Ischeeva

The future talented journalist was born in the Zhukovsky city near Moscow (1973) in a military family. Both grandfathers of Elena were colonels of the Air Force. Nikolai Goryainov - the grandfather on the part of the mother - was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. From the age of six, Elena Ischeeva, whose photo is posted in this article, was seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. Then classes in a comprehensive school, intense training and competitions, related trips began - all this was a real test of the willpower and character of the girl. But we must admit that Lena coped with this brilliantly.

In high school, the girl faced a choice: either to connect her life with professional sports, in which at that time she already had quite big achievements, or choose a different field of activity. In this struggle, journalism won. Elena Ischeeva completed her sports career at the age of 17 as a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Moving to Moscow

When the girl was in ninth grade, the family moved to the capital. Here the girl received a certificate and entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Journalism, having stood a huge contest (1990). She came in handy for sports hardening - self-discipline, the strictest regime of the day, the ability to rationally plan her time helped her to get a red diploma of a television journalist (1996).


Carier start

Elena Ischeeva began her career as a courier at the USSR State Radio and Television, but she confidently moved forward in search of interesting projects in which she could demonstrate her professional abilities. Soon Elena became a correspondent for Smena radio, and then her author's Sport Show program appeared on Radio-1. Knowing firsthand a lot about the intricacies of sports life, Elena made very interesting reports, she managed to interview athletes and their coaches, analyze the results of sports. Activity, sports pressure, desire to brilliantly do their work and interest listeners with interesting materials - all this was characteristic of a young talented journalist.

Television debut

After some time, the girl is noticed by the television leadership. Recall that by profession, Elena is a television journalist. Active participation in numerous programs and shows reveals the talent of Lena as a highly professional journalist. She worked on reporting for the good morning program on the ORT channel Good Morning. In the mornings, viewers expected to receive not only news information, but also a good mood, a charge of vivacity for the whole day. And Elena, in collaboration with colleagues, succeeded.

She was always in the thick of things, kept interesting reports from different parts of our planet, discussed and presented her own point of view on all the events taking place. It was not easy: a busy schedule, a morning of several time zones. However, the love of the profession, the desire to make the program as interesting as possible for the viewer stimulated the journalist.


The Domino Principle

This talk show, which was broadcast by the NTV channel, was remembered by many. The program discussed topical issues, and from different points of view. In 2001, Elena Ishcheeva became co-host of Elena Hangi. The journalist, unfamiliar to the general public, was not lost, did not become a "background" in this tandem. She discussed acute issues with the audience on equal terms with her partner, had her own point of view, which she necessarily voiced, which the channel management did not always approve of, and her more experienced partner.

Elena gave four years of her life to this talk show and left it at the very peak of the rating (2004). She recalls that this decision was not easy for her, and the reason for leaving was the reluctance to work with Elena Hanga.


Additional popularity for the journalist was brought by a large advertising contract with the international brand Garnier.

TV channel "Home"

After leaving the Domino Principle, Elena Ischeeva switched to the Domashny television channel (2005), where her author’s programs “Useful Morning” and then “Second Wind” were released. The idea of ​​the last transfer completely belonged to Elena. It was dedicated to everyone who decided to change their own lives, who wanted to find their place in life after many years of feeling worthless.

The autobiography of the beginning author Elena Ischeeva “Life on the brink of TV” was published in 2007. The format turned out to be memorable and vivid: with numerous documentary photographs, based on journalistic notes and thoughts on the topic of family, career and success on modern television.


What does Elena do today?

Now a new stage has begun in the career of Elena Ischeeva. In June 2007, she went on vacation from the Domashny TV channel, but never returned there. Then she explained her decision by the fact that she wanted to live for herself. She clearly understood that her family needed a healthy mom and wife. Elena looks great, brings up children, works with her husband, developing the Internet banking project Banki.ru.

Elena believes that her today is typical for a business resident of a large city. Early in the morning, she takes her daughter to kindergarten, then she has some time for herself. After that - the road to the office, negotiations, meetings, meetings, returns home late in the evening.